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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? SEaEN'rS.] T Her MofjeEty'S late Plenipotetihary in Clina, Sir J. F. P DAVIS, hiiving seent Tea, colonred, states at page 443, in his China and Chinese, that the vahiable spring kinds and the worthlitss io autumn crop are both coloured with tim eaume pewdrr, purposely to 1a enable the common brown leaves to he sold as the best, wthen both o, are coloured alike. There is real mischief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p)IANOFORTES'and. HARMONI1MS in great .LVariety (both I7ew, sad Sescond-head), for SALE or HIRE, at B] Uess OPRINSONS8 6, Commaercial-street, Leeds. HewT lsew ?? Pianos, from 20 to 60 guineas. Hasnorrurs (iveoctaves) in Oak Clases, from Seven Guineas. Do. in RoseWuod Cases. from 12 to 45 Guineas. C] Becolid-hsnd Cottage Pianos, from 10 to 20 Guineas. Do. Square Pianos. final 2 to 10 Guineas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '311L1AIC Notice%. lE EDS, E QUITAB1LE BENEFIT BUJILDING] SOCIETY sod PROVIIDENTASO ATI .-Etriild j on tire Pcrniausnt ?? incivle. and Enrolled according LO Act of l'aelin- Icr Theft.-dttlice, INo. tO, aihion-street,, Lee-Is, (tccorl. II. or).-ThirioX society oflurr the host izive.-trtuct for large or coirdl Sams. 8ubserip- Lions are ?? with interest at one month's notice. The ccirtyis - p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S INGLETON ftnui TENTNANT respectfully invite' the alttention of Contirecterb, TImirldl-ir, alnd Ilertics Furrrishin'-' to teir ext -sttive aurt tinisern S!tick if Stove G4ratesI. Coo'du , paltratuE,, Puntderts.. S41fcs, Wa'hing 'Machitics, Irun Oledatuads, Balar I Wi-l Copper (loots, rnd general Islardwale. 3;9, Biriggate, Feb., 1810'. I E-TAfE, &t GEERA L AG ENc-Y Ltl~It'E. 31, Bnd'atrn~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 51-ales b3 Auction. Musiaic H~all, Albiion-fitreet, Leeds. Extensive ant important Sale of line (liii Crusted Ports, P-ale. Gold, and Amber-coloured Sherries, Pole Amontilladlo. Eail' India Bra-es Sherry, East, India Matleira, old dry Burgundy Port, and c-trie Wines, all by eminent shippers. Messrs. H A RDWICK are inotruotcd to Sell by A'wtithn, on Monday, flit Ninth dayi of Fbrraarg stext, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VubTic AROtw0. GRAND CONCERT. Vrediseocfai Etaiming. FPebruary Eevellth, 1857. CIT. GEORGE'S HALL, BRADFORD.- Nu~essrs. HOP KINSON. .of Leeds. and Mr. JACK~SON, of nrdord. beg respectfually to announce that In conjjiifctioii with the 'c t Camer. Beale, and Co., of London. te aebe nbe to arrange for the appearance in the above Hall. of the lollorving highly talented and greatly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S 'ECONP, LFECTORE to YOUNG IMEN.-The 1 k. RV. P BRW~WIdeliser hri SECOND LECTURE upon . The h~il~ties rril fltigeicof Yoioi- Mden in onr large towns, an IV Sa ' C5P Z.irej ( V,,itisrrse'), at hatf-osit six, in Great Georges- FL Strvet, Chapel, MEiiN'S CHRISTIAN L ?? UTE. Thle LEf 1!jiSjE givl. in lixXrAL-ni~all, by the Rcv. W. Iii. PUN- S~tnu . - 05 ~IN 1Uh NY AN, s ill he delivered. inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e '~~~)l-ucatiou, I 53 BECITF I EL D SCHOOL, Alderley Egye, LI _ Cheshire, conducted by HENRY Ml. KEYNWO1TII, M.A, ?? 45 and .20 guineas, t Alderley is pleasnat~y situated on the London and North-Western A~ it ?? wiles Leom Meanhebte~r. I- C. WERNER'S AGADEM)Y, Horn, near ; 0 G Hamburg. e This ]istrtblishraelt offer' to Young Englishmnen every ficility of = eqing foreign languages, and a sound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA U S E AND E F F E C T. The cause of Bsanit's distinguished success, . Ha6 often been reiterated Here and elsewhere his elegant dreee,5 Properly is esti ated. In the cause of true fashion, high taste and skill, B BAjmrAes, how much has been done, Whule economy there, and reform ever will, n Prevail at famed NIuJBBs t Oe13. v The cause and effect, are eimple and plain J To his frieDds, - as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Calk b3) £$uttion. I[Arge and inipnricst Satae of ?? Woollen (31oTI, finsihet, aid in balk, ol' sutptlisir toid l ittd' isg lis Ilitre le. Pice Vie.:jis e Tweed~s, Ilcarces, bisian.Itl Striros, (jicek -itorges, Witisrys, Isa's NK Clothis, N enetiqms antd other Voo~l~s( C cdv. ,r TTeIeers. IT.-.RONVICK sire isistusetctd to annitounee tha IIheywilSl A by Auctijon, ,to l~ed~isedc'Io, the LI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O OTENIGBt ONLY, at the MUSIC-1 FIRON ALL, LEEDS. Y ott ll'edis'loy171 K1ueaisq, Mathel Fourth 1871, ELLIS 1103'ORIJII S, Esq., Ilaripist to his Rovi Higmist the Pritte cf Wales, trill give his io MU CA, ENTETAINME.NT, Wnjko of a sneleetieon of Engitsht Irislh, ISeotch, and Wehli 8ongs, all .-ittitlced NOTE', OF A WANDVEII1 tIIOTGL or tog ECHlOES OF A IIAXjp! i asited hy art of th.1 Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Line n apeick. near Nottingham. IT7AL ABL AASH, ELM, &C., TIMBER, intolos ?? next, no' standing suit, growing in hedgle- ,ows onI farms situated at Lile an Papuvc which are of very large dimensions. Tule itarticulars Of each lot wvill ice given in a future advertAloitremt. jar Thfuther partieulars apply to M r. F. 1H. ilarrigon, Timbher Valuer, d c3.Cottrt, Corn Mlarket, Derby. ticofWoods, No ...