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... TO COAL MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the Southampton Local Board of Health, are prepared to receive TENDERS from any person or persons willing to enter into a CONTRACT to supply them with 1,100 Tons of the best Welsh Steam: through and through COALS, to be delivered at the Works of the Local Board, at Mansbridge, at the expense of the Con- tractor, in quantities of not ...


... DUTY PAID EX- WAREHOUSE.—March 12—Cask of brandy and cask of white wine, Hunt and Hardess; cask of mm, Thomas Stephelii); 5 chests of tea, R. Davies; ditto, John Edwards. 131h- Hogshead of brandy, E. Thomas. 14th— 9 cases of brandy, H. C. Weir. Vessels Loading foreign from$Iarch 11 to 15 inclusive. Napoleon, 301, Amery, Havre Sir La tc Newton, 4 6, Pironef, Shanghai. Recovery, 346, Perriain, ...


... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. MB. IIUBLEY'S CASE.-We have received three letters com- menting on the report of this case, given in a contemporary. Having inserted the one written by the committing magis- trate, it is unnecessary for the others to appear. ...


... Extract of a letter from Mr. S. A. Good, of Pembroke- dock, to the President of the Liverpool Financial Kefo'1 Association, with reference to the Decimal Coinage recommended by that body. — Not to dwell at piese0' u[on the intolerable inconvenience, at the outset. °\ abolishing our ma.-ki t standard of value—the penny compelling us to purchase our meat, chees sugar,. IIr; other anicles ot ...

The C0WBRIDGE HOUNDS will meet I On

... The C0WBRIDGE HOUNDS will meet I Wednesday ^4 Turcross Down. Friday t J >. b Lwenny Each day at Eleven o'clock. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. in consequence of the great length of our assize reports, we are obliged, very reluctantly, to hold over a large number of communications from our district correspondents we hope next week to clear off all arrears. rouND.—On Thursday evening, a child's boa ...


... A BRUTE. Thomas Morgan, collier, residing at Pontystorehouse, was charged by Ann, his wife, with ill-usage. It appeared that the defendant .had been paying his devotions at the sbrine of Bacchus till midnight, ind that under the influence of the jolty god he imbibed the notion that he was one ot the lords of creation, and that women and children were nothing better than brute beasts. ...

TO THE ELECTORS OF Mcrtliyr Tydvil, Aberdare, & Vaynor

... GENTLEMEN, THE House of Commons, which cheerfully and -L resolutely supported Her Majesty's Govern- ment in a just and honourable war with Russia, has shrunk from prosecuting an unjust and discreditable war with China. A majority of its members, com- posed of men of every party and every shade of political opinion, have proclaimed by their votes that the contest into which England has been ...

[No title]

... Sophistications employed on articles of food, to give attiactive appearance, and pass off inferior commodi- ties at increased prices, are admitted to have becotna alarmingly common, and the consumer is thus often made to paitake of that which is injurious to health when taken into the system; tea for instance is much tampered with, for although the Chinese use it pure themselves, they cover ...


... [The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of his Correspondents.J TO THE EDITOR OF THE CARDIFF AND MEBTFFYB GUARDUN SIR,—Although the contest for the Borough of Cardiff is at an end, I think it due to myself and the Electors, to call your attention to the manner in which my speech, on the Wednes- day evening, was reported in your paper. In many instances I am made to speak nonsense, aud ...


... IE KNIQHTSBRIOGE AND PIMLlCO CASES. FINAL DECISION. DICIAL COMMITTEE OF PRIVY COUNCIL. SATURDAY, MARCH 21. sent—Lord Wennleydalc, Sir John Pattcson, Sir V. H. Maule, and the Right Hon. Pemberton .eigh. The Archbibhop of Canterbury and the Jishop of London sat as assessors. ADDELL (CLER) and HORN It V. WESTERTON; )DELL CLEHK) AND PARKE AND EVANS V. A L.—These two suits came before the Judicial ...


... The hundred al1(l forty-second anniversary of the Huu. anl Loyal Society of Ancient Britons was celebrated ou the last day cf February, in consequence of Saint David's-day this year occurring on a Sunday. A special train was chartered for the accommodation of the officers and friends of the school, to enable them to proceed from Waterloo Bridge Station to Ashford in Middlesex—some sixteen or ...


... There LONDON CATTLE-MARKET—MONDAY. 6vgry **as to-day a remarkably short supply of meat of 'beep beasts there were below 3,000 head, and of •hortf ,U0° he8d' beiQK in both instances exceedingly ln r an ordinary Monday's market. Co0sideQSut'uence 0 the number on offer being so limited, trade r e competition ensued to obtain them, and the %ere h'9 extrenoe'j brisk throughout the day. Prices bein„ ...