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... LITERRY_ NOTICES. A ~ptsere of eleelof liatigene his. ~osoewhia delayed t b ~ of ssnjoted notcsm we hope our ?? Mendi will accepit this a a suffielent apology for our seeming neglect.] To JAULSLv F`IESD.-NOa. I, 2, and 8.-(London: Ivard and Lock, 158, F g,3ledree) of these instalsnents of the third volume of the neow, ies of this excellent publication, we can only repeat wbat we have said i ...


... CONCERT HAT4j tXAthalie, ars those- of our^ ?? ,ill bea ware Dwho are readers of French litera~wxe,: is the itlawof at sacred dtam5, by A IBaciuc, sud reeogolis~i ast 'sitgiset his ilnle~t productiona. jA The leading SutJeet oi the' poem is taken fromn ttte 3tory of , Athalish 'situn we fintd in Holy Writ,' and uponrthuiit the. ?? - Freneh roet hag fountded a drama whitch is perhcaps ike ...


... } 1 P1OETRY. TWENTY YEARS AGO. rie wandered to the village, Johnm r yve sat beneath the tree Upon the School-house play ground - Which sheltered you and me: But none were there to greet meJohn, And few are left to know, Who played with as upon that ground Some twenty years ago. The grass is just as green, John, Bare-footed boys at play, Were sporting inst as we did then, With spirits just as ...


... TH'1 ART. TIREASURES EXIITItON. om The hundreds win,, daily visit Old Trafford to look at the Fit iIY exterior of' the Arc Treasures Pelace can bave little conception La sti. of the great treat preparing for th? public within the walls Pu tie and of the eloquent though silent teaching which will be there'. So m- prepsoel for them when they are admitted. We know that i? gre Cit. is thought bj ...


... THE LIVEaPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY T-.- AND9 MUSEUM. I The proceedings in connexion with laying the founda- tiou stone of the New Free Library and Museum, which is being built at the sole cost of Mr. William Brown, M;.P. for South Lancashire, took place on Wednesday. The weather was propitious,' and the ceremony passed off extremely well. The business of the day was commenced at half-past ten ...


... FRE LIBRARIES A) M*SEMS . I I F.. FRE LIBRAYRIERS AUND M~usEU . ?? I Wednesday last was a gala day in Liverpool. One of her merchant princes laid the first stone of 'a t magnificent structure in which a free library and museum are to be located. The structure thus in- augurated is to be erected at the sole expense of the founder; Mr. W. Brown, M.P., for the southern. division of the eountyj ...


... I sits EXHIBITION OF ART TREASUBE&. he As the opening day apprdachee' the public will be looking T red feC 'en account of the progress wbicie' is being made within the ?i?y en building for,' the. gratification of viaitore?. We can promise Bror ar- diem that the executive committee will not merely keep the ? word of promise to the eap?, but that they will produce a eight without a parallel in ...


... 4, IThle Railway Library. London: G. Routledge and Co. Pe I Percival Koeene, by Captain Marryat, and ?? 4 ,rb Rollo, by Charles Grant, form two of the latest issues of Tl ud this cheap series of well-known works, 40 led a ; Bentle'sa Afiacellasy and the Dublin Univeraily Magazine. so ich April. la e- Both these periodicals for the current month deviate b0 from their-usual practice by ...


... y vesd T he fifth concert wvas given ou Thur day night, and when we alt,; I Of stats that Mieedeissoh1na Athalie wvas esinprised iu the pro ha! thee grarnrme, r upported by 3fad2ame ltedeasdorhf' Madame Amnadei, of ties Mrs.Broolre, cud Mr. Walter Mwontgosmery, autd that for the ha d° miolateu seleotion, foreing the second pjartr the a~erices dht sd. of' Mr. Chis. Brtahatre were lik~ewise ...


... (FProm the Ilusetrared lensorueo Newsb') d The new spring fashions have determined beyond a a1 doubt that green and lilac are to be the prevailing colours t of the season for outdoor costume. These two hues are ie introduced, either separasely or in combination, in dresses, es bonnets, ribbons-in short, in almost every article of costume. Several bonnets have been made of tulle ,e boaillon6, ...


... A . ?? On Tuesday evening last, the Rev. W. Thornber, AB., of Blackpool, delivered a lecture in the lUnton-hall, Ley- laud, to the members of the Leyland and Farington Mechanics, Institution. Mr. John Eccles, the president of the institution, presided. The subject was The history of Leyland and the neighbourhood. The lec- tnrer first alluded to the immense forests which, long after the ...


... o - i -- - Emh ble 4I tbe Mina COUCGS ?? pblah Queen- Ot Ste a ?? U o*{y env~th lofty Uloight- To give the glorles bit, And Ip I by skilful fingers wIOu, They c ?? gm awte ea s So thitbeb@eretslbawlhSeDt- O little, wellappears AL ountalnsome ?? Thaf brims ith genle . it Only needs the masteltouch Of-Love orisyhsnd, - And loI tbe rockwithvd abursD04 And gkibes oeT the land. ...