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Preston Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... - UNITARIAN CHAPEL. Cl MORROW, Sunday, April 5tb, two SERMONS sijll be preached in the Unitarian Cbapel, Church- I , b1 the Rev. H. FOGG, of Ormskirk. Sree io the morning to commence at a quarter to gad in the evening at half-past six. SUBJECTS: 31aiog hs Which way Unitariaus consider Christ the Sgf9 g ';The Chlistian and Mahometan Religion 1¢parod-tha Biblh and the Alcoraa. Them will not be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )ITEILMANN'S PATENT FURNACE, and HEILMANNMS PATENT SELF-ACTING SLIDING DOORS.- X il. The most effective and the simplest apparatus for smoke combustion and earing of ?? terms, apply to ALE:ANDER IENTHA, 13, Bond~steet, Agent for Iauchester-ub-egent wanted. L l PAPER HANGINGS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH: NEW PATTERNS FOR 1857. IW LLIA51 SHIERS,and CO.'S STOCKisthe largest inthe tnited ?? * S . 3, and.5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T)E ERTI A-ND BURROWS will, next week, show some decided novelties in BONNETS, MILLINERY, B MANTrLESSILKSa'd FANCOYDRESSES. --April I6th,18. PAPER H&NGINGS. ENGLiSH AND FRENCH: NEW PATTERNS FOR 1857. W ITLLI&&I SHIERSand CO'S STOCKis the la~rgest in the United Kingdomw,(200,000 pieces),wholesale and retail. .3, and,5,Deansgate, (Old Cburoh nd), bottom of Market-atrestManchester. FRENCH PATENT- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUANO ANb SEEDS. W W. DOBSON, 32, Lord-street, Preston, begs to R. inform the landowners-and farmers of Lancashire that he has on sale genuine Phoaspho Peruvian Guano, genuine Superphosphate of Lime, manufactured by Mr. George Jordan; Nitrogenised Bone Manures, wanufac- tured by the Lancashire Manure Co.; genuine Raw Ground Bones, Nitro Organic Manures, &c. New Gorden Seeds and Agricultural ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO RENT COLLECTORS AND OWNERS OF COTTAGE PROPERTY. YpHOSE employed In the Collection of Weekly Renlt, . who have not hitherto used the RENT COLI4EC- TOR'S POCKET LEDGER, published by DOBSON and SON, Chronicle Office, Preston, will find It to their advan- tage flow to adopt it. The book is portable; a single leaf comprises a whole years transactions with one tenant; and white the plan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMIAS'S 'CHURCH. TWO SERMONS Will ?? be preached on Tuesday T and Wednesday Evenings, 21st aud 22nd April, by The Rev. A. HEWLETT, M.A., Incumbent of Astley; after which collections will be made to defray the ex- penses of the Infant School for the last year, and en- larging the school building. Servicevrill begin each evening at a quarter before seven o'clock. THE Friends and Supporters ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. ON SALE, rn WENTY-EIG HT POWER LOOMS, it good work- jing condition, 53 inches in the reed space, with the the following patents attached :-Loose reds, wreft fork, taking-up and twill motions, aod metal plek. Apply to Mesarre. FEILDEN and JAcasos, George- street West Mills, Blackburn. TO BE LET, S EVERAL good. commodious, and well-fitted DWELL- S ING-HOUSES, suitable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. ON SALE, V T WENTY-EIGHT POWER LOMS, in good work-0o lagconitin, 3 iche inthered space, with the the folowin patens attched :Loosereeds, weft fork, ti skingop ad twll marons andmeta pick. a 1 Appl to esara. FILDE andJ,&eesow, George- T COFECTIONERS AND BAKERS. a 0 BE L ET, that old-establishled CONFEC- 01 T TIONER'S SHOP, in Salford, Blackburn, with 01 -the fixtures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? gamges. 10 Clareceies and Cars, 4 Hansom Cabs, a small Ounilbus, and 40 sets of Harness, 'the pro - 7l perty of car and cab proprietors and others.o TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messre. LUCAS rdn and Co., on Tuesday next, the 21st Jist., at twelve b 'clock at-thefir. Repository, Great ?? tiotneftt . o Liverpool. Ke 0 R T Y. H 0 R S E S Si F 10 CLARENCES and CARS, J. sj 4 HANSO OnCABS,. tb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, ESR IBD by eminent medical men as themot8ed usremedy for CONSUMPTION, DBF T ASTHMA GOUT RHEUMATISMI, SCIATICA, DIABETES, 6DISEAjSFi OF ¶HtE SKIN, NEUR~AL.GIA, RICKETS, IN- FANTILE WASTING, GENERAL 'DEBILITY, AND ALL SCROiULOUS AFFECTIONS. Contains Iodine, phosphate of lime, volatile fatty acid-in short, all the most active-and essential curative ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. TO CONFECTIONERS AND BAKE.RS. B E L E T. that old-established OONFEC- iiO TIONER'S SilOP, ir. Salford, Blackburn, wvitD -the fixtuaresi and other articles of a COnfeCtiOner. ,There is a good brick oven, newly erected, in the bakehouse. Apply to Mr. EDWARD WHIsTSLE, Salford, the present tenant. Immediate possession will be given. ON SALE, TW-ENTY-EIGHT POWER LOOMS, in ...