Fashion and Varieties

... 5AL autoll and TarUtio. T}lE COURT. BUCKaNSITA'd PALAcr, TUESMY.-Tho Princess Royal and the Princess Alice, attended by the Mar- ehioness of Ely and Lord Alfred Paget, vent yester- day afternoon to inspect the Thames Tunnel. VICERE GAL COURT. The following had the honour of dining with his Fixcellency on Slonday ?? Boyle, the Right I-Ion. J. W. Fitzpatrick, the Chief Baron and Miss Pigot, Mir ...

Selected Poetry

... 5dcddl ?Octrlt- 'TIS PIUlMlROSE TIME AGAIN. T'I F sun is sgining on the day, And high upon the wing The lark pbours foruth his sweetest lay luto tile ear of Spring. The lu3ty tlru'h in, merry mood Pipes out its loudest strail; And children shout from wood to wrood 1'fTis Primrose Time again. Tho willow buds arc swathed ia down, The liizel is in blooem; The hawthorn reddens on the crown, And ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 'tXaollolv awl .aric Vo. , T 11 E CO U R T. l3t;rclI-ouANM PAI.\AcI, TIIIRSIAY.-Tiie Docile of Kent, thle Princess or 1llie.Langenhui' aDll( tile I rincess Feuiore 1iald at visit to tile QueOCI yestrdiay morlinig, when ite Pi' rincsses of Mll-on. lotie toeik l:iv! ft' hoer Ma joity on the'ir lparulri for thle Coutinent. Pi'iice Albert visi-od tiln Duchess of Kent alnd tile Princess of ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?t, 'Ition Intel Tarictio. 'IrI. ?? Queen and Prince Al- bert have been providentially blessed in their family circle. They ?? now thle parents of nine children. Tilo eldest of the Idoval children, the Princess Royal, is 17 years of age, the Prince of Wales is 10, the Princes- Alive 14, Prince Alfred 13 the Princess 1 fcklilI 1t, Princess Lonisna , Prince Arthur 7, and Prince Leopold -1, and ...


... LITERATUBE. I - Tarn Dunr~cx Bavtaw. (Londeons: Thomas Ricluardi os .i1 sue 2oa.)-Tbe contentse of the present number of the Dub- lin Revise are remarkable for variety or subject asid general excellence of treatment. Though we cannot point to any co particular article as presenting features of unusual brilliancy , or power, this ably-conducted serial fnlly maintains its w character for solid ...


... NEW NOVELS. 7hCBO¢ of sII'rSt- By the Author of Emilia I edhaw! t&c. London: Hurst and Blackett. etlfor Lore, By the Author of Cousin ev, &c. London: Hurst and Blackett. ,i Clarcilo1i By ALICE CourcN. London: artnd Blackett. The l rst of these novels is the most perfect de- Ineation of the Saturnian age that we ever saw in ln ball, ancient or modern. Arcadia, Utopia, I O~lplaces of tile ...


... PROGRAMME FOR THE SEASON, 1857-S. It was Goethe, we believe, who said that no man should pass a single day without reading good poetry, hearing good music, or seeing a fine painting, and this view, or the spirit which dictated it, gains ground daily even in mate- rial England. The Crystal Palace has put itself forward prominently aS the art educator of the people, and has re- fieoted credit on ...


... IMHE P1I'W PHILHARMO.IC SOCIETY. The second concert of the New Philharmooil Society which is now flourishing uneder the single couductorship of Dr. Wylde, took place yesterday evening in the Hanover- square Roomnn-to which, mchlito our regret and the inon- venience of the public, they have been transferred from Esetor-hall. The programme of the concert was more than usually interesting; it was ...


... WBook&, P)lints, .1tesic, 4c., for review, are requested lo be left at Hrr. C. .ri(cherli's, Red Lion Court, Ficet-etreet, London, addressed To thce Editor of the EXETEir FLYING POST. Those tvill be duty fori'arded. and receive an early notice. PuNcH for M1arch. London: 85, Fleet-street The dissolution of Parliament has afforded Punch tbe materials for many a racy brochure and humorous ...


... LITERRY_ NOTICES. A ~ptsere of eleelof liatigene his. ~osoewhia delayed t b ~ of ssnjoted notcsm we hope our ?? Mendi will accepit this a a suffielent apology for our seeming neglect.] To JAULSLv F`IESD.-NOa. I, 2, and 8.-(London: Ivard and Lock, 158, F g,3ledree) of these instalsnents of the third volume of the neow, ies of this excellent publication, we can only repeat wbat we have said i ...


... COURT AND A bras v(1 - - - - rum.. . . . . ntl1 _zo ?? Q4ueen and Prince Albert Princess Royal and Prince Arthur, took ' I a1, c 10 . C arid hour iii tire afternoon. His ]foyal 1ie0. te horseback with the Prince of XVales in tie or-;c0 ea0 TuESDA.Y.-To-day was tire birthdory 61' oo Prince Leopold. Her Royal Highness tie Peck panied by the Princess of Hohendlohe.LangerrbiPW 01 lone Feodore, ...

Published: Sunday 12 April 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1678 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Fashion and Varieties

... efmalion 9,111d I !111 ictio. 1 TIIE: CO URT. 13erer\'oiiAiM PAi.sACO, ?? Queen ari Plinice Albert, acorpanul rd by thre Princess Alie, took a d&ive vo'tei'dary afrernoon ill a cnrririage and frur. Priince Albert, accompianied by the Prinle of Wa'ksa mi the Princess Royal, ride oln horsebback in the 'oreneloo. Prince Arthlor and the Prihcess H-lell anid ?? i went to the Zlol-irncal lCardens, ...