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Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. BENEFIT OF MISS HELEN 1tAUCIr, and posi- tively her Last Appearance. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), April 18, 1857, the performances will commence with Marston's Play of THE PATRICIAN'S DAUGUTER.-Mordaunt, Mr Melville; tbe Earl of Lynterne, Mr Stanton; Captain Plerpoint, Ur Delafield; Lady Mabel Lynterne, Miss Helen Faucit; Lady Lydia Lynterne, Misa Seaman. To conclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~. *- 'V'JL)4I I J11.1 II h1LIM IJLJ5JA I) I-l.J'.sJ , ~~iie ~ BELFrAST, 'TsrVltiT,,& 3MORNIM!. Th ___Opele I(Court SI]ortyI afses- 10 ?? I ANNUAL CHAl ruh iifo ls onry aoi tis Corporation will. , of' O'Hara lfrooki occuiried tlv- ti-Armns, ?? on~ ?? the hour of One 6 1194 DOwNai v, Esq., proposed, flnd R1ev. JDr Pi~E . KNARESIL - nonaisiatiorr of Ce;onon AT CONCLUDIDNG LEG' ~ oposcul, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED TO PURCHASE, ALL PONY-GIG OR TAX-CART (Secoud-Htnl). Address, for two days, If ?? at. th Office of this Paper. Belltt, 29'h April. 1427 SPRI14G GOODS. NEW Sl'YI,ES IN CARPETS, CURTAINS, AND 1ROOM PAPERS, AT JAMES GIRDWOOD'S CAtrPET WAtREHOUSE, 44, I-lion STREET, 1141 BelIrast. BENJAMIN P. DAVIDSON, HOlJSEL, LAND,ANI) GENERAL COM3MISSION AGENT, No. 17, ScOTiC STnEMT, Aawswnr. Renrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING GOODS. NEW STYLES IN CARPETS, CURTAINS, . AND BOOM PAPERS, AT JAMES GIRDWOOD'S CARPET lVARLtiOUSr, 44, HlIG STFEET, 1141 Belfast. FOR SALE. 50) Tons PliosPho Peruvinn GUANO; 3000 o30xes Oxy Kali SOAP, for l Bleachers, Privato Famnlies, and I Hotels, Rive qualities, in boxes of 1 Cvwt. ach; Suporior Itoofing CANVAS; 50 Pipes of Bast Dineral OIL, for Fine Ma- chinery. JOSEPNI MAGILL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. Wit beg to announce that we have made every pos. sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery ot our unshaoipedt papers in the princilal ?? through- out Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as chealp as it can practically be made, consistently with ?? aim to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. \V\E beg to intimate to our Subscribers in the follow. ijg towns and their vicinities that, on Monday, tie 4th May, Mr Macloslkij will leave this offleo, f))r the purposo of reeciving their annual subscrip- tions, nnd, nlso, the amounts of any other accounts due to this establishment. Thoso who may have' occasion to be from home during the ensuing inoiith, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R Y TRE OYAL, DUBLIN. 1 Be.engagame rt of MISS CATHERINE BAYNES, With the distinuibshed ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY, for positively THREE NIGHTS 0nl1. Prim Dones, mliss CAM niu N H Hrar; Contralto, Millie L COM rO; Tenors, Signor VoPoIt and Signor HAs AlIeN; Bsritones, Signor BADuLLy and Signor Picsixel; BuSo, Signoror nIOlwtOrrt; Conductor, HErr Areonurz. Oa THIS EVENING (Tuesday), April 21at, 1857 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ATlOLIC .PRAYER BOOKS In every Variety of CA L Binding. VTLVET, MOROCCO, FRtENCH MOROCCO, Rims, CLASPS, ?? ?? To be bad at the CrIEAP CATHOLIC PRAYER-300K, PRINTING, AND BIOOEBINDING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1, PAiTAlAMENT-STRUBRT, X(O>Xposife Royal Exchange), JOHN MULLANY, PlaoprsRo. AMES Dli'S SlAXDABD CATHOLI.C WORKS. Devotions to the BLESSED VIRGIN, particularly adapted for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. IVW beg to announce that wve have made every pos- sible arr'angemnent for the carria.g;e an(d delivery of our Imstuinpel papers iln the principal towns thrloug,1h- out Ulsto i, in order to ileet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistelily with our aim to furnish the earliest and best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '1THIS EVENING. ANACREONTIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT. JR D Y HE WILL A'tTEJND AT THE e M rUSIC IHALL,, TrHIS DAY (Tuesday), at THRET3 o'clock, to issue to Members, AssociItes, or Sharvholders, ally TICKETS that liave not yet been called i'or. IV. H. MALCOLM, Secretary. Tuesday, 14th April, 1291 CABINET WAruP'ER(.OS, 1i), High Stmee, Jf'lf st. r I1OMIMS SCOTT& COAIPANY, IN CALL- t ING atr imi, tO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ATR RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 Positivoly tbe Lset Xight of MISS CATHERINE HATES and the& ditngu hed ITALIAN OPERA Cox- PANY. Prima Donne, Miss CZgsHE1s BAY1s9; Cofralt, Mdlie 1 CoRaLL:;, Tentra, Signor VoLPiNt.and Signor MiMANrT; BAritonts, Signor BADIALI aniD Signor Phcnu; , Baffo, Signor MAlniionorri; Conddotor, Herr AwmouHUz. Oa THIS EVENING (S1ATURDAY), the 25th of April (by. desire) the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH OR SICKNESS !-CHOOSE BETWEEN THEN. a- OLLO WAY'S PILLS.-The blood furnishes the materiel iot Of every bone, muscle, gland, and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ; when corrupt, It necessarily produoes disease. Holloway's Pills ope. rate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neatraliz- ing the principle of disease, and thus radically ouring ...