Advertisements & Notices

... tAN LINE of PACKETS.-Fe, i ;igk IbLIP aihi roct, the fdne fastteiiijiig Annerloin 4 ilt-hip It-JSFIEL15 SCOTT, I to A 1. i°lO tons register, newly coppered, oat A I. 1,2 Commander; I * 0 , Deckjs This magnificent .ship has most ie° ..O. n for chief cabin lpasseligers at LiO each, hgia ero secolid class at ;£20 each, in large on- 84 &'O barlt or passage apply to Tenperleys, Carter, taI.. I0orf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT j FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUN GENTLEMEN, 2 PARK QUADRANT, WEST END PARK, GLASGOW, go CONDUCTED11VY MR. ARCHIBALD MORRISON, M.A., eq Iead laster of the Glasgow Colagiate SC1ool. - I? MORltISON has arranged to receive, ?? A51 AUG UST, a limited number of YOUNG GENTLE- MEN as BOARDERS,, to be Educated at the GLASGOW _ COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, and whose morning and evening studies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY! MONEY! j ONEY ADVANCED in Sumsu from £10 to s yJ £1,000, on Personal and other Securities. it Oflice-ST. PAULS VILLL, Upper Grigg-street, C Forms and every other information transmitted on - receipt of 12 postage stamps. ALL ENGLAND SAUCE, . yor steaks, Cho}u, Hot and Cold Neats, a. Game, Hashes, Soups, and made Dishes. 1 SnIS SAUCE is made from the Mlost Delicious and . Expensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. \V\E beg to intimate to our Subscribers in the follow. ijg towns and their vicinities that, on Monday, tie 4th May, Mr Macloslkij will leave this offleo, f))r the purposo of reeciving their annual subscrip- tions, nnd, nlso, the amounts of any other accounts due to this establishment. Thoso who may have' occasion to be from home during the ensuing inoiith, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Affl Arrangements arc in progress for Booking 'Passengers, Specie, and. Mer-chiandise, direct To and from Calcutta, 'Madras, Singopore, Penang, and China, of which doe notice will be given when completed. I ndAUSTRALIAN I ~~ M~lL CO., (LIMITED,) ?? desires r LU TO SAL Foil MLBOURNE bYDNEY, Stock of FromLivnsor cingat OUTi~siTONto eceve nd endkeeping Ptosegersnd he Majsty' Mails. ~ , to merit - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPET DEPARTMENT. SEASON 1857. M ESS1RS PRATT & KEITH beg to solicit public ?? attentiont to tlitir large tied well-assorteI Stock of l CARPETS AND H OUSE FUR NISHIINGS. The ncwv Iattcrns for this Scason ame being delivered by tle I various Abot ENGLISH AND) ?? MAI ERS; Al and the Stock, when completedl (which it will be by the Ist of April), will forn, by far the T LAR1GEST' COLLECT TOY T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tTPHOLSTERSZ WORK. M ESSRS PRATT & KEITH invite attenltion. to the esudelrnioted List ofl WINDOW POLES, CORNICES, and other UPHIOLSTERY FITTINGS, which tieov are prepared to furnlish ait prices considerably under what theo public have fre hitheorto been ehurgedl. The ork voikllinet be doliie ?? style, anl bu natradeseanl-lilto muanner by at properly qualified and pine- tical Upholsterer. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTICE to MARINERS.--JENIKIN SAND, TIC 8 ESIA R HA C I. I 87 EI Trirnlty itourO.Lo nA ril 'SAND, tiFE ~T noin t oken place in the .3 U AN, i to move he kakinliovo about 3~ Cables to thne hoe ~derhfit~ts oruso positots. NTICE S HiEREBOY GIVEN, be ~~Me0O1~ ?? has eco MOVED accordiuly. and now IJQS n. Cc Lou Sprin Tides, ~ists th ?? Mahrks and Corn- be 5oreLigit Ved lot oien North of X or, Snand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROAa ITALIAN OPERsA, LCEUM. First Night of the Season. ON TIOEBDAT NEXT. will be performed Belilni's opera, I PU- RITADNl. Principal characters by Madame aeiW Signor mra aini, Ssgnor Tagica, Signor roloniml, Signor SoldR, and Signor Giardo ssi C onductar, Mr. Costa. A-tervwhich will be given a new divertistement, entitled LES ABEILUES. in which Madl'e. Delechaus: (her ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLENFIEJAD PATENT STARCH, T] USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. FIr U BI4 LADIES ?? repectfully informed that this STARCH it L eta' ..EXCLUSIVFL1 USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRtY, I ,And HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS Says, that-although she has Chiel TEDWNEATE' RIC8. AND OTHERi POWDERa STARCHES, She hias found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is D C THEF FINES'1 STARCH SHE EViER USED. ?? 4 - , ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTSESA. ER. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to an. Inounce that his ROOMS will OPEN for the SU MMER SEASON, on Monday, May the 4tb. PREPARATORY V BOYAL NAVAL 2STABLISREENT, S OUT H SE A, CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS ASTMN, ?? SINCE its foundation in 1-851, Two 2&ndred - and Tivenfy-eiqihl Young Gentlemen have, passed SI from it into Her 1Majesty's Service as Naval Cadets. ' The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At BArl *obaum To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. PALMER, On Wednesday, 29tb April, 1857, by direction of the Executor, A LL the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Stoein. AL Tr`de, Working Tools, and other efects of Mr. WILLIAM WIGHTIMAN, deceased; comprising three capital feather beds, bedsteads, and bedding, cheat of drawcrs, dining, dressing and other tables, chairs, hu. seau, 30-hour clock, two 40-gallon, ...