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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR ieo;dora Theatrical Advertisements, see page 8. fR. ALBERT SMITH'S IMONT BLANC, TL B.ADEX,, UP THE RHINE, and PARIS, is nov OPEN every tclonigN (except Saturday) at Eight o'elock. Stalls, 3s.; Area, 2s.; 5ylere Is. Stalls cul be secured at the Box-office. Egyptian Hall, Picca- di1lly cvcry day, between Eleven and Four, without any extra charge. T%,c ?? Itepresentations takeplace every ...

Published: Sunday 19 April 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4850 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ( ANADA BONDS.-GOVERNMENT OF t CANADA hIX PER CENT. STERLING BfONDS, irened under the Consolidatell Muniotpxl Loan Fuind Act for UpperCa- nada (16 Vic., cap. 22) ; interest a per cent. per annun, payable balffyenrly, in January ald July, at the office of the Receiver. General. The undereiened i8 prepared to receive applications for a limited amount of the above bond6 at par. The Bonds are in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rREAT ALE.-HOWES and 11ART, 60, Fie-tct-Iiuring fort years thut fins or Htowes and Hart' los bon oliraolfor IN DIAN and CHINhsSE SIIAWL1S, Oriental wreigodndsilror, French and the ih-ln Paisley shawls, the mot deeril reotlacl psroductions is moantles, silks, sold sre- 10. lT HLLIMHR, for sonotme shr ole proprietor of the heuso, I nowintrn hi hot hako orloit fvonsan repotfulyannounoes! N.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNERAL EXTORTION RVOIDED.-By . F E Exeutors and bereaved Relatives of deceesed roblenemen 2 tioren, tradesmen, and otbers, ending in the first instance to S Mlj or LIBEER SKISTABLIS BHMEN T. CIT1Y-ROAD, nar Finsburysl atn VIs or No. 12. North-street, Quadrant, Brighton, hlstead of eplyiug cc their upholsterer, or thc nearest undertarker, who, not poretsosla thel cc needful requirem~ents, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOB 1ai,,oet, Tlbeariclc Adv iestieenets, see paye 8. a ALBERT SMITH'S MONT BLANC, [j. iitea' UP THE RHINE, asd PARIS, it now OPEN every X (eacept Saturday) at Eight o'Glock, Stalls, 3s.; Area, 2s.; 'ro is. Stalls can be secaered at the Box-office, Egyptian Hall, Picca- everY slay, betwcn Eleven and Pour, without any extra charge. ,l i~oroiog ReyresenftatOnas take place every Tuesday and ...

Published: Sunday 12 April 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4777 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... N ACT ?? GATITUDE-6,000 Copies of a A Medical Book for graitous ciroahtlon-GrORGE THOMAS, Esb., itfving beaa effectu3il cd of a nervus ?? loss of nemory, inc the intructloljeeiven in ?? Work by a Ph~yacian, be con- sldersm its 4uty, Iierotitudo to ieh author, mnd for thu3 ?? of ncr- rous oufferera, to publteh the mesan useod. be wrtSD, therefore, send frcee to cay a ldrooo. in a eo111ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HuT ITE HORSE LINE of AUSTRALIAN ,Wv PACKSTS.-For PORT PIIILLIP (to follow the HBlache dor.adto sail from London early hn MIs the celebrated ex geynl mail sbitu MERMAID, A 1, 2,20 t0ow. IbWAUIt DEVXIt, Is ernodingbinthe East Indis Books. T~ anf~n lpe g9umo tirneT; extraordinary passagres to ebun.adaaut estoued. In It9 daye. Bar aecommodationg acosaiald o h on fotand convenientce of pasteogors. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE WORTHY AND INDEPENDENT tI*ERY AND ELECTORS OF THEl CITY OF LONDON. '[HE gratifying manner in Which you have T been pleased to return me again to the House of Commons dsmands my warmest acknowledgments. I shall ever feel proud of thb distinguished position in which you have placed myname it this eloetloni. Allow me to assure you that I will endeavour to deserve your continued favour by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tAN LINE of PACKETS.-Fe, i ;igk IbLIP aihi roct, the fdne fastteiiijiig Annerloin 4 ilt-hip It-JSFIEL15 SCOTT, I to A 1. i°lO tons register, newly coppered, oat A I. 1,2 Commander; I * 0 , Deckjs This magnificent .ship has most ie° ..O. n for chief cabin lpasseligers at LiO each, hgia ero secolid class at ;£20 each, in large on- 84 &'O barlt or passage apply to Tenperleys, Carter, taI.. I0orf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTICE to MARINERS.--JENIKIN SAND, TIC 8 ESIA R HA C I. I 87 EI Trirnlty itourO.Lo nA ril 'SAND, tiFE ~T noin t oken place in the .3 U AN, i to move he kakinliovo about 3~ Cables to thne hoe ~derhfit~ts oruso positots. NTICE S HiEREBOY GIVEN, be ~~Me0O1~ ?? has eco MOVED accordiuly. and now IJQS n. Cc Lou Sprin Tides, ~ists th ?? Mahrks and Corn- be 5oreLigit Ved lot oien North of X or, Snand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROAa ITALIAN OPERsA, LCEUM. First Night of the Season. ON TIOEBDAT NEXT. will be performed Belilni's opera, I PU- RITADNl. Principal characters by Madame aeiW Signor mra aini, Ssgnor Tagica, Signor roloniml, Signor SoldR, and Signor Giardo ssi C onductar, Mr. Costa. A-tervwhich will be given a new divertistement, entitled LES ABEILUES. in which Madl'e. Delechaus: (her ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE RYE HOUSE -PLOT. Eow pabilelsig,lit Weectih:ie P nny oanlhee, nod Mlostbly Sixpenny Puts, oploodil ndiihdwth 01,11 ?? lllootratiens. EsFO BYE HOUSE PLOT: OR, RUTH THN CONSi'IRATORH5 T I DAUGHUTER, ItT GanRGE W M. REYNOLDS. Th~ Noite hitorcalnovl h. brnby no feovepaore reviews, ?ero- ioi-t et f lo slo ?? th Seco -is Iota.l ohe spetto sacs: s~nceneon he seoe -r hisstor the eed rtIairlY ...