Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS () U N T It Y lH 0 U 9 E S t9. MES9RS. BENTLEbY ,beg respectfully to annorotlcs tbat tbey are now prepared to fotrward IIet.S of all the prfnl- cipal Furnished and Unfurnished Cuntry Residenes FOR SALE, or TO BE LET, by the montb, season, or year, in Monketown, Dalgany, Kingstown, Coaoty Wicklow, Blqckrock, Dandrom, Dalkney, Honwth, Kilkiey, Malahide, Bray, ., ?? Including ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF REMOVAL, SALE OF JEUELLERY, WATCiHES. SILVEPR PLATE, CUTLEPY, MIUSIC BOXES, ?? A - MOSSMAN & CO.. JEWELLEiISAND * WATcCAxRns, 32.Nos'r; BmDnGE, EoDsnueROE, respect- faly inform their Customers and the Public, that they will shortly Rltasov to tbose Central Premises, No. 30 PRit.tCS STI.ET, opposite the Rallway Termini; and, in consequence. they. have commenced a SALE of their large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UtED-UCION of., FARES bay tbg' Ilnfare . . . . . . . F~r~ ?? be taken ?? very modlerate, terms. The Goverti- ?? final Souethamflpton to -Melbourne to SLy days, Irent 'clls fort v-six do %,lOssri esrilecteee Passaue or freight can be obtained FUI I I tito U~Ct.oei an head office, 33, Renfielud-street; or t fushrhsan-strette ; in Liverpool and South- ajjprs . ?? ; and in London, sat the Compaay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,L'ERDENCLIPPER LINE.-For SYDNEY. I ~gry Di'rect. woith pucttoa~llts, esery to-th ~ Shis. Coooaciees TesBurdett. D 100 Joty 15 fIRET RDUCION f FRESby the The EUvrOPEAn andr ACSinAiAn ROYtAuLt MAo CeloM-e s itheytho May, vith Mialls and fonotngero ?? Chlinforcation frse, £70 tuorriedo eorko frg130. e btiedI BURNieS, will buchalnoeta. in Lverypooleratdoutermptns. ) n Che Wiorerose nt inontrac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. PALL-IMALL.-Capital COLLECTION of EiIOLISii PICTURES. now on view, the property of William Cox, Esq., of Tower- house, Upper Norwo'od. M ESSRdS. FOSTER Wili SELL by AUCTION, at the Gallery, 54, Pall-mall, on Thuirday, Way 7, at, One precisely, tOnF E - COLLECTION NGLISH PICTURES. eelected from the exhibitions and studioe of the artiste with sound judgment and liberal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILLINERY AND DRESS-ROOMS. 1IE MISSES BARKLIE AND (IRIK. 1 WOOD desire to acquaint the Ladies of Bel. fast and its vicinity that, on THURSDAY, the 7th inst., their ?? will be replete Avith every liovelty in ML-LIJNERY, MANTLES, DRESS PA'lTTERNS, FLO\WERS, FEATHERS, &c. &c., suitd for the ensuing season. No. 5, Chicllester Street. 1493 S P R I N G G OO D S. NEW STYLES IN CARPETS, CURTAINS, AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PALE INDIA ALE. r10IIAS SAL.T & CO. ARE NOW RECEIV 1TING Ordprs for the M~arch brewing of their CELEBRATED ALES, which can be supplied either direct from the Brewery, or through their Agents, Messrs ATKINSON & JOHNSTON, Hill Street, Belfast. S. & CO. would beg to direct the attention of the Trade to their NEW BOTTLE LABEL, which they have adopted as a safeguard against any Ale being sold, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. VE beg to intimate to our Subscribers in the follow. ing towns and their vicinities that, on Monday, the 4th of Mlay, Dlr Alacloskie left this office, for the purpose of receiving their annual sabscrip- tions, and, also, the amounts of an) other accounts due to this establishment. Those who May have occasion to be from home during the ensuing nmont1t, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRYSTAL PALACE. XIOOLLEN CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT- W ?? BRIGGATE, LEEDS. I beg leave to inform fltse tuhlic generally that I have now an ex- tensive Sto'sk of BL&CK CLOTHS, which for ?? and cjiEAl'- 3'Eas cannot be excelled. A trial will secure future cuatons. MATTHEW HE8PWORITH, 78, Briggate. -U OOSE-i and ESTATES to be SOLD or LET. .1 h othly Li-it, published by Mlr.J.. L. Kirk. is now ready. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EETH.-Messrs. MOSELY, Surgeon-Dentists ?? ?? 2b yeere at 30,Bernertet,Oxford- etreet, eoti inyontore oft the NEWV DtAT~EIAIL for supplyingT AgtTI- PCil Ter H exposnd GUeS, from oneto a complete octmupon a pain epdrloednteg c aholthranrebl ailedd Mhaplpatlon rnd Anton- Iton, without eatractir the stampa, or anynifnful operation. Ln a - don rooldoncce, No. 0, Bgornere-e6treet inefo -otreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUPONSofF now due are PAID ?? prceontatios at )Ieeres ADAM SI'IBLMANN Mnd Go2i OMICULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEYI Travellers proceeding to the Continent host, Cnssjtiuntiiieisio the GdueAmerica, be., mu PROCURE OlhILTCLARI NOTES of £1I0 a~d SA each. payable at'alt the lprinuipal towns without tieducttion; also twogaone of every countri. at th C Iu lion andl uking-offlea, 75l, rassl.ct.-ADAX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ER MAJESTY'S THEAT'RE. Al rs. AN DERSON6. Pianits to Neti Majietythe Queen, and Inctrctres. to Hivs Royal Hlfgbees the PriLc C of Wale. Her Royal ighaess the Prinoae s Royal, Her loyal migineses the Prit- oees Alice, Her Royal Higisiess the Pritace-w, Helene, and His Eoyal HighneSS the Priuce Alfred, bee the benour to Inform hbr patrnoise and friends that her ANNUAL sORAliO MORNINIG CONCERT ...