Advertisements & Notices

... PSALM: AND HYMN BOOK. In the Press, and will shortly be published, A NEW EDITION of the PSALM and HYMN BOOE in use in the Churches in the Diocese of Bangor. Confectionary Establishment. W ANTED, a RESPECTABLE YOUTH, as an Apprentice to this Business. Apply to ROBERT HOPSON, Confec- tioner, &C., High-street, Banger. W A N T E D, A STEADY,respectableMTan,wvhocanbe vellreconmnended, as OSTLER, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L as1anfBEE . ESW I NG P O . T. 0 .S~lmiolllilnss shippings, GS.per dozenl; Gordon'ls Gohlden aud Pale Sherries, 36s. and 42s. par dozen ; Manzlila nud Atnwititlad% hitghly recommended for invalids, 48s. and iOs.; 01 Port, 42;., 48s. and 60t.. Whlite Port, very solect, (iO.; St. Iilioe Claret, 36s. ; St. Estepiha, 36s. ; LD Rose, 42s.; Leo- ville and Latour, 48s. and 64. ; Margaux, 60s. ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. ODWARD WADE begs to announce t1hat he~ ?? EM opened a FIRST -CLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT at No. II7, TiShergale, adjoining If the ptenaises of Mr. Burrow, gunsmthlt. B. W. having hadI great experience in one of the first- Chu5 houme in Liverpool, he will be enabled to offer to thu public none but first~vlas portraits. Portraits painted from glass ]negatives ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _VIXHBITION of the ART TREASURES of the UNMITED KINGDOM. I xieedor the Immediate PaTvOnzigo of 781. R. ?? Gracious Majersty the QUEEiN, the and Tra l~a1 s! Ryl lchneos Prince ALBERT. CO ftel~~ioutiv1 (lommnlttel heave to announce that the EXHIRITION' con wfilseOPENEaD on 'h ESDAY, the Stb dsp of Mily. with a GHt 1Datc iNAUGURAL CE~ItEMIO.NIAL, at hic ieb ?? ?? PCL in ALliERT, It.h., has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f Young German Lady wishes for a Situation in s.A~iuly .. GOVERNESS to young ?? )r (by letter) to W. E., at the Office of this Journal.u s- TO LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Sh ANTED, by a respectable young Man,-A W f Shtuotiou asaxJUNIOR HAND in the above line, who can have a good reference from his last employer.- n Apply ?? Post Office, Brill, Bucks. 3e TO DRAPERS, MILLINERS, &c. n, ATANTED, by a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTEb. IThe L'dhat/i created medicinesi out #f1the earl h,and he that is wise Will not a/ihor them.-E~CcVS~iXXViI. MEDICAL BOTANIST, Providence Mlace, Vise, Nofok ~,ANY years celebrated for the treatmuent of Serofula Mii or King's Evil, in its varied stage, such as Callous Swellings in the Neck and Arm-pits, Tumours on the Fingers and Joints, with distention anddcyofbnr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SINGING CLASSES. M R. E. HORSLEY, Teacher of Singing, Clerk M of 'ldagdalen and Saint John's Colleges, and Chorus Master of Oxford Choral Society, wishing to afford every fasility to the lovers of Vocal Music, is desirous of forming Classes for Study and Practice, viz., an Elementarv and a Practical Class, to meet one night a week each. Those persons wrhlo mlay bc disposed to join the Classes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS TO-MORROW. ANNIVERSARY SERMON. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, BALLYSILLAN. A SIElRMION WILL BE PREACIED ?? in thC abovo Church, on SUNDAY next, the rd of M~ay (the anniiversary of its opening), by the iThV rllOMAsSBLACK, Incumblent of ~Vhitehouse; after which a Col1ecti(3l will bo made to aid in liqui- atinr tbe *lebt wbich still remains due upon the building. CV1Itrlbutions from those who are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIA PALE ALE. .pHE Celsbrated'ALLOA PALE ALE, is reduced D to 21s. per Kilderkin. Warranted to keep. SoLt A .EtNTr lffessrs. EDWT:F9LySLT& CO. IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES & SPIRITS, 8, The Hard, Portsea. R rITffFOER-eD PAl7 ALPS. IJ1;SSR-S ST07TER & CO. respectfully in- form thoir Friends and th- Public that they have just laid in their Stock (March Brewing) of the above ?? d ALES Also a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL ENGLAND SAUCE, 7cr Steaks, Cbops, Hot and Cold Teats, - &argte, Hashes, Soups, and made Dish5s. a HlS SAUCE is made from the Most Delicious and o T flponsive Ingredients, in ord.r to produce the s bc' 5 of the day ; and that it may be univ tsally t ,ec t. the iric* places it within the reach of all Families. PREPARED AND SOLD WVHOEFSALE BY ISAAC JEFFERY, PENNY STREET, PORTSMOUTH. a IANO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. CARPETS, DAM1ASKS, MOREENS, &c., &c, EVERY VARIETY IN THE ABOVE, AT E Moderato Prices, to be bad at M. STAUNTON, JuN., COATES, & CO.'S CARPET & PAPER WAREHOUSE 9, Donegall Place, Belfast. SWISS LACE AND LENO CURTAINS. Floor-Cloths in all widths, from J yard to 8 yards wide. MATS AND MATTING. 1475 ULSTER RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT AN extraordinary General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHEATRE-ROYAL, BRISTOL. 1 LESSEE AND MANAGER, JAMES HENRY CHRUTE, QUEEN.SQUARE, BRISTOL, AND ALFRED-STREET, BATH. BOX - OFFICE at BRUNT'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 9, ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, DRAWBRIDGE. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Dress Boxes, 3s.; Second Price, 23. Upper Boxes, 23. Second Price, is. juveniles under Twelve-Dress Boxes, 2s,; Upper Boxes, Is. Pit, Is. Gallery, Gd. Private Boxes, One Guinea, and ...