Advertisements & Notices

... EXBTmR maALL GRIIAT FSI I'HE Grand Orcheatra of the Royal Italian Opera. Glsa Novelie, JTyhlut, Sottestol, cars Schurmmsanad other emtnia toArtista, Wil apper on Wedneedoy Eveeltog whit.suohrt by the Buttres Orhestr of the oya~ltalla Opera, wilpror rn Byabay by keehven, the Overture to 'Fldeio ant a new OvthI (eetnposed ssyo tioesicosjti)by Herr Goilmirk. stEgtocltek. R~eserved Seasgo. ices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W TOJOfl4eaaflcse5r49W ?? the Thraminer ?? 4IOP1I1 05 st? na in- 1?5*851* IAOC peronal 'apod cation sat??t ? ,ssesde at the ilcamluer and Tlinsso.Ofe? SZMswhet-efreet. Address ?capItal leiiw a?d aess7ses'] e4 the paiaOwt' as&rsa thd CpIsllCcs',ess 'wfbnndebylolter. 1?fUer, bp pool ehen5d be dt,-ceted is Ike ?? ansi Timer office,- ,tesi to the tidre& alike P tore attd nubltotrrc. Thsm?stic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HITS~i-IDEHOLIDAYS.--schOa4, VV ,Mfslt and ?? be supledwithroundLjoh, ?? CAKES, Currant and Seed tread, Buns in ever'- v~ QOn'TH LANCASHIRE AND~ CHESHIRE, *IJQ AUDIT DISTRtICT.-MA3NCHEfTElR WOWNSHIp.-L the: * ahdeesigned NERl GARDINER. auditor (it the above-niamed diets-lot, ~Ido hereby give notice, that I hove 'a pointed the AUDIT of the ACCOUNTSb of the Manchester Tow'.,ilip frtehl eredd ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pubist aitltonemuto. THE THIRTEENTH SEASON. 8ATURDAY EVENING OONaERTS, CONCEIHT HALL, LORI) NELOJ.-STRlElT. TO wm1R3 THR MAN A BwTRn MXACRINIC, Tit MEClIANIC A BETTEIR MSlA. PATno0N5 His Poyal Hlighnes Prince Albert, The Rig;ht Hon. the Earl of Sefton, Tiho Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby His Worship the Mayor Francis Sband Esq. 1. }. Moore, Evsq, M.P., J'ohua Stewart, Esq., T. 3. ILorsfati, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1RINTINGJ of every description, executed ?? neatne~ & deeiath at THE BRISTOL MERCURY- oFI(l, 35. BtAD1lT UrPAS SES ALL -IDEMPSEY'S MAGIC PORTRAITS, P01tTItAlTS taken by this popular PHOTOGRAPflIC AlillsT d , W 1 I ?? t ARCADE, Bristol.-A Coloured ?? t)NE SIIIL LING, with an elegant Frame and o1clu iludei ll [3 R A N G I P A N N I, T- n Eeeiltnlitig PerfilOc, in hghI Peifectionn. °stilled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iPUBLICATIOINS. Just BWy, price Is. 6d. boasds, 29. cloth; post free for one extra stamp. VjmaE TALBOT CASE, ad4 DIVORCE in 1857, con t ?? Trial. The revelations coutdhd in this volhe ifer eiceed the wildest conceptions of the most extravagant romancdst. London: Ward end Rock. 158. Fleet-street. NATEIOLICPRAYER BOOKS in every variety of (AT HOI Binding. VELVET, MOROCCO, FRENCH MOROCCO, RIMS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOUIIED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, just pulb- lished, price, free by post, One Shilling, L T LIE bILENT t RIEND ; a Medical Work on the physieal i exhatistion and decay of the frame from the effects of in- dulgence, and the injurlous consequences fromthe useof Mercury; with observatios.s on the obligations of marriage. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOBSTEBS-LOBSTERS-LOBSTERS. TRZ PROPRIETfOR OF T U RED BANK OYSTER ESTABLISHMENT, T& I6, DAE-STRBEET, Having Made rangemengt ith some of the most43xtenaive Propeietora of Lobs 1FsNt.sjs thes ?? of Ireland for a ecnstant smpply s bl ?? hib wnerons Patrons with Suppe lne ?? style, and at lower prices than any other pctablshouee in the line. .The SAND.WICC BAR is, as usual, supplied with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OITICE to M1ARINERS.-IBUNT HEAD ir r N ?? GULL STREAM. RA haiga Triulty-hoiec,~ London, May)i, 1837. vi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the UT[ED aiga ,,eteafed it-elf further tso thu oouthwe~setard. the BUOY at that sta- fion ias bemf SHIIFTED) about Oive cables' loenth in tbat direction, sod noss Ito, in four fathatni at low water sprtesg tides. with the fellow- 'A jag matio; and ceonpoosa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sp C'OUIRT TRAINS.-Messrs. HOWELL, SAM.NES W0 and Co. beg rcepertfally tottdirect the nitnten'0 c-f the ?Fobility ad their difffliloujahed PaiLrots to ter icufiland rich COL. aol LMEOTION of e:ILKS for COURT TRBI-, l ,Reoen~t-reet, U A M E R DRESSES.-Messrs. HOWELL, uu SJs.ft5ES, and Co. ore stowfprepared with an ?? elegant, tW~ORtThENT of BAREGES, Orgtandiee, Mesiaelines (le sole, and Iat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLIA MI GROVER begs to inform his W numerous friends and supporters that on account in tl of the Partnership between bimself and Mr. GEORGE Far BAKE R having expired, be is now conducting his Twt busineas at the Stores in AYLWARD STREET, PORTSEA, where he hopes to be again favored with 1 their patronage. His RETAIL DEPARTMENT at 31, QUEEN STREET, next door to the Emporium and opposite N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cotnlttirm 'post% to det. V OLETat Kempoch, Gourock, a FURNISHED HOUSE T of Five Rooms and Kitchen. Rent very moderate. Apply at 14G Trongate. __ - FURNISHED ROUSE AT KILCREGGAN. 0 LET, for the Summer Months, a FLAT with superior fy Attics, consisting of Two Sitting Rooms, Seven Bed Rooms, Servants' Room, and Kitchen. Rent moderate. Apply at 119 Ingram Street, Glasgow; or at the House, ...