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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I - TO CORRESPONDENTS. V ti We crae tao raets e nunlc t whch fe W. aval ou aselve. nommulwcatiofs elould alord, w e leadble wdan l one side ot the paper onb itlong it If yo- ,. dtfflcltyot find`ng Tleree for tem tad wver i Intended nertiro th us be nuthlenacnted by the name and address a ! ?? wter suec Nabog t be a up I a manner w t hiagoodfaith. - T. B-We ciannot advse you. *a d. L. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SINGTIN'G.A Professional I ody, Pupil SiOf Pigetoc Maul'tc Otacca Into of thel ,J. o It cole, hai afew bone, dioettgc~'-d Icli])t. L ne -olicos15 in thloeat ecttter at thetr ottO eccidec:ad plct -2ioc Ocofa~lyc I t ccc it..t ?? 10lnt lae Fo o~ttccoen dcc 0 em 'te at7 t~3S codre of 1,lecte; OtiScl toct' Jhc eturccc arce not octetS tc coc l-ictient fit I1c ?? expected to, Ie ,.eotlii. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, LYCEUM. R Second appearance of Mdlle BABFE. Oa TUESDAY next. June 2, will be performed (for the second time these sic years) Bellini's Oprra LA SONNAMiIRULA. illnadlle Victaire Inlfe (her 2nd appearance on the stage). ~lsNdindase Tsglinfico:; Teresa, itasssno Borgaro; Rodolf., n].s'e Itre~ B oni t Alessis, Signsr POIsn;ini fand Eleino, Signer nation'. Condlotor, Mir COSTA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f HISWICK FETES.-GREAT CJ IIORTIClLTURAL EXHIBITION on WEDNESDAY and THIURSDlA Y June 3 and 4. Free to Fellows or Holders of their Ivory Tickets, on June 3, at Twelve o'clock, or Juac 4, at Ten am. Fellows and the Holders of their Ivory Tickets Inav. at tile same hours, be aecompanied by any two visitors produciog 6s. Admission Tickets. Open to the Public, with 5;. Tickets, at Two p.m., Juno 3 ...

Published: Sunday 24 May 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6470 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PARLIAMENT.-Now ready, R/[. DOD'S PARLIAMENTARY M l CoMPANION. Second Edition. Twenty-filth year,containing tho NEW PA1lLIAMENT, is nlow ready. WnITTAXEIR and Co., Ave Maria-lane, nld ?? f0ookecllero. Just published, price Is., A S WE ARE, and AS WE OUGHT A TO BE. A few Strictures on Ignormacc, Education, and Crime. By J. P. DE LA FoNes. Esq. Thisis an energetic pamphlet. There is a good ...

Published: Sunday 10 May 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6361 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... .TgALIA._-WHITB STAR LINE of jiR; sod AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PAC- Bpl1T b etween Liverpool and Melbourne, on the 20th and 5lin betbpassage money, £14 and upwards. every j30' Captains. Register. Barden.To Sail. ship;, ?? Sbi! 2~Seats . t 2,408 6,000 May 20 . 'Heron . 1,20 4,000 May 27 .;i T C kEtrr.. 2,360 5,000 June 20 o Id of sen o the largest, finest, and fastest Deio3 nre d 'sj ched at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXBTmR maALL GRIIAT FSI I'HE Grand Orcheatra of the Royal Italian Opera. Glsa Novelie, JTyhlut, Sottestol, cars Schurmmsanad other emtnia toArtista, Wil apper on Wedneedoy Eveeltog whit.suohrt by the Buttres Orhestr of the oya~ltalla Opera, wilpror rn Byabay by keehven, the Overture to 'Fldeio ant a new OvthI (eetnposed ssyo tioesicosjti)by Herr Goilmirk. stEgtocltek. R~eserved Seasgo. ices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W TOJOfl4eaaflcse5r49W ?? the Thraminer ?? 4IOP1I1 05 st? na in- 1?5*851* IAOC peronal 'apod cation sat??t ? ,ssesde at the ilcamluer and Tlinsso.Ofe? SZMswhet-efreet. Address ?capItal leiiw a?d aess7ses'] e4 the paiaOwt' as&rsa thd CpIsllCcs',ess 'wfbnndebylolter. 1?fUer, bp pool ehen5d be dt,-ceted is Ike ?? ansi Timer office,- ,tesi to the tidre& alike P tore attd nubltotrrc. Thsm?stic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HITS~i-IDEHOLIDAYS.--schOa4, VV ,Mfslt and ?? be supledwithroundLjoh, ?? CAKES, Currant and Seed tread, Buns in ever'- v~ QOn'TH LANCASHIRE AND~ CHESHIRE, *IJQ AUDIT DISTRtICT.-MA3NCHEfTElR WOWNSHIp.-L the: * ahdeesigned NERl GARDINER. auditor (it the above-niamed diets-lot, ~Ido hereby give notice, that I hove 'a pointed the AUDIT of the ACCOUNTSb of the Manchester Tow'.,ilip frtehl eredd ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAZILIAN LOAN, 1843, at FIVE per CENT. r rEtY Fndin.d dRaZILIAN LOAX of lhin, an.FOUI- -ltALF per CNT. D)IVIDE iD ou thso ltoam. isiche becomeo duo ntONDAY. ?? pald by Msrs. N. M. ROTHSiCIILD Sm4 SONSonthatvay, or onanysocne~dla&g, Wednesdayor , , between tbe hours of 11au . tofnns to be api~d for, andi the Coupons tobe loftfr exa vm;n&UL atthuireouout!ni-.IouseNeoveour;, St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS, I Supplied by T. MILLS and Co., CLOTHIERS, &c., T Aldgate and Lombard-street, London. neslt THE FASHIONABLE qat TAL MA, OR LOOSR OVERCOAT, Beil s 21s., 25s., 30s. 35s., 42s. be'a of Si FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STATION. win Only Mfeaiurement required: Chest, Waist, and Height. erec Payment by Post-office Order. cliff REAL AND SON'S Coc' NEW Gad ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUF, tain, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pubist aitltonemuto. THE THIRTEENTH SEASON. 8ATURDAY EVENING OONaERTS, CONCEIHT HALL, LORI) NELOJ.-STRlElT. TO wm1R3 THR MAN A BwTRn MXACRINIC, Tit MEClIANIC A BETTEIR MSlA. PATno0N5 His Poyal Hlighnes Prince Albert, The Rig;ht Hon. the Earl of Sefton, Tiho Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby His Worship the Mayor Francis Sband Esq. 1. }. Moore, Evsq, M.P., J'ohua Stewart, Esq., T. 3. ILorsfati, ...