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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE beo to intimate to our Suhbsribers in the follow. ing towns and their vieinities that, on Monday, the 4th tIny, Mr MIaclositie will leave this ofice, for tile purpose of receiving their annual subscrip tions, and, also, the amounts of any other accounts dhl to this establishment. Those who nmay have occasion to be from home during the ensuing month, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and ?? Edition, eniaogead to 196 pages, illustrated 6y 100 4YAT)MICAL CurQL>VRIR EN1INUAVINCS 0N STEEL, ?? Pub- lished, i riae, free hy pol:t, One Shilling, r HE, kILENT FRIEND; a Medical Work on the physicil I exlsst1stiot and decay of tfe fratme from thie effj ots ef it dulgence, and the injurious consequences froi the use of 3lrciret With observatio. s onl the obligations of marriage. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLAA FO' ALE. I1.' SUB SCRIBLF OFFERS )R 100 Bales Prime Warp Dnteh FLAYg, 100 do. Prime Friesland FLAX. D. CONNOR, 27, Ann Street. B i'ast, April 22, 18r7. 14G1 FOBR SALE. 500 Tons Phospho Peruvian GUANO; 300 Boxes Oxv Kali SOAP, for Blenchers, Private Families, and Hotels, five qualitiesi in boxes of 1 cnt. each; Superior Roofing CANVAS; 60 Pipes of Best Mineral OIL, for Fine Ala- chinery. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (~%akej tit ?? SALE THIS DAY. VAIIJABTLE HOUSE PROPERTY, IN THE BEST PART OF BELFAST, FOR SALE. TO be Sold by Public AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, CASTLE PLACE, on FRIDAY, 1st May, at tie lhour of TWVO o'clock, L OT 1-THREE FIRST-CLASS DWELL. ING-IIOISES, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Albion plaeCL, Botanic Road, together with. Stable, Conch ljouse, and small Garden in the rear, yielding the Inet annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IBONNORZ2T, WINDOW GLASS, ROOK-PAPERS, OIL and COLOUR '''IIONGE-B, VWAEEROUsR, 90 a 91, MIDDLE hABUTSTEE RICE BROOKS, Propretor. .. ~ E .W R Y B RBWE UB. WMILLIAlM HENY and Co., Proprietors of the above Eetablisthne5t, 1eg to apprise their numerous Customers and the Tade ?? that, having appoitted Pi.i MICHAEL OPLOtUGHLIN, WMa and SriasT MEWHAIsT, 20, UPPER ORMOND-QUAY, DUBLIN, Agent tor the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T R EI . R O Y A L, DDUBL!IN. EngaeentDD of l1 CHARLES gMATHEWS, -he. ?? COmn4i, Whn- ill ?? on Saturday Nozt, ?? 2d; *1.0 MisS MASON, of ~tbe Theatre RSyal,'Drury' lans. On TOJ(01t*O, the 2a May the perfoarmances W;II ?? 3*,I tfi~ aiidi Co o U UELD l1P.-46;X CharleS XdNieaS1 --CS*l fati Math , 'Sir~A~qXiS, LJeeC, Mr Granby; Jn *abi nU r Stoflkary5 Iliss Maaon ; I - y C11te,,0aieh Ssiamam ;. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS TO-MORROW. ANNIVERSARY SERMON. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, BALLYSILLAN. A SIElRMION WILL BE PREACIED ?? in thC abovo Church, on SUNDAY next, the rd of M~ay (the anniiversary of its opening), by the iThV rllOMAsSBLACK, Incumblent of ~Vhitehouse; after which a Col1ecti(3l will bo made to aid in liqui- atinr tbe *lebt wbich still remains due upon the building. CV1Itrlbutions from those who are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. CARPETS, DAM1ASKS, MOREENS, &c., &c, EVERY VARIETY IN THE ABOVE, AT E Moderato Prices, to be bad at M. STAUNTON, JuN., COATES, & CO.'S CARPET & PAPER WAREHOUSE 9, Donegall Place, Belfast. SWISS LACE AND LENO CURTAINS. Floor-Cloths in all widths, from J yard to 8 yards wide. MATS AND MATTING. 1475 ULSTER RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT AN extraordinary General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Just published, price 4d. By G. P. WARREN, 88, THOMAS-STREET, N ACCOUNT of the LIFE, CONVERSION, and EOLY DEATH of the HON. and REV. CHAS. NEGIYALD PAKENHAM, in religion Father Paul Mary or St. Michael, Superior of Blessed Paul's Retreat of the Passlniste, Harold's-Crose. Revised by the Hon, and Very Rev. FATHER IGNATIUS (SP`9c9eR)- ml CATHOLIC PRAYEyR BOOKS in every variety of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH-EAT RE ROYAL, DUBLIN;. T Engagelmnt of Mr CHARLES MATHIETIS, the celebrated Comedian, who will appear on Saturday Next, May 2d; also Miss MASON, of the Theatre Royal, Drury. lane. On THIS EVENING, the 2d May, the peaformances will commence with the admired Comedy of USED UP.-Sir Cbarles Coldstream, Mr hbarles Matbews; Sir Adonis Leeeb, Mr Granby; John Ironbrace, Mr Stanton; Mary, bliss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE CHINA AND .EARTHERWARE TBADE. ?? Ws beg to inform those about to purchase that we bave a large and vafied assortment of DINNER SERVICES, Plain and GIlt, to suit all parties. We have c0tso an extensive Stock of DESSERT SERVICES, Equally New and Fashionable, and our TEA AND BREAKFAST SERVICES will be found in Quality, Fashion, and Moderate Ptiba, sot to be equalled in extent or variety in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illultni Idl 100 ANATomicAL COLOURID ENGRAVINGS ON StSE jut, pub - lished, price, free by post, One Shilling, iHE SILENT FRIEND; a Medloal Work on the ?? exhaustion and decay of the frame from the effec5i of 1l dulgence, and the injurious consequences fre the use of MernurY with observations on the obligations of marriage. By i. hiat PERRY and ...