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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE beo to intimate to our Suhbsribers in the follow. ing towns and their vieinities that, on Monday, the 4th tIny, Mr MIaclositie will leave this ofice, for tile purpose of receiving their annual subscrip tions, and, also, the amounts of any other accounts dhl to this establishment. Those who nmay have occasion to be from home during the ensuing month, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLAA FO' ALE. I1.' SUB SCRIBLF OFFERS )R 100 Bales Prime Warp Dnteh FLAYg, 100 do. Prime Friesland FLAX. D. CONNOR, 27, Ann Street. B i'ast, April 22, 18r7. 14G1 FOBR SALE. 500 Tons Phospho Peruvian GUANO; 300 Boxes Oxv Kali SOAP, for Blenchers, Private Families, and Hotels, five qualitiesi in boxes of 1 cnt. each; Superior Roofing CANVAS; 60 Pipes of Best Mineral OIL, for Fine Ala- chinery. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (~%akej tit ?? SALE THIS DAY. VAIIJABTLE HOUSE PROPERTY, IN THE BEST PART OF BELFAST, FOR SALE. TO be Sold by Public AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, CASTLE PLACE, on FRIDAY, 1st May, at tie lhour of TWVO o'clock, L OT 1-THREE FIRST-CLASS DWELL. ING-IIOISES, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Albion plaeCL, Botanic Road, together with. Stable, Conch ljouse, and small Garden in the rear, yielding the Inet annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS TO-MORROW. ANNIVERSARY SERMON. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, BALLYSILLAN. A SIElRMION WILL BE PREACIED ?? in thC abovo Church, on SUNDAY next, the rd of M~ay (the anniiversary of its opening), by the iThV rllOMAsSBLACK, Incumblent of ~Vhitehouse; after which a Col1ecti(3l will bo made to aid in liqui- atinr tbe *lebt wbich still remains due upon the building. CV1Itrlbutions from those who are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. CARPETS, DAM1ASKS, MOREENS, &c., &c, EVERY VARIETY IN THE ABOVE, AT E Moderato Prices, to be bad at M. STAUNTON, JuN., COATES, & CO.'S CARPET & PAPER WAREHOUSE 9, Donegall Place, Belfast. SWISS LACE AND LENO CURTAINS. Floor-Cloths in all widths, from J yard to 8 yards wide. MATS AND MATTING. 1475 ULSTER RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT AN extraordinary General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. MACFARLANE, TOBACCONISTO 1d, Bridge ,treet, Belfast, finest old Cabana Cigars, Finest old Havana Cigars Fancy Snuffs, Fine Tobaccoes, Meerschaum Pipes, Amber Mouthpieces, &o. 127 FLAXSEED, dUANO, &c. WLARGE SUPPLY OF DUTCH AND At RIGA. FLAXSEED; Genuine PERUVIAN CtljANO, received direct from Messrs. GiBns, piueIT,&% Co.; CLOVERSEEDS, GRASS-SEEDS, und ?? latter of which will be Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVAL. A TLAS FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE - OFFiCE Removed from No. -30, Rosemary Street, to No. 21, WARING STREET. C. B. GRIMSHAW & SON, Agents. Belfast, April 29, 1857. 1484 REMOVAL. IFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND L OFFICE Removed from No. 30, Rosemary Street, to No. 21, WARING STREE'l. 0. & O'D. GRIMSHAW, Agents. Belfast, April 29, ]857. 1486 REMOVAL. ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY, SOLICITOR, Has Removed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILLINERY AND DRESS-ROOMS. 1IE MISSES BARKLIE AND (IRIK. 1 WOOD desire to acquaint the Ladies of Bel. fast and its vicinity that, on THURSDAY, the 7th inst., their ?? will be replete Avith every liovelty in ML-LIJNERY, MANTLES, DRESS PA'lTTERNS, FLO\WERS, FEATHERS, &c. &c., suitd for the ensuing season. No. 5, Chicllester Street. 1493 S P R I N G G OO D S. NEW STYLES IN CARPETS, CURTAINS, AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PALE INDIA ALE. r10IIAS SAL.T & CO. ARE NOW RECEIV 1TING Ordprs for the M~arch brewing of their CELEBRATED ALES, which can be supplied either direct from the Brewery, or through their Agents, Messrs ATKINSON & JOHNSTON, Hill Street, Belfast. S. & CO. would beg to direct the attention of the Trade to their NEW BOTTLE LABEL, which they have adopted as a safeguard against any Ale being sold, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. VE beg to intimate to our Subscribers in the follow. ing towns and their vicinities that, on Monday, the 4th of Mlay, Dlr Alacloskie left this office, for the purpose of receiving their annual sabscrip- tions, and, also, the amounts of an) other accounts due to this establishment. Those who May have occasion to be from home during the ensuing nmont1t, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. IVE beg to announice that we hlave madle evory pos. ,ible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of nur unistanoled papers irk thre principal towns thiroigh- :ut Ulster, in order to meet the requiremelts of t1e aublic, and render the cost of our journal as ?? iS it can practically be made, consistently with our ui to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENJAMIN P. DAVIDSON, IIOUSE, LAND, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, No. 17, SCOTOC STREET, Am Atori. Rents collected and Comeuissions ?? on mo- clerato terms. 1437 PIANO-FORTE INSTRUCTION. A LADY WISHES TO RECEIVE PUPILS A for instruction on the Piano. She is a native of Germany, and a first-rate player. For terms and further particulars, apply at No. 3, SPENCER STREET (first floor). 151G p ...