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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROAL, DUBLIN.-I T Fifth Appearance in Dablin of the celebrated Little CORDELIA IOWARD, accompanied by lar Parents, Mr Boil Mirs HOWARD, from the United States of America. On lEH1S EVENING (Friday), May, ltb the per- forranees Will commence with the admirgd Dramsa af DAMON AND PYTHIAS.-Dambfn, Mr Melvl4e; Pytbias, gr Delifleld; Dio;YShis, M Stanton; Damoclas, Mr Roger- ?? Calanthe, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSELL haS the honour to announce he? RE- TURN FROM PARIS and ]LONDON, and re- psetf ally solicits en inspection of her New Goods. 40, DAWSON-STREET. 22nd May, 1857. t.b7. T AME 9 FORREST ADA NDi) N 0 10 D and 101, GRAFON -9STREET' In announcing the arrival Of their SU SM OVELTIES. Personally selected durig the last few days, take this op- portunity of acquainting tboir sastomers and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 1S6 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL CoLouRrD ENoRAVINGS ON STEEL, just pub- lished, prico, free by post, One Shilling, r 1 1HE SILENT HRIEND; a Medioal Work on the ?? L exhaustion and decay of the frame from the effrots Of ia- dulgence, and the ?? consequences from the uoe of Mercury; with observations on the obligations of nmarriage. By R. aod L. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MEDICAL REVOLUTIONi-THE WORLD Ui. NIMOUS. H OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.-TERE GREAT COUi n TEE IRR[TANT.-The virtue of disease ofteuing its way to the Internal organs through the Piores of thb mitt This penetrating Ointment, malting under the baud ultb rubbed in, Is absorbed throegh the same channel., and rseebhn the seat of isnfammatto3. promptly and Invariably subdue t whether located in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONFLAGRATION IN LOND9O1. U FIRE NE&R ST. PAUI2S. 4 This morning, at a few minutes puat twelve o'clock, a donee mass of smtke was perceived Issuing iront the lower part of the premises bel1onging to Messrs. GooDYBsA. and Co., Straw and Bonnet Maisfacturers, 95. Paul'a Church Yard. There were five persons in the house at the timue, only sune of them managed to reach the front door, the rest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSMONGERY, WINDOW GLASS, BOOM-PAPERS, OIL and COLOUR I WAREHOUSE.! 90 and 91, MIDDLE ABBEY-STREETP MAURICE BROOKS, Froprietol. PUBLICATIONS. 1HIS DAY Is Pablshed, 18mo., Price Six-pence, a T New snd Enlarged Edition of the caaol) upu) n cnltiJte; or, Wreathe of Devout Prayers, containing, with other new Matter, the ROSARY of the BLESSED VIBGLN, by His Grace the ARCHBBISHOP OF TuA-S Dublin: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iOuSES AND , :LANDS. T2 UIDINIG GROUIND ATATEM~l9§INES on very 0dvantageou ?? Poprietor, In order to encon- ae imediate building on Gr toevelor.quare (on which ?? excellent housea bove been lately erectd and are nearly flb bed). w ill Let Plots borfour Hou lses on l each of the other sies ol tbe Square at nomina s to parties who will build imilar Hloues forthwithf. Apply to R C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iPUBLICATIOINS. Just BWy, price Is. 6d. boasds, 29. cloth; post free for one extra stamp. VjmaE TALBOT CASE, ad4 DIVORCE in 1857, con t ?? Trial. The revelations coutdhd in this volhe ifer eiceed the wildest conceptions of the most extravagant romancdst. London: Ward end Rock. 158. Fleet-street. NATEIOLICPRAYER BOOKS in every variety of (AT HOI Binding. VELVET, MOROCCO, FRENCH MOROCCO, RIMS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOUIIED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, just pulb- lished, price, free by post, One Shilling, L T LIE bILENT t RIEND ; a Medical Work on the physieal i exhatistion and decay of the frame from the effects of in- dulgence, and the injurlous consequences fromthe useof Mercury; with observatios.s on the obligations of marriage. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOBSTEBS-LOBSTERS-LOBSTERS. TRZ PROPRIETfOR OF T U RED BANK OYSTER ESTABLISHMENT, T& I6, DAE-STRBEET, Having Made rangemengt ith some of the most43xtenaive Propeietora of Lobs 1FsNt.sjs thes ?? of Ireland for a ecnstant smpply s bl ?? hib wnerons Patrons with Suppe lne ?? style, and at lower prices than any other pctablshouee in the line. .The SAND.WICC BAR is, as usual, supplied with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, Iliustrated by 100 ANATOMLOAL COLOURED ENGRAVINOS OX STREL, Just pub. lished, price,freebypost, One Shilling, T ?? SILENT FBIEND; a Medical Work on the physical T exhauition. and decay of the frame from the eifeots of in. dolgesep, and the Injurious consequences from the use of Mercury; with observations on the obligations of marriage. By IR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T R EI . R O Y A L, DDUBL!IN. EngaeentDD of l1 CHARLES gMATHEWS, -he. ?? COmn4i, Whn- ill ?? on Saturday Nozt, ?? 2d; *1.0 MisS MASON, of ~tbe Theatre RSyal,'Drury' lans. On TOJ(01t*O, the 2a May the perfoarmances W;II ?? 3*,I tfi~ aiidi Co o U UELD l1P.-46;X CharleS XdNieaS1 --CS*l fati Math , 'Sir~A~qXiS, LJeeC, Mr Granby; Jn *abi nU r Stoflkary5 Iliss Maaon ; I - y C11te,,0aieh Ssiamam ;. ...