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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 AUATOMICAL Coi.ouncr ENGRAVINGS ON' STREm , jist pub- lished, price, free by post, One Shilling, raHE I LENT FRIEND ; a Medical Work on the piysical 11 exhauition and decay of the frame from the effects of it- dulgence, nnd the injurious consequences from the use of Afercory: with observations on the obligations of marriage. ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pn HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- b Third Appearance in Dublin of the celebrated Little CoRDZLIA HOWARD, accompanied by her Parents, Mr ced Mrs HOWARD, from the United Statee of Ameries. 03 THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 13th May, the per fortance ivill commegnce with the admired ~Drama of LOS r AND WON.-Matater Leytorn, M~r G Melville; Master Richard CottfareU, Mr Delafield; Sir Edward Newberry, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HfEALTHi OR SICECNESB --CH-OOSE BETWE;EN THEM. l OLLOWAY'S PILLE.-The blood furnishes the material Ll- of everz bone, muscle, gland, and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ; wbel corrupt, It necesserily produces disease. Holloway's Pills ope. rate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neatralih. ing the principle of disease, and thus radically ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTRiE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- Tif Second Appearance In Dublin of the celebrated Little COEDELIA HOWARD, accompanied by her Parente, Mr ad 5frs HOWARD, from the United States of America. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), 12th May, the perfor- mances will commence with the Play of WILLIAM TELL William Tell, Mr Melville; Gesler, Mr Stanton; Micbael, Mr Fitzpatrick; Emma, Mins Mortyn. To be followed by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ATR-E ROYAL, DUBLIN, T Lit Night but Two of the *n3agement of Mr O MATHEWS, the celebrated Comedian. FOR THE -BESEFIT OF MISS MASON. On THIS EVENING (Thuraday), 7th May, the perfor- mances will ?? with the Comedy of USED UP.- Chari. Colda2, Mr Charles Mathews; Sir Adonis Leehb, Ir Granby; John Ironbrace, Mr. Stanton; Mary, Miss Mason; Lady Clutterbuck, Mis Seaman. Tobefollowed ?? Dramaeof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t g E AATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T Lsst appearance but Two of the celebrated Little CfiDELIA COWARD, accompanied by ber parents, Mr Cand14s HOWARD, from the United States of America. S0f TH1 1EVENING (Thursday), the performancea will ce vith the First Act of the Drama entitled THE °LLGHTER.-Freeman Flint, Mr G C Howard; Job boper. r Rogerson; Nan Grant, Miss Seaman; Girty, Litte Cordelia Howard. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS.' THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, NO 1 COXOIY., June, 1857, Price 2a. -d.-Cotnt0t.- iPeasemofWestphalta. By Professor Crea yM.A.-The Contamplatt Blwkli Reoieation. -Jobn TwillerI continued. lowe. By P&18l Davis.--The Cotton Fliards of India. -A TaWdFo Flbrie. TI ?? qr the Rev. Charles Kl{ngsley.-Tntoa o the Youibg Idea. dB W. B- Jerrold. -Southey'a Grave.-Fdilre Loglr.-Tae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iOuSES AND , :LANDS. T2 UIDINIG GROUIND ATATEM~l9§INES on very 0dvantageou ?? Poprietor, In order to encon- ae imediate building on Gr toevelor.quare (on which ?? excellent housea bove been lately erectd and are nearly flb bed). w ill Let Plots borfour Hou lses on l each of the other sies ol tbe Square at nomina s to parties who will build imilar Hloues forthwithf. Apply to R C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE A T R ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T Lst appearance but One of the celebrated Little CORDELIA HOWARD, accompanied by hor parents, Mr and Mrs HOWARD, from the United States of America. 0n THIS EVENING (Friday), May 22, the performances ill commence with the Firat Act of the Drama entitled THE LAMPLIGUTER.-Freeman Flint, Mr G C Howard; Job Cooper, Mr Rogerson; Nan Grant, DliesSeamaa; Girty, Little ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustroted by 100 ANATOULCAL COL0 tRED ENGORAVIUS ON STEEL, just pub- lishod, price, free by post, One Shilling, T HE SILENT FRIEND; a Medical Work on the phytical X exheau~tion and decay of the frarne from the effrcts of in- dulgence, and the Injurious consequences from the use of Mercury; with observatio. a on the obligations of marriage. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R I 1 AATR E ROYAL, D. tA -. ..T Brgs0iGllDt of Mr CHART..ES. MAT EI S, the celebratedi Cousedia ; also Must MASON, o the Theatre Boval, DernrtlPPyj3,i1 (Monday), 4th Miay, the perfor- rsill conmetce with the Comic Dramal of A BACHE- y.08 oF ARTS.-arry Jasper, Mr.O Mathewe; Mr An- drew ylie, Mr Rogerson; Mrs Thornton, Mies Saeama; Tobeftonllowed by. the Comic Drama of -A. CURIOUS CAS .-TwietOU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH Olt SICKNESS! -CHOOSE BETWEEN THENj. llb OLLO WAY'S PILLS.-The blood furnishes the materiel JLLof every bone, musole, gland, and fibre fin the humnee frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ - when corrupt, it neceesarily produces disease. Holloway's Pills oep. rate directly upon the elements of tine stream of life, nenlreiti. lug the principle of disasoe, and thus radically ...