Advertisements & Notices

... StFFOLIL IOISE9 IpW1[Cjq, PARASOL DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK FISH pUtRCBASED in Januarv last, urevious to the advanced prices, UPWARDS OF A THOUSAND BLACK r AND COLOURED PARASOLS, ,n Plain, Watered, Moire Antique, Brocaded, Glaci6, and Chene Silks, in every variety of style and quality. The whole are marked and arranged ready for sale, and will prove well worthy the attention of the Public. s The M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTEb. IThe L'dhat/i created medicinesi out #f1the earl h,and he that is wise Will not a/ihor them.-E~CcVS~iXXViI. MEDICAL BOTANIST, Providence Mlace, Vise, Nofok ~,ANY years celebrated for the treatmuent of Serofula Mii or King's Evil, in its varied stage, such as Callous Swellings in the Neck and Arm-pits, Tumours on the Fingers and Joints, with distention anddcyofbnr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (~NE THOUSAND PoUN PIZE. 0 ?? grand original ProTy E THE :BAPTISM OF HIS, ?? by JOHN Wr s. which uiand h rize of 4I 000 in Lodn feri b Esql of South Shield-, and U. H. Roe, Esqto imnhm IS NOW ON VI EW AT'TEMSCHL The sieoftel itrb .1 feet by 12 feet. Open daily fro ?? till nine. Admisnbyivttncaorixncec. Nottingham. ~~~SIIAW & SONS. fermcdthat he Celbrate DIORA A Of s ace respcctfimly in- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiales bp ThIbate Eo~ntratt. 0~ be SOLD by PRLYA:TE UtsNTkkL&UT; the ROFI TA SHOP end HOUSE, 23, Shantnon-street. Lo.'tls. i lo bs QALES by PR~IVATE ?? T REl 1,L Mr. Richard RILDS. containing excellent Clay (area nearly Sstvrn acres), situ- agedin Woodhouie-laine. Apply to Mr. Fox, Laud Agent, Albion- uutreel Leeds. ($A SOUSE-STREET, ?? SALE, F(it- in loty to Ehji. purclasaers. about 3,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Advertisers will plese to take notice that all advertisements or- dered for insertion iti r.NEXT PAtEn are invariably continued tillcouurermalded. Partiesivhowish forone insertion should write for NEXT lAVElR ONLX. BANGOR, SATURDAY, MAY 9. 1857. THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL MEETING FOR 1858. We have much satisfaction in announcing that it has been decided that this meeting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public 11musnnuts. THE THIRTEENTH SEASON. SATURDAY EVENING CONOERTS, CONOIBBT 3ALT, LORD NRIZ90 SR4E1ET. TO MAKf TULB MAN A OTThlER MYHAIKO, TUB MICR.IC A BI5T1 M. PATitONlS Hi Roval Higbneu Prince Albert, The Right Hon. the Earl of Sefton, The Right Ron, the Earl of Harrowby Bli Worship tbe r Francis Sban?, En. D.. Mums-, Esq., .P. J'bz Stewart, Esq., T. R Horafall, b~qII rtasen Gladstone, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a et d MOURNING BONNETS. tb 1J RB. ALDIS has always ready for Ladles to af ,- select from, a large and fashionable STOCK of CRAZE PI a and all descriptions of MOURNING BONNETS. New Patternj di every week. b3 18. ELLIOT-STREET, NEAR ST. JOHN'S MARKET. at e At LEWIS & COMPANY'S, Banelaglh-streot. bc BOYS are CLOTHED from the Ages of 0 to 20 Years. ro Y FIEETH.-A NEW DISCOVERY, being an in o - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ga1c0 ti ?? BISHOP-STREET. ST. PAUL'S. MW SSRS.FARGU will Sell byAUCTION, without eaerve, nt the GRE;Y}OUND INN, BROAD. MiAD, Bristol, at Five for Six o'clock In the Eveuing, on THUICSDAY, tite 4ths June, 1857, in Two Lots, All those Two well-built HOUSES, being Nos.3lnad 4, 81isHOP-STREET, POUTLAND.SQUAIRE, Bristol now let to re;pectable Tenants, at a yearly Rent of 't'wentytive Pounds each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNIVYSIAD. y N ETTDDIADUR 133 PaiF E DiWygiltS( bual, &eC . 133 Rh1yfL ,NrNyDDIoNi CEEFYDD- lMorn On-~~~~An FfrainiC - Dehetidir G eroany-Lib-ria. 134 NEWYD CyfaIrfodydd Cymdeith- Cyfarfo asau Crefyddol, le.. 134 1lenyp Cvmudeithas 1{hyddhad Crefvdd 134 NEWYD ScraEm D 135 INOL. y Degwm a'r Dreth NRWYD EgiwyS .. 136 Y WAS GOnEBIAETIIAU . 136 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE beo to intimate to our Suhbsribers in the follow. ing towns and their vieinities that, on Monday, the 4th tIny, Mr MIaclositie will leave this ofice, for tile purpose of receiving their annual subscrip tions, and, also, the amounts of any other accounts dhl to this establishment. Those who nmay have occasion to be from home during the ensuing month, are respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE beg to intimate to our Subscribers in the follow- ing towns and their vicinities, that Air Mncarthy has left this oftlice, for the purpose of receiving their annual subscriptions, and, also, the amounts of any other accounts due to this establishment. Those who may lhave oceasion to be from horme during the ensuing mouth, are respectfully requested to leave orders for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aboyne Grass Parks to be Let, O01 TIIURSDAY, the 14th MSay. To 4 T AEIKS at Aboyllo Castle ; 3 Parks at Drum- T P gcsk-0100 of Wlhich is first t'ear's Grass, and wvill bo allowedlto bo ct ats Hay; tla0 Wood I osturo, oust of Miurten indI Iortil of Driulglk. S o ?? at 12 o'clock NoDn. Aboyne, l4th April, 1857. Strathdon Grass. ri HE Gross Parks of Newe and Edinglassio will .1.. bo Let, by ...