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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,fl RAND SCOTTISH F.ESTIVALjqU~ las given before th',Qee3 'YjyvrAWj ADAMSS anrd hsis original celebrated BAND of HIGH. The YLANDERS BITIOI !r6 ROYAL raid PRITZE ?? roplenia THE6 ROYAL and PRIZE REEL PLAYFIS, THE ROYAL and PRIZE1 PIPERS. THY ROY AL and PRIZE DANCERS, *mBeinmoral. and the xeats of the Scottizh NiLoility, in ali thirty af'erdist accomplished arlislee in FULL NATION AL COSTUMAE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IiY AXPARTMENTS.-A SITTING ROOM, withci are in- One or Two1BED ROOdS, at21. Grove-terrae ifor the 0 ben T S~O~LDTw-ogoo AGMACHINES, nealy ow.Forprice and ?? Foundoy. Thornton-road. Bradford. of this BERLIN REPOIO Y,9 ond-street, Leeds. on plement, M rs. CAVE roetulanruo her return from London, ilt! r. SI,,, with a beautiful Aosorrioa f ACYGODS. &e. &Ct.hrgra 1, an ap Mrs. s articialar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiales bp ThIbate Eo~ntratt. 0~ be SOLD by PRLYA:TE UtsNTkkL&UT; the ROFI TA SHOP end HOUSE, 23, Shantnon-street. Lo.'tls. i lo bs QALES by PR~IVATE ?? T REl 1,L Mr. Richard RILDS. containing excellent Clay (area nearly Sstvrn acres), situ- agedin Woodhouie-laine. Apply to Mr. Fox, Laud Agent, Albion- uutreel Leeds. ($A SOUSE-STREET, ?? SALE, F(it- in loty to Ehji. purclasaers. about 3,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (~NE THOUSAND PoUN PIZE. 0 ?? grand original ProTy E THE :BAPTISM OF HIS, ?? by JOHN Wr s. which uiand h rize of 4I 000 in Lodn feri b Esql of South Shield-, and U. H. Roe, Esqto imnhm IS NOW ON VI EW AT'TEMSCHL The sieoftel itrb .1 feet by 12 feet. Open daily fro ?? till nine. Admisnbyivttncaorixncec. Nottingham. ~~~SIIAW & SONS. fermcdthat he Celbrate DIORA A Of s ace respcctfimly in- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el 0der of the High Conert Of 4ChaneorY .0 By Iretitcthie 1TnVCStolWOu of Oepital. Valuable Freehold Esatne, e1ar1 to thel tip of Xirekeat, Ixedes, bund In hea the Old Ic~riicary Ya i. FE pursuanit to an Cedler of01, rI Iligh Court of Chancery -alit in tR Cause Gl~ of Il cater v. WVce, i' ince fit. eg- By Messrs. ?? th B&I ad !aocrh lintel, Brig- lby gate,, Leeds. on 1lfserl!6 tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TQ 0the COMMITTEE Of Vae ?? lRT of BULL SOCIETY for the itELIGIO)US V,48TiUCTION of SEA IE N. you hve ben olige. aflr p~yern aiithmaue deet aion. ft something you are tafraid to name. As my character is my Capitol on which a wife and Sir children have to depend. for their sakcee. for my own sake, and for the cause of reli- gion, I demand a Cause of disinivacil, ant a ?? consistent With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33usfses 91wrexsss. WAX FLOWERS'PRiIZE MEDAL, GREAT VI E~~~XHTBITIOIN 1551. MTNTORN and SON, ifodeller6 to Iha Qleen, 106, New Bond-street, London. ve materialfor theaboveartaentbv Postwheretheyhavenoagents - FRENCH PAPER FLOWERS,. o h T~eymaterial for~the abo ve.-- AGEtNTS IN YORKSHIRE. Mrfs. ?? I.-Park-square, Leeds. Mr. W. Hardy ?? Market-place, Huddeisficld. Mrs. Deton . . Chemist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUJABLE FR POL Rlo'llttT~ a1 OTtSF0RTIK WOOD- hID , i thepersh o Led',in tie. county of York. By 71i1esirs HARDUWICK oilrTedsrs,uo,6 tie Iwernifell dayef-aHi, M'Na, 551SiX.Vliick in sh2 ereollig, at the hlouseof. Mr. John Hutchin- S5 b te, IngsArm.i Ton, in 11torforth aforesaid. slubject, to such conditions as will1 he th,!n and there v01,roiC0o, aid in the foilwigo suth other lots as w~ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 E ED S TOWN MISSION.-The ANNA L5iCOLLECTIONS, at East-parade Chaptel, on behlnaf Ofteabe institution, will be ma~le To-morrow, morning and evenigd 'h Rev. R. REDFORD. MTA., of Hull, wvill preach. At the Leeds, May 23rd. 1257. THE WESLEYAN CHPEl,aWodois, May bee r-pantdand will be RE.OPENIED On s indsi lc 2'vny- rh, when SERMONS will th eMnhfing. at ?? ten, by the Rev. E. LIGHT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TGOU.)iBVS PPE zBYTERIAN C11URCB.- M Ti Rev1. ALEXANNDER D. CAINIPBELL, of the Free Church of Scotland, svill preacih (s v.) in the above church, on Sabbatr! xt .8ew~ectith May. Morninig at ?? ten o'clock; evening athlf lits ix o'clock. 'WTESLEYAN MISSIONS.-SECN LESre v CIRCUIT. OXFOReD-PLACE BRANCH. cahdtc On Sundlay. May Twrneiril-foiirth., 1857. SEB MONS will be PTece in Oxford-place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V vDUOATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT FOR tiYOUNG LADIES, 2, stanley-crewcent, Notting-bill, London, conducted by Mr. J. BAKEWEL L, author of hPe DI other's Prac- tical Guide. &o, A Prospectuses of terms, &o., will be forwarded on application. 7C26 of 13 E Principal of a Ladies' School will, with her es t establishment of governesses, pupils, and servants, reside in- Scar- bro' during the months of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5balt bu Auction. 83A. BiTIGGATE. CONTINUATION c-f SALEt. jollN IIE1PFRI BARKER reepectfuiay annotinces that lie will re- ?? ?? IAUrigat, Leeds, thti~ doV, 8aitr- A Grat arity f BOTSand SHOES will beoferd, ncldin laies, gnilinn's, and children's goods, lisl toope ateleen 'clck n te frenon and six in the pEnin:1g. Tackwith. By Mir. WIM. BURNETT, at the Blue Bell Inn, Tocciwitli. onl Friday. a k ...