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Advertisements & Notices

... ~'RSALE, at Miessrii. Wilson's Coach Work, Partick, an ElIegant BAROUCIIE in first-rate order, with Rumble and Driving Box. Alsio, Pole and Shafts. lt bvi F one f tebs stain in Glasgow. ~OISALE, a Handsoma Now STANHOPE GIG, Col- re F 1inges atent Axle, at I3 Wallace Street, Tredeston. So Cl EIGAN. FOR SALE: it shows 6 Stops, it has atn Octave F, 0:1 and Half of Foot Pedals. The Bellows can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =:-Ti HOUSE 203 BUCHANAN STRETF SALE. HIs House, consisting of Groud ForndSunk Fiat, T1 with the exclusive right to tho akr~d suitable for Business P'remises, or being mad it Shphaving a frontage of 43 feet to Buchanan Street. -j Apply to Henry Leck, Accountant, 94 West Nile Street. Ai (al UPSsET PRICE GREATLY JRFDCOtIE.N C L Y D E Ii It E W E It Y, (SUITABLE FOR Scon3.) - 'There will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA UTION. IIRH IAT VES *)f the Undlermentioired BANK of T , NGL Ai) NOTES were Abstracted from a Letter in e: transit from ier to (;lasgOw, by the 1.15 rt. post on Tuesday lt.J. 6f,703, Manchester, 26th January, ?? £50 * .T. 87,094, ,, 21st , ?? 20 N.N. 31,292, ,, 29th ,, ?? 5 ONU POUND REWARD. T OST, on Friday last, a COIRNELIAN or SARD RING, r Lj with engraved bend, plain full gold setting. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Siale!$ by Cjtjrfj0-(C0NT1'qUED.) pl'UILIC SALE '11IS DAY OF LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPER'S STOCK, (S&qzoestraled Eetate of John At IMaster.) There will be Sold, by Auctiot, at 11 Virginia Street, To.I Day (Monday) the Ist Juneo, at Twelve o'clock, HnjE WVlrolo STOCK belonging to teles Estate, including I'tegattaanti other Shirts, Prints, Cottons, Linens, hluslils, Alen and Wiornm(3n Straw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r HE ANNUAL MEETING df the SCOTTISH r fi LADIES' ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCE31ENT of- FEN ALE EDUCATION in INDIA, under the superintendence of tle General Assembly's Committee on Foreign Blissions; wvill bo held in thle QUEEN STREET HAiL,, on TCESDAY, (TommoITow). The Chair will be taken At Two o'clock, by the Right Honourable Lord BgLuAV-Er and STENTON, Tier Majesty's Lord High Com- missioner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. ISS MACDONALD, 5 NicaOLSON STREZT. (E. Carlton MPlace), begs to announce that the Duties of the Next Session , under the various Masters, WILL NOT cOsi- MENCE TILL IeT SEPTEMIBER. A limited number of BOARDERS will then be received. TilE TRAINING ACADEMY, 44 ST. GEEOrE' ROAD. T LHE Vacation in this Institution commenced on Friday the 129th ult., and the CLASSES will be RE-OPENED on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, ( Xt EDINBUtGHr. These beautiful GARDENs contain a Magnificent Collection of AsEcALS. Admission, One Shilling. MusIc by the GEmOAte BAsND in .tli EvENIrNGs from Half-past Seven to Half-past Nine. Admission, 6d. The FIRST of the Series of FLOWER. SHOWS takes Place on W8DmiEsDA the lrre oF JVSE. All communication5 relative to I the Shows to be addressed to 31r DsnAM, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Boo~ft, &c. P A R L O U It L I B R A R Y. Volume 164, for JUNE. Price is. Gd. T H E B U C C A N E E R. An Historical Novel. O 1 By Mrs. S. C. HALL, Author of Marian, &C. Also, by the same Author, in this Series, _ MARIAN. Is. THE OUTLAW. tH. Gd. Lists of tlhe Parlour Library, gratis, free by post. London: Thomas Hodgson, 13 Paternoster Row. Glasgow: RICHARD GRIFFIN & CO., 41 West Nile St. ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUlE EDINBURGH SOUTHERN CEMETERY COMPANY. r UE STATED ANNUAL GENERAL i MEETING of the EDINBURGH SOUTHERN CEMETERY COMPANY will be held within the CAFE RoraL, Register Street, on TtnusDn.Y, 11th June current, at Two o'clock. Pm, in terms of the Cortract of Copartaery. By Order of the Directors, IL DAVIDSON, Secretary. EDIxaMUnPn So0UTnaEP Cs3ETORSY OrFFicE, 2d Jane 18517. BANFF, MACDUFF, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEE FOLLOWING ADVERTISufWENTS IEACHED US TOO LA TE FOR INSER TION IN O UR EARLLY EDITION, rFOUND, Yesterday Afternoon, in a Spi-it Shop in the ?? 5rWestern District, a SUIM of MONEIY Apply at the Polico Office, 13 Warroch Street, Anderston. LARGE DOG FOUND, afew days ego. If not claimed in L 'Ien Days, will be Sold to defray expenses. Apply at 17 Stobeross Street. 7 ABOY WANTED:-One who has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. o TF Mlis. FRANCIS THIOMPSON, Bidow of the hte FRANcis 'rirsirsoic, FEsq., Merchant, of New York, largely connected withl tile Export Woollen Trade, will com-. municate with lMr. C. H. Furlong, Madeira Court Bulidings, Argyll Street, Glasgow, shie will hear of SOMETHING 'O HER ADVANTAGE; and any person who will give any in' formntion regarding her or her heirs will be suitably ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L I Net E. T3HE TRUSTEES of Mr DUNCAN have a constant Sul)ply of the best Scotch LIME ready for dolivory at th BLACiRImLLOCIK LImEwVonies, and are prepared to lay it down at Abordeeu and any Station of the Great North of Scotland Hall- wayn Co., at very moderate prices. Orders sent to Mr CociU1' Matanger, BlackhihiOck Linia- works. Koith, will recivo.ihumoeinto atteition. Blackbillock ...