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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... MW ~fnes abrne0ss. WOO~tRN CRYSTAL PALACE. T~TOL1EN CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT, I b- ~78, BRIGGATE, LENDS. Ibgleaveto inform tlae public generally that 3habe, now an Ex- ?? tolk 'of BL ACK CLOTHS, which for GODoNiss~nd CHEAP- *17HiscannotCe excet~d. Atrialwillsecurs future custoam. MATTHEW HSEP WORTH, 78. Briggate. IRST BROTfiERS, 97, Briggate, Leeds, G oldcta inspection of their extensive stock of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 the E L E C T O R S of L E ED S. GENTLEMEN, Encouraged by the enthusiasm displayed towards me after the declaration of the poll in March last, and in accordance with the decision of a numerous and influential meeting of Liberal electors in the Cloth Hall-yard, on Saturday last, I appeal with renewed confidence to your united and earnest support. The late general election has supplied to a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N I O N AND VICTORY! BROTHER REFORMERS, r Thc Union of the Liberal Electors on one honest and elong-tried Reformer, Mr. MILLS, removes the only hin- f drance to your success at the Election. I Attempts are making by our opponents to revive disunion, tby representing the meeting of Saturday as unfairly com- posed. I pledge my honour to my fellow-townsmen that the arrangements were made by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Business Addresses. To the LADIES of Leeds and Neighbourhood.- The Fashionable Depbt for New LACEI GOODS. IJSN EMBROIDEIRS CIILLAIP,9 SLEVES, IlsRIBANDSFLOWERS DRES HN 5KEttllfF.,, LOVSHOSIERY, &c. &c. is at 3!i62 iPEARO ?? No. 3. Connmercial-street, Leedes . Three doors from Driggate. pIANOFORTTES and HARMONIU1%S, New 1 arid Second-hand, tie best and cheapest, for sale or hire, at ffYE',30, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1V the ELECTORS of LEEDS. GENTLEMEN, Encouraged by the enthusiasm displayed towards me after the declaration of the pull in March last, and in accordance with the decision of a numerous and influential meeting of Liberal electors in the Cloth Hall-yard, on Saturday last, I alipeal with renewed confidence to your united and earnest support. The late general election has supplied to a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MU-. *J at the Reduced Price, at J. B. iN A fy's Musioal Repository, 43, Savile-street. Miss CUDWORTH Wiil sing Mr STACEY'S new 1Ballad, 0! COME TO THB PRIMBOSĀ£ DELL, Cu WfEDNESDAY, June ?? the Hull Royal Insti- tution.- See prograinle S. * TILL MARINEiJ TP'L 12IPAPHS. gRRANGEMENTS HAVE NOW BEEN COM- A hLETED with the Electric Telegraph Company to reeive and deliver all notices of arrivals of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TEAM FROM HULL TO, ; COPENHAGEN AND CRON- I STADT, carrying Post-office Letter Bags -The favourite paddle-wheel Steam-ship 1 EMPEROR, J. H. BROwN, Commander, is intended J to sail from Hull on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 10th It June. Shippers will please request the Carriers to deliver their Goods to the EMPEROR at the Victoria Dock Sheds. Splendid passenger accommodations, Hull, 21st May, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SILE, ONE SHARE in tbe HULL DOcK V COM1AsY.i-Apply to Mlessrs WILKINSON and INGLEBY, Stock and Share Brokers, Exchange- Buildings. VALUXABLE FRIEEHOLD PROPERTY a 0 BE LET OR SOLD BY PRIVATE 0 'T CONTRACT, a WAREHOUSE, with an S xtensive Yarrd, Sheds, and other Buildings adjoining, situate in Great Union-street, in the Borough of Kingston-upow:Iull, and extending bhence in a westerly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. Orlder the patronage of Royalty andt the Aristocrnep through' cent Europe, a72d ursiver8all prferred and e0t6621l24 .hoe SUCCEsSFUL ResuLTS of the last HALF CENTURY have proved, beyond-question, thi t P OWLAN~s' ACAS SA R OIL posesses peculiarly nourishing povrers in tlhe Growth, restoration, and improvement of theO H]UMAN HAUL. lt PCCvenft!3 it from falling off or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ELIEOTORS of the BOROUGH of LEEDS. GENTLEMEN, I beg you olice 'again to accept my most cordial thanks for the generous exorkions you have made in my behalf, and for having returned mie as your representative to Parliament. Believe me I consented to come forward rather to fight your battle than my own, and I consider that the success which has been achieved is Sours, much more than mine. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale of Furniture Postpone~l on account of the Borough BleotioO). Mit-ic-Hall. Atbijon-Street, Leeds. B 3stezsr.. IIAILDWICK vare instructed by the Executors of the late Q Mrs. Hartley to Sell by Auction. soi 7l'e.qdaVJ Ie-a, lie -N55hI)a cofI Iler Julv5 inst.. at thes Hn,io-hall. Albion-street. i-eds. b th emaining Iunsoldi portion ofthe vraluiabl~e A ~HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE _pIANOVORT kt te he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !Ms Dayi (Palurdsap); allto, on 3fonday. Tuesdayo, and Wedntesday 71&rt ,Teoe .8.9, and 110, 1817. 'Mr. G4. THJOIPSON, will Ov~l A ARGE and valuable Stock of SUMMER ALDRESSES, flfounced and robed L~glt, Plaids, a'ooet 80 llarteg Drs-s in various colours; Stuffs, Prints, ShawI,, Hosiery, and G~loves; 180 lbs. of good Linen Thread, 370 gross Buttons sutbefor Sale at six O'clock on Safurday: and ...