... T W IL I a H T. Twilight! how I love the feeling. Sweetly Soothing to the mind, When o'er the soul thy stillness stealing. Leaves a holy calm behind. Then, to fancy's eye appearing, Forms beloV'd, though distant far, Wake affection's glowing feeling, Silence every passlon's jar. And upon my rapturld vision, 'Mid thy dim and sombre light, Burled forms have burst their prison, To sweetly gleam ...


... On this day we took the city of Rivas by assault. Lieutenant O-, a young officer of the ?? Brigade, was mortally wounded. When brought into the hospital tent he was delirious, and, fancying himself at home with his mother and friends, he continued conversing all night Me if with his mother, telling her whore he wdshed to be burled, &. cle died during the night, and at suarise Wau nrled in a ...


... POETPRY. LOVE'S VICTORY. t Lovy caine likec morning, When earth ?? Julne: Oh, thero was very music in her voie, She gave mlly heart tbo cheerfulness of neon, And bade me of life's peaceful paths make choice. Flowers uiseen before catue into sight, Smiling, like loving friends, to ple`asure 111; n And so011(1, once dissolnaut, n1OwY gavO delight, t For virtue heartened dawning energy. I Each ...

Fashion and Varieties

... t, oi ?? ft' icti&U+ TIlE COURT. 'l.VSO1, TIIUJSDAY.-Tho Qicn went to-day to honouir t hlc Ascot races with her p lSesence. Her Ma- jesty alnd the Rloyal party lelt the Castle at half-past twelve o'clock in evn en OpCl carriagcs-and-flouri with um1elros outriders in scarlet liverics. The Equerries in Waitin', MLajor-Gencral Bonveric aind Coloncl F. It. SeYimouir, werc in attendance on the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... .e n1jim Kelly faridim ji THE COURT. LONDON, SATreDAY.-Tle Archdulkce Maximilian of Austria and Prince Frederick William of Prussia wvnt to Claremont yesterday morning, attended by Count Zichy, Baron d(e Moltke, and Lord Charles Fitzroy, and visited the Countess de Nenilly. The ArchIdiukeC afterwards paid a visit to the Pricess de Salerno, at Twickenham, and went to inspect Hamp- ton Court ...


... INTELLICENCE EXTRA. GOODWOOD RACES. WVeights for the GoonWOOn ScARES; two miles and a half, forfeits to be declared on or before Tuesday ne St, the 2id lustant. age at lb age at lb ?? ?? :: 8 ?? ?? 3 610 Minherntas . 8 0 ?? .3 6 1 8 4 The Dupe ?? .13 8 Hfeir of ?? 4 8 4nepete. 4. 676 Pretty Boy ?? n . ?? 6 66 Str. Sykes 8..1..Lord..of.ather Hills.. 36 5 Blooming atboii .. 5 8ot ?? ?? 3 6 5 ...

Published: Sunday 21 June 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1415 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Her Majesty's.-The Deev baritone, Signor COrl's, mae is debut on Tuesday night at this theatre the opera chosen for the purpose being the Kino of Vordi, whiceh, although wvell known to ospra goers, had not been represented for several years. Although one of the early WorkS Of the coh poser, it contaitis all the marks which give him his particilar specialtY, there being evmuch Pretty melody, ...

Published: Sunday 07 June 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5445 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEl DRAMA IN AMEHIRICA. I (FoOr oUR ?? conissPoNDaONTs.) NEW YORK, FEIDAY, MAY 15. LAunA KeENs hao signalized herself during the past week by the pro. duction of two new pieces. The first is from the pen of Mr. H. J. Conway, and is a comedietta, is two acts, designated Noature and Art. Tils dia- logue establisles the author as a copyist, for the ideas bear a remarkably close !resemblance to ...

Published: Sunday 07 June 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2392 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... SOUTH KENSINGTON 'MUSEUM. Ct P'RELISMINARIY NOTICEt. al Among all the places which have undergone great O alterations within the last ten years, the suburb of ti Brompton stands pre-eminent. The change there fil has been greater, and the improvements on a more extended scale, than in other quarters. Moreover, ti the external aspect of the place is entirely different; the narrow rural lanes ...


... CA'TTLE SIlO WS. Yesteiday the annual competition of the Kilbarchasi Agri- oultural Society for cattle, poul try, and dairy prroduce,.was held e at Kilbarchan. The weather was really mast delightful, mnd 1% the turn-out on the show grountl was much superior to-what we b have seen on former occasiond. The proceedings were also r conisiderably enlivened from the preoseunce of, the Kilbarchan ...


... m USIC. MADAME CLARA SCIldMAN' Coxtcinr.-Madame Schumann, who is about to leave London in a few days, gave a matinie at the Hanover-square Rooms on Saturday. During her three months' visit this season she has fully masintained her European reputation ss one of the greatest pianists of the age, rivalled by very few, and surpassed by none. Indeed we do not know that there is any one who unites, ...


... FASR'IOIWABLE IivrELLIGENCE. X ARRIVALS AT THE EUROPEAm- HOTEL.-MVr. I O'Brien and family, fromn India; Mi's Brabazon, Mr. Tomkins and Miss Tomkieis; Mr. and lrs. Q.uigley; Mr. and Mrs. Huteitinson; Mrs. Murray, Miss Murray ad Airs. iiggs, Mr. Ogle, Mr. E. Maher, Mr. Colgan, Mr. Daly, Mr. Sams, Air. Lenmon and Miss Lennon; Mr. Hare. Departures3Mrs. Johnson and family; Mr. M Kenny, Mr. P. ...