Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. WVE have received from a much respected correspondent- A Layyman-a letter in reference to the controversy which has lately been carried on in our pages, in which he corrects a slight error into which the Rev. Mr. Morrow has unintentionally fallen, in the letter we published yesterday, by stating that Dr. Cumming refused to preach in Belfast, the fact. being that he did ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'WNER WANTED ftrait TARTAN PLAID taken by ,jmistake from thle cabin of thle 1Vesta Steamboat on Thursday Inst.-Apply at the Herald Office. WUANTED'I ?? few mo tils, the LOAN of £20, for whi ehi V 7 A per cent. adll good security will be given. ( Address 500, Herahld Office. El C Gifilatiallj$ U WaIM1 t. 12 ANTED, a Smart BOY for an Office.-Apply by letter, so V addressed 11. W., Herald ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JONFY-£1 048 TO BE LENT, ON FIRST 1V.l Mortgage, at 5 per cent, t on Property with Encumbered Estates Court Title.. As t(lo ist Trust moniey, it may remaits at interest- several years. Apply to THIIOMAS RICHARDSON, Waringstown. Lugan 23rd June, 1S57. . . . 2058 bT DOR SOLD, A VERY HIGH-BRED POINTER toG, just in Ida Prime. Fast, durable, and well broken io, Patrted with in consequence d of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. IMPORTATION of the A~r MANUFACTURES of CHINA, also Rnssia and Boule Furniture, and all elaborately carved suite from Boimbay. M ESSRS. FOSTER will SELL by AUCTION, M at the Gallerv, 34, Pall-mall, on Friday next, at Twelve, a choice assesinblagu ofE ELEGANCIES, ?? and Japan, in carvings, laequeur work, silks, ivories, jade, pottery, dt. ; alo a beautiful suite of earveds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ORADELAIDE Diireet. (flui~z4i~u~ite depatei, the well-knowna~4veBrY esMllgltlAfiiW O ASIAN AI,163Iton5PpmSre goel 4eapa ?? ADAVIDq.ONm0Q~aA1drr PAsRi oosan esll la~tljnoro~tbln ?? ?lnekoeMo~t lofty 'sween deck& Iyttbelit ?? apply to BU1DDBN BEIVAN. aeldTOBES at to JOHN BONeD. BoN.ado.ICan. T~ONDON LINE of AU, UALASI&1 j LJPACKECT flffII`&-T'h0 fol0llwn ?? ee their f s~glln ulitlea. lave MO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f TH E7 FOLL 0WJ7G Au VERTISEm3ESTS JFA CuIED US TOO LA' T' FOR INBEJITION IN OUR EAILLY! ED17'IOY. o This Day is Published, tl IIHE GLASGOW MEDICAL JOURNAL, it t No. 18, being the 2d Part of Vol. V. ji Edited by Drs. (UEO. JIUMC1AVAN and JoiN 13. COWAy. V Coteidts: I. T. Biographical Sketch of the late Thomas Thomson, M.D., F &c., &e., Professor of Chemistry in the University of ci Glasgow.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPPAMONARCHL OF THEtli SEA.- VT Tg IAit LINE of BlRITIill ullfn AUSTrIALIAN 10ytiL AIL PACFETS, sailing bet-een Liserpuol and X.80Y- 'oe the 20te aiid 27th of every mlouth. Passage m1on1ey, Sh4 i p21 Cuaptains. I Register. Burden, To Sail. a Bur 12,440 5,00 ~July 20 ;rdr Othe, 'hnriley ?? 1,O00 4,200 July 27 ,oh baes e . . Sail os .. 247 ,210 Aug. 20 ?? . 1,000 1,010 Aug. 27 Jihl Eror ?? osed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM CAMPBELL & CO., CLOTHIERS, FURNISHING TAILORS, AND MEN'S MERlCERSI R- ESPECTFULLY intimate to their Customers XVand the Public that they havc ait prescut a large Stock of choice Goods inn CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND SCOTCH1 TWEEDS, St suitable for summer wear; also a variety in thle newest styles of VESTINoS, NECKERCHIEFS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, TI HOSIEaY, DRAWERS, MERINO and FLANNEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WPublic _mugements. ZOOLDICRAL OGARDENS, LIVERPOOL. GA.A DAYS EVERYMONY TUE3D, WEDNESDAY, THURsDAAY, ans FRIDAY Brilliant Success of the DeW and talentead VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. TnzS DAT (WIDNUSDA11, THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' GRAND GALA AND FETE. And on each Gals Evening a favourite Farce. The immense and engnincent PICTURE OF MOSCOW Will be ILLUMINATED at dusk. the Palaces, Houes, Bridges, &C., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNWYSIAD. - DirlrYv yaetb at Arglwydd Palm~erston ar y Dreth Eglwys, &c .e 205 Etheliad Rocbdale 205 NaWYDDION CREFYDD- Trem ar y Maes Cen- adol .. 206 Y SEXNEDD .-.. 207 Y Cymry yn Asia, Italy, a Y'frainc 208 Cvnnadledd Addysg 208 Ffordd haiarn Dyffryn yr Euphrates 20S GOIIEBIARETAU .. 209 B3ARDDONIAETH . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRDLBY' S (N4 ENUINE HORSE and CATTLE FOOD, by the %_X us of which Hay, Straw, and ?? is convert. ed ito foteecng F~d.ThisP001 isnewin general use tlnugoil te nitd ingom 551( 5 stonlyrecommended lb. ad 8 b.Basat 42s per cwt.-T Th Tets Snale wit Anlyical Raeprtas,frade pot ree tare There will be exposed for sale, by~ public roup, for behoof of all whom it May concern, in thle YAnD adjoining No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE,_ Lsst Appearance but Tbree of Miss RIOSINA WRIGHT. On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), July 1, the perfor. manceig will commence with the celehrised Drama in Two Acts, entitled THE SEAMAN S STAR; OR, THE ANCHOR OF HOPE-Captain Walton, Mr Vaughan; Torn Toprepf Mr Sl irling; Arnol Crabtree, Mr G Saunders; Mary Wheatley, Miss Miles. After wbiob an entirely new Irish ...