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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ASF Pate nwering adlvertlaisoents in the ftfctorl ares feg'ucsted to attend. to the foollowhing flilatitoustri - ,~pply bi, the ?? that W80-0-'- - colai-ss meaut be made at our office. 'FP ?? capfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *InANCING AND XEXIIOISES.Mr. J. . F3 NJL LOWE (nephew to Mr. Josepb Lowe, Teacher of Dancing J and Exercises to the Royal Family) respotelly intimate, that the I hie will RESUME his CLAB3E8 in LIVi~a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOW,~i %muormeflta. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, LIVERPOOL. In consequence of the rap, uroult5 ?? whiae IV. P. WALIJETT AND Till EXTRAORDINARY DEL AVANTI TROUPE Have nightly received, they will Perform T111S D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TER2MS FOR TE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. UNSTAMPED. I One Year. Hatl-year. Quarter. A~sa.. 8 .94-a. ?? 4s, 6d. T-W5SKLY{ On Credit.. Od ?? Be. 6d. WBUKLY I Advance ; . ls. Wd. OnCredit.. 8i . . ; 0 .d 2s. Od. I STAMPMD. Tal-WDEULY Advance 32g. 6s . 6d . 2s. Gd. E . On Credit.. 12a 18. Gd . . Ps. Od WHKIUY ?? Advanue Ila 5s d. ?? 2%. 9d. a O rd -. .. . . . s. d. MAP OF INDIA. - . t -The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIOX. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE MONEY. Onand alter the 6th of June the PABSAGN Moani to HALIFAX and Boerors will be FOR CHIEF CABIN ?? POUNDS. FreIght by the Mail Seamers to Helalff anad Boston, and to N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, LIVERPOOL. GALA DAYS EVERY DAY (SATURDAY EXCEPTED). THE ROYAL OAK GALA AND FETES W1ill take Place THIS DAY (MONDAY), the 31Gt lost., WEDNiISDAY, Sept. 2, aud FRIDAY, Sopt. 4. TO mopmow (TcESDAV). Sept. 1, the talented Dramatic Company will perform the popular Farce of A N A L A R M I N G 8 A C it I F I C E . On TUURSDAT, Sept. 3, the screaming Farce of MOTHER AND CHILD ARE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? anusements. - - -- - - -- ?? .. ?? - A- - - - ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, LIVERPOOL. d Tis DAY (FRIDAY). Q W . F. W A L L E ' To The celebrated Quceow' Jester, and the DE L A V A N T I E A M I L Y }tr. WY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Va?0nua mXantctI. IVANIID anactie LD.-ddren 11, rerury. oico.a - VA1NTED. immtediately. i APPRENTICE to a Chemist aud W ?? at theIilercu'rY-Ofilce. AN TED, on experienced ASSISTANT for the Genra m .vD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TheDPB ol Osq IN~ fASSAGN MONEY. 'Th PAS~o Moly r A11tLRAx and boalronto now FOR CHIEFS CABIN.. AL~ rI)OYTOPONS Nreoh byo threct Jrit 5Am~rsr to HalIfax and Boston, mnd to Nrewg YonPrc ls$,~ .5 per ten, and i e coat.briage. FAreigh fonarc di ' esb and upwari:s. aseersllg to siz. E'AIELSfor ilrecot 03' wnlrees collected and made up In Sin1l PAcica' ZS ad esaosrt one ?? n0 America, fo~ 4t' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ittv stiate_ NOTICE. REDUCTIOI N IN PASSAGE MONEY. On and after the ol Jof June the pA ian MiOSsY to HAw' I BE and BOSrNv will be F OR C HIEF CABIN ?? .TWETY.TWO POUNDS. Freight by the Mall Stea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE, REDUCTION IN PASSAGE MONEY. o in Cad after the oth of June the monsas to ?? asad BoeToN wilt he FOR CHIEF CABIN ?? -TWENTY-TWO POUNDS. 8't'lglat by ths Kai Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to Niew York direct, as per t, and247per cent. pr.imale. 8itOt Pace Ba'each and upwards, acordig gt ala. 1PA E for different Cone -eso, collected and made up It single Paka, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WU ANMED n ASISTANT to the Tea Trade.-Applyto WyattI WtBuhrs 6,West Darbyrod ~ANTED~ta6good MACHINE ItULZIS.-Axply at t~he -Me. Hand SHOPHAN to the~ WV Ap~ at Adamsuon and TPIe',2 n 240 a ree IX ANT ...