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Advertisements & Notices

... _- 44n ?? HULL TO LOVDOV 4 / WITI{ o Vl~A jall WATIIfr LONDON eve EDNESDAY ad t as follows :- DAYT | Saturday, September 5, at 10 morning Wednesday, ,, 9, at 12 noon. Saturday II 12, at 1Ift Wednesday, I, 6, at 3 afternoe00 Saturday, ,, 19, at 10 noorerlien, Wednesday ,, 23, at 11 luorunlg. Saturday, , 20, at 1 aft-o Wednesday, ,, 30, at 2 aft roeort Returning from London Bridge Wharfi, NESDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -~ ~lo fob usfo -I HOt eRHOLD tURN1URtE, &C. Oa Wedinesday next, the 22ad bustistut at -Xeven 6'109k, on the Prwemis, 83, ill-srtreet, nearO Harrlogon~astreet, VEN UINN1 HOUSEHOLD F~URNITURE, oprisiingset of hslf-tetermabogany, sets of half-tester, FPrrtch, andi camp bedsteads, mahogany framed lsofa, benefhes, sttlifeti with curled hair, In hair 'Clothi, mashoan eblifunotiere ann ooka~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIOE. REDUCTION li PAStSa MPONY. il The AVSA Mom to 11 ;aw x and Beom Is new R CHIEF CABIN * ?? POUNDS. Ng U'relght by the Mal Steamers te Hlllhx and Bocton, sij b New York direct, £S per ten, and 6 per cent. prilage. reight en Parcels Be. each and upwards, according to i. !ARCELS for difflrent Consinces, collected and made up Ic Single Packages, ldresred to one party for delivery In I A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SOUTHAMPTON COLLEGE AND 13BOARDING SCHOOL. PATRONS: THE LOanD BrSHOP OF WINCHESTER, TisE LORD BisHoP OF BENGAL, TirE LOaD BrsHoP OF MADRAS, THE LORD BissoP OF BOMBAY. PRINCIPAL: JAMIES DUNCAN, M.A., F.R.S.E. Assisted by Graduates of the Universities, Professors of Modern Languages, of Drawing, Fencing, and Military Exercises. There is a Preparatory Department for very junior Pupils. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF GREENNY1C01- lTF h~avinn bseu announced upon authlority that a a ucayiR, likoly to occur in your ancient boroughlt, I venture respectfully to plate at your columanld ily bumble services in Parliament. aebrlsieial I have never cetsed to regret that, in December last.,nevitable dreumetancee preveted w~e from proflthl, by tho hivitation' which ejrcumqtanceB ?? - ?? I clectoni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI ER MAJESTY'S TUEATREi. J.J TWO EXTRA PERFORMANCES ONLy at REDUCFD PRICES, THIS EVENING, September 18 ?? Toinuorrow, SoP- tember 19, witlh Piceolomnil, Spesia, Ortolail, Giuglilil, Be' ventaico, Vialetti, Howe, and Befletti. Two ExtraPerformances will be ?? Evenirg, September 1, IL DON GIOVANNI, and on Saturdtvs Sesteolbter 19, W TRAVI ATA and the Grand Sceca from the *third act of IL TR- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T be SOLD, fI1 ANUFACLU RING PRtEKISES.1 T two stories high, with sh ed, yard, engine. countiug-house, alld Btahles. Apply W. -B. Hintile, Estate Agent, 9, Park-row. Ih 7110 be SOLD by PRIVATE CON IRAOT, a 'I'four-horse portable TFIR~ASHINCI ENGINE. With a iiinch stroke, nearly inow. and matte onl the nidst appiroved principile. Apply A ilo, Thomas Avison, Railway Foundry. Wakefield. ( N SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNSOPRSTICATEZD GIN, the true JaniPer flavour, preciaely as it runs from the Still u writhout the slightest dluttlen, deterioration, or dulcifdcation, I1S. per imperial gallon; 26s. per dozen, other bottles returnable. or in dozen coses, 290. each, package included. Terms, cash. BjERRAY BRETT AND CO. OLD FUIRNIVA'S DiSTILLERY, ?? HOLBORW. UNSOPHISTICATED GIN, rAU DP. VIE, and other genuine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Adr Partla answering advarlimments in the Morrusy an q~uoted to attend to the ?? explanations.-- ,Apyat the mercury-offiee means a WM J 04*7i sa ust be mae ait outi offie. Address [oop~ letter and number] mremuri10c, nbolm UMa application imds he made byider, pest paid, and hi no other way. Applicationg not in conformaity with these directions cannot beattedlded to. pueblic pausels, 3ut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROFESSOR JOHNSTON'S C]EEMISTRY OF COMMON LIFE. W1ith 113 Illustrations on Wood, and a copious Index. Two Volumes, crown Sre, Ils. 6di. The Subjects are sold Eeparately, viz- No. I. TIE AIR WE BREATHE, AND THE WATER WE DREINK. 6d. .TBE SOIL WE CULTIVATE, AND THE PLANT WYE REAR. 61. . T13E BREAD WE EAT, AND THE BEEF WE COOK. Sd. 4. THE BEVERAGES WE INFUSE. ltd. s. TILE S'VEPITS Wi EXTRACT. Cd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pLAIIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS I' continue t,,herilghreputatlou in public esteem as ne ofthmemos important diecoverice of the present age. Sold all vendors of mcdl. doe,Vo rIeis. lid. and S2, Sd. per box. Observo Y Thomaso Prout, 229, Strn. lsdn,onthogovernmentstanp. IMPORTANT to INVALIDS.-The highly bene. a .ficiat scsd restorativo qualities of Dr. SIBLY'S RE-ANIMSATING * ULAR TIN OTURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH1E KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. STA it. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to ?? l announce Ins ANNUAL SUMMER BALL will rL tcl. * ph.tce during the present month. Quil ROyAL NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT, CONDUCTEI BY Mr. THOMAS EASTMAN, R.N., . Twenty years Naval Instructor in Her Majesty's &c., Service. and rT lHE Course of Study embraces every Branch re- do r 1L quired by the New Admiralty Regulation of fabr ...