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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... T be SOLD, fI1 ANUFACLU RING PRtEKISES.1 T two stories high, with sh ed, yard, engine. countiug-house, alld Btahles. Apply W. -B. Hintile, Estate Agent, 9, Park-row. Ih 7110 be SOLD by PRIVATE CON IRAOT, a 'I'four-horse portable TFIR~ASHINCI ENGINE. With a iiinch stroke, nearly inow. and matte onl the nidst appiroved principile. Apply A ilo, Thomas Avison, Railway Foundry. Wakefield. ( N SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPO AECnTECTS BUILDERS, &c.-To be- JL 'iLD, quanity f od iitz TEIMBER, u.iT iar~e dimensions, and fee from Oajls. Suchi a lot very rare to lie test- Avib. ply to 3r. JocephlFozard, Joiner, Batley; o oM.DlaWsdgurgs.IL Timber in Cus's Wood, StjUirrgtou. JLsilo,: 'tCV 0 TIC E.-This TIMBER will NOT BE1 of thi ..,L OFFERED for S'ale by Auction in Oetnebev, as provionsly adver- tised, the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. WE have had numerous complaints that the Mer- o cury and Suppllement when not bearing the im- pressed stamp, require two stamps to cover the postage, owing to the weight exceeding 4 ounces. f We have therefore adopted a paper which, whilst of the same quality as before, is slightly reduced 1 in weight. It will now be found that the Paper and Supplement, wdhen thoroughly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0,PIUT (f LEEDS. -I 74PROVEENT1 L :I~z - ?? tchi! Pii' ace.t.,tilsr~i ed re3 Ooipi pe ?? Itl Nwl-I-sie -nih t heiluoi t-Iik~ tO ark- rowi, 1rsiedo tlks samie bruig the principalill iice or the said Colunll . fraiil 6? in 31, 0CC' i' c' al q-- - a' o. ovh tincsc, until the ?? 3 WI thescli ICur1 -,t Q~lr irte , .0.fyorler. .ltISN A. jIKIN lus -rratiid Clerk of the Council. L tn ,!o. lot A ilt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B APTISTI'sjoN5108-:he AYNNUAL SE11l- LPVf[CFS of tliz LEEti AUJX(LIAI.Y to the ?? Society will behe lvd al f~lows - oni Lordi's Dat' ( Io-nitsrow), S pleciabee Flirtrletli, SERNONS will be pre;,t,-d nil 1- lh-iar~ul,~ UCplo irn the morning, at ?? ten, bYL L. l.ND~lt- ?? Eit,, if L~ooden, and in tie e vening; at six, by the Rev. J1. III lllgo L-on e at G!reat Gcorgbrstrcet Chapel, io tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s1iA 01ip 5 ~ttatt ?? a. TNIT COTTAGES to be SOLD Iv PRIVATE CON',TA`CT. situlate in Boyiitou-street, andI tu ira-v-hill. Leedsb. Pretest tresanit, Mrs. Hlaigh, Mrs. Orange, and others. ApplY to M~r. Jog Wger.7,Warwick-place._ ?? _ _ _ T VARNISH MAINUF'ACTURETPS & Otl U-S. T To he DISPOSED OF, a VARNISH NMANIiIFAOtT(R. andI BIYSIN ESS. at Siwxrrby Grang., Thirak. Apply to.J. WIhitweli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1G0T- UG111 of LEEDS. - 111PROVEMIENT'I )oY thle ott-v ot o' the 9:ail Bo~rough oil the I2ni day of April. 1857. fur xnti with retyiect to tite Mlauaq,rnettt and I iov n ofs al slaolitt'r- isouses withiin the said borough,' antd for koelepi`61gecthe sante i, at cleatily nod ropr sate an Oter ottes onncte throwtli and that a 5'O~y prp. intl ye-laws n icept t IheT~wt cl otk' 18co, Park- I 75W, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4public .~ tcs 5IHE Friends of the late THOX'eAS BAPT~ are - T1.reSPectfuillY informed that hie ISEMA INS will he INTERRED ait Arvaley church on ?? i.qlers eon, and that the funeralwillI It.,h fn, m 15, Call-Jane. at half-past two o'clock. REEDS EARLY CLOSING ASSOOIATION.- EA A PUBLIC MEETING will be he~ld in the Stekl Escharrge t( I~lauTO-MORRO IlV ( Weduresday), Selpeitaber Nflh jg57 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPRINSON'S PIANO\rFOcTE,.--These L .admired iinitrurmecats obtained First-etas Prize .,few'errlo1o the rnvcse Exlrlrlro held Ice Motrion atlo-r ?? cccof the rmoat xqillicite qutality, and the pr~ee V~y nocrt .;,its of srices sent free. Ware rooris 243, uo.egect-otreoc, and lmd tSolo-sqturar; 3iasnfaetor~v. Dirina-niare, flegmeirt Park. Lonldon ; Branch Establiish- menit, 6. COMMERCIAL.STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - j~~~ublic _fQ oticcs. sLand, riotties, WANSTED.The Vil sdec; ti b~LT OLDO WANTED. The LIST for ?? isnwreden a be btaine free n apiction.-Estab--lues, 8, Park-ruow, Leeds, Mr. W. B. Hindle, Agent. 1)ETURNED to its formfer Home, a GiREY toI J.. I[ARE, sold at the last Lee Fair. The owner may have it again npangePenses. If not, owned before the 12th of September, it - will be ol~d to defray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T jHOMAS HARRISON, Rent Collector, and Es~tate Agent, 31, Crinoble-street, Leeds. Accoilnts rendered QuarterlY and half-Yearly. Security and highly respectable references given, if required. ESTABLISHED, 1834, EJENRY WAITE, Rent Collector and Estate Me an~t, Oflfice. 35, Kirkgate, Leeds, respectfully returns thanks to his friend - and the public for the flattering encouragemnsut he has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~alc bp Muftinn. 1italion and Garfortir, nesr Leeds. Pintitiat A. an ricrirer of tele Ilight rort of Chancery, maide in tue iiale a cause t1rooin a' ?? with tire appeoatton of tile judge to ?? Cour t she smad cause is attached.Mes By MrI. Tlit.i: iAS htAJADWVICK. ilha person eatpoitteti to sell the EXC store, 'rM ls reI art.Irs ?? Seprtember. 1itn, at the ire Wsoirdrna!, bIt, Dli~. rr ...