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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... lTOTATOES FOB SALE.-Kemp, Scotch Downs, and P White Rock PotatQaP will be Sold by the Rood or Acre. Apply to Mr. Quigley, Fo-)APck, near the S illorgan Station, on4be Braym'ilway. slO,3 -'EdIjkBT-NW7A'rCIHS, CLOCKS, JEWELLXb;KY, w ;AP' tll'EB 1,AND ELECTRO-PLATE. VIltbs to Dublin will find our Fstablisebmont to offer them undoubted advantages in purchasing the above. We keep a carefully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. JAMES' CHURCH.-On SUNDAY NEXT, the i 6th of Ssptember, B MEETING will be held In the Parochial Church Of Jaraes's-street, at One ?? (imme- diately after the Twelve ?? Mass), to make arrange- ments for commencing as soon as possible the works neceseary foy completing the Interior of the Church. The Catholics of Dublin are earnestly invited to aid in the completion of this noble Temple of God ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H-AT R ROYA.L, DUBLIN. T Mr. Harris has the bonour to announce that he has moade arrangements with the F1irm of Meson'. Cramer, Bale, and Co., for the Annual Series of ITALIAN OPERAS, to tommence on MONDAY, SEPTEMBElR 21st, supported by the following eminent Artiates:- Madame GRISI, Madame ALBONI, and Madame GAS- SIER; Madlle GRAelAGLIA, Madile ANGIOLLINI, Signor MARIO, Herr REICHART, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TdHE IiOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY attend- ing lbs meatings of the BRITISH ASSOC[ATION axe respectfully ?? that we have this day received a consignment of MESSRS. NICOLL'S REGISTERED PALETOIS at 42P., and their SUMMER ALLIANCE CAPE at 21s. MACDONA AND REID, Merchant Clothiers, 32, MOLESWORTH-STREET. CALL AND SEE E G U I N E A C O A T.- IIIPWELL, KING, AND) CO.'S One Guinea Coat is a remarkable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 T Mr. Harris bas the bonour to announce that he has made arrangements with tbe Firm of Messro. Cramer, Beale, and Co., for the Annual Series of ITALIAN OPERAS, sap- ported by the following eminent Artistes: - Madame GRISI, Madame ALBON 1, and Madame GAS- lE; Mahldlle GRAMAGLIA, Madlie BAILLOU, Signor MARIjpjO, Mr GEORGE PEEREN, Signor ANNONI, Sig DpRONE, Signor BAILLOU, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. .OATHOLIC 'BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 20, % W YORK.-STREXT, under the direction of the Misses TICKIELLE. Thet Cgurs of Instruction comp ises English in I its various branches, the Freneb, Italian, and German Lan- guages, grammatically; Dancing, Ka1isthenic Exercises1 Plain and Ornamental Needleworks, &c., &o. By tbesystem Be successfully introdaced into this Establisa-ment, Education ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M YOTTU WATCHiiE X Yu8S Ueda Motl MENT. We 1have Jut 0lva our tel Mothly. parcel of the above celebrated ienev Watches, unequalled a as Timekeepers and for, their cbhta design and exquisite c finish. They comprise every vaety of Ecappement In Gold,1 Sliver, and Enamel, Ranting and Open Casee., 'They hsve bsee inatufactur~tI ed~presly for our Establish. qerat on csh terms, end we now offer them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EAT BE BO YAL, DUB L IN. TMr. Harris has the honour to announce that he ha. made arrangemsate with tha Eirm of Me3Srs. Cramer, Basle, and Go., for the Anostm Series of ITALIAN OPERAS, to commence on MONDAY, SEPTEABELi 21st, supported by the following eminent Artistes:- Madame GiRIST, Madame ALBON I, and Madame GAS- SIER; Madlle GRANAGLIA, Madlle BAILLOU, Signor ,IMARlO, Mr GEOctGE PERREN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1~K~l~l'S T 0CK.j t- A N K rv IJ P T C K 1B Official Assignee's, 10, 1o6natrath-treet, Dublin, Sept. 4, 1857. Messrs. Scott, Bell, and Co. GENTLMEOSN-I beg to advise you that the Commis- ioner rif Ban' ruptcy has this day approved of and acceptrd your offer of taking the Stock of the Estate of Samuel MlIMater, Bankrupt, at a Discount of BIJ per Cent. off the k Stock prices exhibited to you. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Mr. Harris has the honour to announce that he has uade arrangements with the Firm of Messrfr. Cramer, Beale, and Co., for the Annual Series of ITALIAN OPERAS, to ?? OD MONDAY, SEPTEIMBERt21st, supported by the following eminent Artistes:- Madame GRISI, Madame ALBONI, and Mademe GAS. SIER; Madille GRAMAGLIA, Madlle ANGIOLLINI, Signor MARIO, Herr REICHART, Mr. TENNANT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. BEAHAN'S INDIA-BUBBER LIQUID BLACKING, for HARNESS, 3BOOTS, 4RES, and all articles of Leatber. It gives a beautiful Iuah'1withbtalf the usnal labour, rendering the leather pliasnAdlpitdrptof, and is much cheaper than any other B!lakiluin ?? present. WHOLESALE ad RETAIL, at 128 CAPEL-STREET. G IAS FITTINGS of every tdescription are erected in the most efficient manner and on moderate Terms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P U BLICATIONS. N OTICE.-Froi tbe immense demand for ?? The Robber L Chieftsin, the Publisber is reluctantly obliged to POSTPONE its PUBLICATION until the 15th SEPT., when will be ready, in one bandeome Volume, post 8vo., Price Two Shilli,,gs (free by Poet, 4d. ?? TRE ROBBER CHIEFUAIN, a Tale of Dublin Castle. 0 Thie beautiful Volume, containing incidenis of the moat startling character, will ...