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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... T be SOLD, fI1 ANUFACLU RING PRtEKISES.1 T two stories high, with sh ed, yard, engine. countiug-house, alld Btahles. Apply W. -B. Hintile, Estate Agent, 9, Park-row. Ih 7110 be SOLD by PRIVATE CON IRAOT, a 'I'four-horse portable TFIR~ASHINCI ENGINE. With a iiinch stroke, nearly inow. and matte onl the nidst appiroved principile. Apply A ilo, Thomas Avison, Railway Foundry. Wakefield. ( N SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0,PIUT (f LEEDS. -I 74PROVEENT1 L :I~z - ?? tchi! Pii' ace.t.,tilsr~i ed re3 Ooipi pe ?? Itl Nwl-I-sie -nih t heiluoi t-Iik~ tO ark- rowi, 1rsiedo tlks samie bruig the principalill iice or the said Colunll . fraiil 6? in 31, 0CC' i' c' al q-- - a' o. ovh tincsc, until the ?? 3 WI thescli ICur1 -,t Q~lr irte , .0.fyorler. .ltISN A. jIKIN lus -rratiid Clerk of the Council. L tn ,!o. lot A ilt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPO AECnTECTS BUILDERS, &c.-To be- JL 'iLD, quanity f od iitz TEIMBER, u.iT iar~e dimensions, and fee from Oajls. Suchi a lot very rare to lie test- Avib. ply to 3r. JocephlFozard, Joiner, Batley; o oM.DlaWsdgurgs.IL Timber in Cus's Wood, StjUirrgtou. JLsilo,: 'tCV 0 TIC E.-This TIMBER will NOT BE1 of thi ..,L OFFERED for S'ale by Auction in Oetnebev, as provionsly adver- tised, the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. WE have had numerous complaints that the Mer- o cury and Suppllement when not bearing the im- pressed stamp, require two stamps to cover the postage, owing to the weight exceeding 4 ounces. f We have therefore adopted a paper which, whilst of the same quality as before, is slightly reduced 1 in weight. It will now be found that the Paper and Supplement, wdhen thoroughly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B APTISTI'sjoN5108-:he AYNNUAL SE11l- LPVf[CFS of tliz LEEti AUJX(LIAI.Y to the ?? Society will behe lvd al f~lows - oni Lordi's Dat' ( Io-nitsrow), S pleciabee Flirtrletli, SERNONS will be pre;,t,-d nil 1- lh-iar~ul,~ UCplo irn the morning, at ?? ten, bYL L. l.ND~lt- ?? Eit,, if L~ooden, and in tie e vening; at six, by the Rev. J1. III lllgo L-on e at G!reat Gcorgbrstrcet Chapel, io tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3Vublfc -Vaticts. VHE DIAL.-PUB3LIC MEETINGS, in further- Tance of the DIAL INOVEMENT will he held at the Town- ball. DalyB 11 SEFIXa ok on W~ednesdiay, thre Fact metingwil comenc at inh o'cock anwill re, addressed by th RevDAVIDTHOMS T.B. SIISON Esq, and Mr. PASS- Besdesthse entemn, he ev W.S.LEWIS, Incumbent of Trinty hurc, Rpen wil adres ?? nrethig; and the Roe., LEEDS MECHANICS' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WE S T - E N D) PEOPLE'S INSTITUTE, Kiyk-stall-road, Leeds. PETER FAIRBAIRtli. Esq., Presldent. The MAYOR of LEEDS, Vice-President. The SECOND ANNUAL SOIREE will take Place on Tuesday5,pa I~wimt,14iinth istait. inoa lacga buildingin the works of the filayor li,-hn Botterill, Esq.) Viscount GODERICH, AI.P., will preside, end thre following gee- Cerena have consented] to be present and take part ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s1iA 01ip 5 ~ttatt ?? a. TNIT COTTAGES to be SOLD Iv PRIVATE CON',TA`CT. situlate in Boyiitou-street, andI tu ira-v-hill. Leedsb. Pretest tresanit, Mrs. Hlaigh, Mrs. Orange, and others. ApplY to M~r. Jog Wger.7,Warwick-place._ ?? _ _ _ T VARNISH MAINUF'ACTURETPS & Otl U-S. T To he DISPOSED OF, a VARNISH NMANIiIFAOtT(R. andI BIYSIN ESS. at Siwxrrby Grang., Thirak. Apply to.J. WIhitweli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1G0T- UG111 of LEEDS. - 111PROVEMIENT'I )oY thle ott-v ot o' the 9:ail Bo~rough oil the I2ni day of April. 1857. fur xnti with retyiect to tite Mlauaq,rnettt and I iov n ofs al slaolitt'r- isouses withiin the said borough,' antd for koelepi`61gecthe sante i, at cleatily nod ropr sate an Oter ottes onncte throwtli and that a 5'O~y prp. intl ye-laws n icept t IheT~wt cl otk' 18co, Park- I 75W, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPRINSON'S PIANO\rFOcTE,.--These L .admired iinitrurmecats obtained First-etas Prize .,few'errlo1o the rnvcse Exlrlrlro held Ice Motrion atlo-r ?? cccof the rmoat xqillicite qutality, and the pr~ee V~y nocrt .;,its of srices sent free. Ware rooris 243, uo.egect-otreoc, and lmd tSolo-sqturar; 3iasnfaetor~v. Dirina-niare, flegmeirt Park. Lonldon ; Branch Establiish- menit, 6. COMMERCIAL.STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - j~~~ublic _fQ oticcs. sLand, riotties, WANSTED.The Vil sdec; ti b~LT OLDO WANTED. The LIST for ?? isnwreden a be btaine free n apiction.-Estab--lues, 8, Park-ruow, Leeds, Mr. W. B. Hindle, Agent. 1)ETURNED to its formfer Home, a GiREY toI J.. I[ARE, sold at the last Lee Fair. The owner may have it again npangePenses. If not, owned before the 12th of September, it - will be ol~d to defray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + 0 - -Tj:uidfc ,Rotfrc,?. B'rEl~ends of the latet M. JOEN O~aG, of fphlcrscac'a). The funerra csrlege win leave the *ouse; Potternewton. thne. near Leds, at ?? two o'clock. - ltSTATES, Villa Residences, Land, Houses, ELJ Mills, Warehouses, and other Property to be LET, SOLD, or WANTED. The LIST for SBPTEMNBE is now ready, and may be obtained free on ?? 9, Park-row, Leeds, ir. W. B. Hindle, ...