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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 3EO P LE'S CON CER TS, P ?? HALL. FIRiST 01F THE SEASON., TO-Nb102'. - VocAuaxs ;-1rs. SUNDERLAND. Miss NEWIIOUND, Miss H. WALKVtR. Mr. DEFLAVANTI, end the YORKSHIRE VOCAL UNIO~N;(onductor, Mr. SPARK. The Right Worshipful the Mayor (John lBotterill. Esq.), the Rev. 3Dr. Hook. John Hope Shaw. Eirl, President, and Eeveral Magistrates and Members of the Corporation have accepted the invitation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l ~~~[ADVERTIsEMtEiNTS. CAIFS LL'S 1LLUSrRATEDF ALMANACK for 185Si price Slxpence, ia now ready, containing twenty-eight beautiful engravings whereof twelve re re~neaent the principal events of the year, and twelve more are sce-ee illustrating the marriage osrensonles of different ?? remainhing four are subjects of OCcasional initerest. Casaclia ill theramd Family AnsanaciC is not only the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gore- T E L E G R A M.~ with Each day's recorded some new move, the ?? movements are a shame),0 the There' coind a telegram. a reop euf To write the world an epitaph, LBAIpe steat ?? else an epigram, Leedsi it~~~t ~ The firs. should take the telegraph, Day all II, he The lest the telegram. sii ting A telegram isajust received. Suinesn cor. Come bythelihexrs.a OBT. From somebodly, who hoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le LADVERTISEMNSTS. id HOLLO'WAY'S OINTMIENT AND PIULS astounding reme- )d dies ?? Legs-IRobert Dickie, of Broad-street, Alias, informed V rs mn ~ jrgit fth aetwthat about eighteen yeare sgjh nurdhsacedhl twrki olPit, which afteorwards id ormd ito runin ucer Tocur it hetred innueoerat'e reme- t- dies, but wvithout effect, -le was in the Itoy-aInfirmary alout three d terthyid d muainwsteonly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Publislicd Monthly. price 31d., riHE BRIT16~1 M41-iHE1tS JOURNAL. B1 T1 E~lited by Br'. J. Bakewell. 'Aldexii Lsudcsl: J. SBOW, Puternoster-row; J. F. Shaw, Southampton row, York, Rtua ell-sq-uare. 7025 Ba r~~'HE FALL of DELHI, N~~ew March, for the be coam I Pianoforte, by Slephen ?? of. The Retreat Inild. ?? Itoli Prusara Mares,.The Y'onin Recruit's perche! London-Rober (loee and o.. 'fw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PEOPLE'S CONCERTS.-TO - NIGHT, the _L celebrated Actress and Vocalist, 31iss JULI & ST. GEORGEf, Wi~llgive her Entsrtainruont HOME and FOREIGN LYRICS. Front eeats 15.. saloon 6d.. gallery 3d1. For tire aceommodation of season ticket holders, 9seats wiil bre preserved until a quarter past severs o'clock. For further 1 etictilars see pro,,,ratrrumer. I.N. DICKINSON. Hon. See.. THR RUSSIAN WAR. ...


... T Y of YORK- ?? Publication.3 By ]BENrJAMIN 'WARD, Wakefield, Crown Sfu7MreY? Persons who have obtained Game Certificates for the yeaw 195iL List 1.-G RNERA.L CERTIFI~CATES at 4 Os. 1QU. each . Ar-ron Benjamin. H~alIfdx Bro wn Dale, Pull AisbeyJamL , lla.-rnrt, Briwi, (leo. Gilpin. SedhulrY Abbey Richard. Hymtn ?? Blenry, Strenallre ACimoer JhAn, Thorns Brown Ilenryl, WSrfevald Ackroyd (it: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Auction Sale of Baltic and American Timaber inrd Deals. Eisa Thwursdaj neat, ftie lbeealy-secosd daty of Oetober, will be offered for Sale iy 0'oblr Auction, H E undelnmentioupd.WoV'OD GOODS, -which QT 5eCwill be put up in lota to suit purnis-rasr. 5,0 ?? Deals, 7 to 20 in. wide. 16,5001 Itichibuoto Pine Deals, 9 to 2i ft. long. 3 by 7 in. to 21 lin. wide5. 6.3f' Riebibucto 2J by?7 in. Pine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~cltitcm i UTINY in INDIA.-THIS BYENING, A JLLECTUYRE will be delivered in the Exchiange-hail. Albion- stretenOURINDAN MPIE,hyhe Rev. Canon TREVOR. Doos oen t Sve. Te cairwil b tarenbythe Mayor of Leeris, Adm~sion-eservd Seste, s.; ?? eats I.Back Seats, &1. ickts t behad f M. Harisn, 5. Biggae :theIntelligences. A.F R I C A N DJSCOVERIES.-On Fritlay A.C.E veninc Scert, the vnthri instant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11balvs Mn Ruct(on.I rilA RDWCR t 1 e oerf M~rs. Orosley, the Xb'boua Hotl. ?? Monday ems?, the Tressstsirdte (ly0J Octotber, 1857. ait six odtloci in the evnig (subject to condttlrsril. A LL that. Valuable FR~ElEHuLD ESTATE, -L'3 Situate n Kirkgate end York-st~reet, in Leeds. couneting of the ehop No. 17, fronting into Kirkigatoe with the exwoerlet etweilug-housea sd~onin, i th Occpaton t M. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -THE WINTER CAMPAIGNj For the WinterCampai,,g at famned Number One, Let BAICIA wth pleaure agi of Recounitttolhii friends~, allthataglaee'usdonie VgTo provide for the Winter Campaign, &c lu- For the Winter ;am paign. -for everycls,- woalking for riding-the train, sr~ ?? style. and the Winter Capaign. ;be For the Winter Campaain, ihesrese wrappers and coatai 6doeelnt fwt cold, and rain Il Te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * j~~~ublit Notices. TEDSBOROUGH SESS1($NS._-xNOTIOE is M Ereb given, that the next 'C4IENEjRAL QUTARTER SFtS- StuNS of the Peace for the horr,oja of Leeds, in the cotunty nf - orwillibe holden before Tneov21trio'rvNpR 1005 oRecorder- Yof th ds~ borough, at the Co~r~tachauee, in Leedsefrsu, ORe Iosi- dlop IteTretYsulyts-frk flap f Galelternext, gtnineoaencek in the forenoion; -at which time ...