Advertisements & Notices

... ONS OF THE CLERGY OF THE CHURCH ) OF SCOTLAND. NOTICE IS HEREBY GaVs- that all applications for AID from the SOCIETY for the BENEFIT of the SONS of the CLERGY of the CHURCh of SCOTLAND for the ensuing year must be transmitted to ate &ecretory or Treasurer of Use S-ciety, on or before FRIDAY the 13TH NOVEMBER 1857. ArrILIcANTs for AmD to SoNs of CLERGYMEN are requested to notice that, as the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? auteW Xtateu. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE MIONE- I The PAsuSAG MORAuY to HAWnAA and BMoamIs new FOR CHIEF CABIN__.. . TwO POUNW Freight hy the Mail Steamers to Mtalifax and Boston, and to 2 Now York direct, ZS per ton, and prcent. primage. Freight en Parcels 5a. each and upwarsp, accerding to viae. PARCELS for dfentCons, call, collectedi and anade UiP InI Single Pkes drero one party for deliver& I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. WE beg to announce that we havo nadde every possible arrangement for the carriage and delisvery of o'ur e.stdelsped papers in the principal towns throughout Ulster. in order to meet the requireuents of the public, and render the eoit of ourjournal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistently with our aim to furnish thc earliest and best intelligence. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bj)ELGIAN and AUSTRIAN COUPONS now ~5Iduo are PAID) on preseasten at the B31nkingAhud Bullion o~t 79, Lombard-street. ADAM SPIVLMAB and ,o. CIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Ta~vellarsernoeoiiing to the Coaftennt, Calonices Amaerica. &e., CMa have CI11 LRNOTES of £5 Bud it) ooh.sot mel' t h.'5'rss 75. 14m5- Ifflacisa Lawns ; als f~rd ADAM ASpIBLANN ad. WECOND-HAND PIANOFORTES.-CRAMER, BEALE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEA &P'RRINg' C.ILEBRATED *RO-loum','FY ' ' EXTRAC' of * TIMTTFA : .. .- ,. fram' a 'IISED CAL . NM)I5SEN h6, GNTLEMAN at madrss, TO TEBE ii Nto hi.8rother at TO S . 7 ~~~WORCES'T11 Uay, Ui51 : !j'ILYOO D SAU, r~ ?? L l r 0338AV~l@ .Tell LEA &.PZERRIN9 AND APPLICA i f.E that theO .SALUCF. ?? TO e~~~steemcd,'in India, aud is, tVERY VATUIEI Y in inty opinion, the mnst 9VERY YARIE 11~ r palatabl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. MOS E L Y, Surgeon - Dentist, begs to ?? huia=jnI Cheno he as Resumed'?iis DAILY ATTE NUB. =pa AdotEedi. RICaARD RICK, Wine, Spirit, and Porter Pt ferchant,.Bo. 2, Cominereial-court, Briggates. g.pHOS. M'INTYRE'S SUPERFINE, BLACK LDRESSq SUITS, at Feaur Guineas, are of good cloth beaunifully 2made ad trimmed. 11lbS. M'IINTYRE'S TREfRE E G U INLEA TMORNING SUITS are thorough Gentlemen a weir ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... Baby Linen and Ladies' Underolotbinlg T-AMES SAfINIT, Jun., begs to intimato that he s, Bh y lat g rcselnt a great varlietv o every thimic' useful in LADIE, S, ctf anl b113Sl.O UNMDI T,0'IilNO anid lA'BY LINEN; 7r10clIT& Qepe ing New Stylts, ?? in Lolndoi, cvhieli 1153' be bd i cetto Set' or tlerioSE CLOtKS. Also, a larg .surtncccit of t Clildel's DIIESE, LO S PELISSES, Hl0ODS, HA_,-TS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JyONDON LINE of AUSTRALASIANI JUPACKET SBIPS.-The following fi t-'las. %bslp. 001442 for terfast-mlteg gtalitioa have mon ?? vocoommodittons for gpiaumprs. and willbe found deelrable oppertuidtie. fortshppes: TWOn Tons Ship. Registe. Burdo.L DOeSUnaera Aset ?? 1281 180 Sydsej Ooean Travele ?? 163 1400 P 't 7hiip Roya Didm l) 10 Adelaide WZOVd eote~ -. .: ?? . 4,74 OMl Le-onaon For tertnu of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORPORATION of MONTREAL SIX PER ' CENT. CONSOLIDATED-LOAN.- Notice ierehy given, that the COUPONS for the EIALF.YEAR'S INTEREST, due on the-14 of November nlex', ol the CITY of MONTREAL BONDS, will he PAIID at the Commercial Bank of London, Lothbury, on and after that ?? October 3L, 1857. PERA BUFFA IrALIANA, ST. JAMES'S 0 THFATRE.-It is ?? alinlolleed that the FIRST REPRIEISENrAT[O1 of tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES TO CORRESPONDEN T. A ?? complains of tbo way In whiph the poiiti5vt ~ of tbe Lca Board Is execulted. TrbebO ?? fr5.~ quent and lould. Within lesis thanl a weeok four 5113 water plpeehavo been b701cen by the Imperfect wray in which h 51. vatloas for seweraem have be~len up.> ndent males A. Boseas CY Sr. GaotBS !sussWa _5,.yre~sjepnd5t iri5t5 setlous ceahgea, such as we cannot w unless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I r srerua.-ooneailuy. L.DTER,.I..OONTj-Lr%,rPP0L CUP WI-NNER 9 stamps. Fagi meeting,18. Commiesiem exccuted.-AddreT. LENsAI, Poset omfe, Cheater. [ADVERTISEMENT.]-LIVEEPOOL CUrP-I sent the winnier last year, ?? confident again. Whole Meeting, Sa.-Adcdresa CA~U- L&TORt, Rlichmoend, Yorksthire [ADVERTISEMENT.]-I?EORl- CATION WORTH £i100 TO SPt'TLroG Geera'TLEMnoo.-he Winner of tho Liverpool Cup ...