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Advertisements & Notices

... AT BIN DERBYNWYR. Prj V FAe aR, wedi;i atsampio pyda'r pmt, POo 4c. yr f': a'n o~wart, 4z. 4e.: am hanper bIWeddy; 8s. t8c., and os *wah e.i9p )r.d i h7-u ue18X. I S Oei itir vn m1 am9 Uawt tJ pris aM chwalwter medi ei starmfio fyid 4s.; an hanwF li , S.; am fa'en/ddgi, 16s. lle -,d ellir ei chae lrn'71 D8 AMarthawr, 08 c2itU8na dab Pedsr, chivech, lieun nnrhv9w WfVifr (equal number) o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?pbggllglls. (YMDEITHAS WLADYCHFAOL GYM- sJ REIG CAERNARFON. Cynnaliodd y gymdeitbas hon ei degfed gyfarfod misol yn yagoldy glan y mor y 26ain o Hydref. Sylwyd gan swydd- ogion y gymdoithas eu bod wedi derbyn llythyrau oddi wrth amryw wladgarwyr, yn hysbysa eu bod yn pleidio y sym- mudisd gwladychfaol; ond nid ydym wedi cal ar ddeall fod y cyfryw wladgarwyr wedi bod yn alluog i sefydln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNWYSIAD. GWRTIRYEEL INDIA.. 441 NEWYDDION CRxFYDDOL:- Italy;-Alanion 442 Y WA8G SEISONIG.. 442 India v Dwyrain . 443 Amser Caled,,. 443 Lladdfa Cawnpore .. 444 Delhi a'i Brenin .. 444 Y cyfyngder arianol 445 DYGWYDDIADAU YR WYTHNOS . .. 445 George Stephenson 446 Claddu y injeirw yn New York .. 446 Pethau ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & EDICALl REVOLr1-TIONo THE WORLD UNANIMOUS HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT. rnFHE virtue of diseane often makes its way totheirritontergans a through the pores of the sliin. This penetratino Ointment, aielting under the hand as it is rubbed in is absorbed tnsolgh the samc channels, aind reaching the seat of inflamnintion. promptly and invariably subdues it. whether located in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST PUBLISHED, 0e SELF CONTRtOL : its advantages and effects inl Prolongin a ?? of Human Life. Astreatise addressed to You~th,1- V. Manhood, ;and Old Age, wvith hints and remedieis of importance in to those requiring medical advice. A ?? a Physician of 30 years' standing. ie 'Price 3d, free by peat for fourponsy stamps. To he had at~ljywood's, Derangate, and Abel Heywood's, Old- 'y hsm-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiy.App~ly, byljetter, to 3J.G., Caxtos Hiouse,B Idasgor. CURACY WANTED. 1-WANTED, immedliately, by a Graduate Of Camrbridgre, in ?? Orders. and thoroutrhly ?? -11th both tile 'Welsh andl English langutages, a CunRACY. ])ics~eo of Bang-or p cfefrred. Tesitineocci Is u7tnexcep~tionaible. Add~ress- Cantab, North Wales Cheo~nicle Ofilie, B~angnr, 'WA NTED, FN' orntgasrr of Freehold Lands, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fAIRS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. 3t St As we have commenced the preparation of our Alma- d nac for 1858, we shall feet obliged if our friends tvill for. ol ward to us, at their earliest convenience, a notice of any alterations ?? may have taken place in the ar-. rangements for holding the Fairs in their respective. IN localities, o~r of any corrections WIlich our last lists mrzn~ 8i require. cl a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT EIN DERBYNWYR. Pris v FA??S?, wedi ei stanmpio iqyda!'r pdot, ywv 4c. yr 7m; am chivarter, 4s. 4e.: am banner b;'it,7dcl, Ss. Sr.; ,'012 0o wa iteir onnd bob blwydrThm, 18s. Os tc~i7r wn iaaen, Rlaw, y pris aim chwarter wecii ei stampio tfvid 4s; aNi hannoer bliuwdd'r,., 8s.; arz-fltolddyn, 1 6s. Lle and elir ei clvmd di-ivy Ddosbartheor, as ewtmna dam pedwav, ehiech, ncu urhp7w g'fnifcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNWYSIAD. Mabometiaetb a'r cleddyf 457 Na\WYDDION CREFYDDOL:- Twrci;-y Cynghraii' Efengylaidd ;-Cyf- undeb y Pab a Bre- nin Wurtemberg ;- Y Cenadou yn India 458 Manion 459 -ENWOGION CYORU:- John Elias 459 India y Dwyrain . 460 Trefydd India .. 461 ihlasnach a Thrafnidiacth 461 DYGWYDDIADAU YR WYTHNOS ,.. 461 Agoriad coleg Breninol yn Liverpool . 462 Ymgais i wthio y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gq, Agoiaslau. EHE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE I COMPANY. capital 200,000, wholly subscribed. CHIEF OFFICES-HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. LONDON BRANCH-49, MOORGATE STREET. YMDDIRIEDOLWYB. Syr Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart., A. S., Wynnstay. Syr Charles Morgan, Bar., Tredegar Park. Isgadfridog Syr R. H. Cunliffe, Bart., C. B., Acton Park. Xilwriad Myddleton Biddulph, A. S., Arglwydd Raglaw sir Ddinbych. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAIRS FOR THE; ENSUING YEAR. As we hiarv cotimencril the preparation of our Alma- nac for 1858, wre shull feel obliged if orUT friedtis will for- ward to us, at their enrliest convenience, n notice of any alterationgs tht nay hare taken place in the nr- rangements for holding the Fairs in their reipectire localitices, or of any corrections which our last lists ityli require. TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIIEDICAL REVOLIJTJON, THE WORLD UNANIMOUS HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT. rHE virtue of disease oft el makes its vay tothllerritaontrgsi A through the pores o tile skin. This penietrating Oilitmet melting uniter the hand as it is rubbed inisabsorbed throulgh the same channels, and relahing the seat of inflanmmation promptly and invariably seibdites it, shether locatetl in ...