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Oxfordshire, England

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Suspected Robbery and Murder of a Farmer

... Suspec~ted Robbery and Murder of a FEarmrer. Ott WVedncs'lay the 11th instant an adjour ned inquest weas hehl at Leigh, near M~anchlester, by Mir. W\. S. Rotter, one of the Coroners for the county of ILancaster, on the body of Johin Hampeson, a farmier at Stonebouse, near Tyldesley. aged 87, who died from drowning on the previous Sunday, A suspicion was very generally entertained in the neigrh ...


... (Before a. Temple, Esq., Q.C.) At this court, much interest was excited by tile followin caees:a PALMEIE V1. IBiADSHAWV.-The amount claimed in this action was 51., is. damages for the non-delivery of a horse, which plaintiff bouight of defendant on the 17th of October. Theo plaintiff represented his own cause, and Mir. Malilam appeared for the defendant. His Hlonor in summing up, observed that ...


... PMETTY SEJSSIONS. BULLINGDON DIVI9ION-Cosesty HaU, Oxford, Nor. 21. Present, Dr. lAisrsham, Rev. Dr. *Vynter, nnd Hon. and Rev' F. Blertie. Frederickc George Goom was convicted in thle penalty of 14s., and 10s. COsitS, for a trespass in search of game, &~c, on lanod in the occulpation of Mr. Wise, at Beckley, on the 9th instant. George Pottcr and J-enry Hlal, tramps, were convicted as idle and ...


... PETT.Y SESSIONS. BULLINGDON DIVISION'-Cottatty lieU, Oxford, Oct. 31. Present-Rev. Dr. Wynter, Gay Thomson, Esq., and tho Hon. and Rev. F. Bertie. Aaron Pearce was charged with a trespass in search of game on laid at Thaina, but when the witness paw the do- fendant in Court, he said that he was the wrong man, and that be bad been told a wrong name. The defendant was of course discharged. There ...


... B UhLINGDON DIVISION-C'onalfy Ihat! Ozforr, 9 ?? 14. Present, Dr. Marsisam, Rtev. Dr. W~ynter, Jas. Morrell, Esq., Guy Thomson, Esq., J. W~eyland, Eisq., and G. Gaminie, Esq. Edwards Evans, of Mrarston, wvas charged with an assault upon Elizabeth Leahse, of the same place. It appeared that Mvrs. Leake had gone to the White Hart public houlse at Meraston, kept by the defendant's father, to seek ...


... THE EXTENSIVE R'IL.sWT FORGERIES (From the L'astcrs Counties I~e~rald.) Orn Friday, Elenry Smith Bright, whio lias beenalcready co'mmitted' for trial foi- forging the- names of pavees on aecominodation bills, was eharged before the Hull magric- trrates w^ith lhaving forged the signiaturos to certain railwray transfers. The proseuution was institutted by M~r. Robert John Taylor, son of the late ...

Attempted Launch of the Great Eastern

... Attempted Launlch of the Great Eastern. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Wve regret to state that the attempt to launch this splendid steamer at 3Iiliwawll on, Tuesday last proved un- successful, and that a serious accident occurred to several of the workmen engaged on the occasion. The reporter of the Tirmes thus deso ribes the proceedings: The launch was fixed to commence at 11 o'clock, bat things were ...

Insolvent Debtor's Court, Portugal Street, London, Nov. 25

... InsoZvcnt DLbto I'S' Uourt, Poitugcd Street, Loudon, LVOV. 2 (BefOre Chidf Commi}SSioner LAWV.) Tx RE; JAMIIs BeROGEoN, CLEttK,-lihe insolvent, Viear e of Deoddingtons, p etitioned the Court under the Protection Act. llis debts, amounlting to about 5001., were ohie'dy a contracted in Deddington, anid the lihing was stated to be v under sequestration. TI AMr. Hiron), bcookseller, &e., of ...


... *SUPPOSEDi *URDEIL IS ESSE.X. .Uuch excidtemnent wvas caused on' Saturd~ay nighit in the neighbourhlood of Colne 'Engalne, a village three or four' mziles from Halstead, by a report of' the 'suddeni and my's- terious death of a respoctab~le dealer 'in th'at' paiish, umider SUChI suspicious circum~stanlces Ethat littleo ddouit is' left on the mnhid of the public'that a foul adid coldblooded ...