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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... R. MOS E L Y, Surgeon - Dentist, begs to ?? huia=jnI Cheno he as Resumed'?iis DAILY ATTE NUB. =pa AdotEedi. RICaARD RICK, Wine, Spirit, and Porter Pt ferchant,.Bo. 2, Cominereial-court, Briggates. g.pHOS. M'INTYRE'S SUPERFINE, BLACK LDRESSq SUITS, at Feaur Guineas, are of good cloth beaunifully 2made ad trimmed. 11lbS. M'IINTYRE'S TREfRE E G U INLEA TMORNING SUITS are thorough Gentlemen a weir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Published thieday, price TELEEDS LI-NEN MANOFACTURE, andT*~ T E the MEANS of its IMPIOVE3MIN-7T. lmne ?? ,lnhn qu.unie. inaet Logadon: whotaker andC.* Ave Maria-lane. Leedsa: H. W. Walker, Ar MOokfic er. Briggate. DAVIDSON. Isis ficrtsioa, Cantradic- tiona. and Plagiarisms. - Ii~~~H Trwo Graduates. Lecmdon: Weetheire SrMacintoshl. Mlanche4etr:F1lO`Char &Tcnbb&,. Pub!iAled weekly, One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P EOPLE'S -CONCERTS.-To-Nighst.- and vocUslv:-Vrs. STYCHTT CHAMP'ION, Mr. CHAMPION, Mr..DEAVATI.togthe wih acomplete CHORUS of F prot 2ea~sIs Sao'n, d. Galey. d.Door open for saloon th( andgaleryat .3. 'he ntrncefo SesonTicetHolders snip will he a~the Side Door, a 6.45 as usual. Theholderof tickets pair ~ a th muic hop wil e amited t te smehour; Cad J.N ICEONSON. lHon. 5'ec. TEEDS SUNDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G REAT GEORGE-STREET CHA.PEL SUN-I DAY SCHOOL.-The ANNIVERSARY SERMONS caro- nected with the above School, will be preac'sed on Sunday by the Rev theA B.OBERoTHIOLME0. of Rawden. Alornio~ atbhalf-past ten.evenintg ItheiT at batf-piast saxo'clock. Collections in aidof the funds; alterach Terms ervioe.. Term SALE !VI C HA PE L ANN.lVERR9ARy. M-2 The AN-NIVERSARy SLERyliCES connected wvith the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NNVERARYSERVICES oif the LEEDS iU D.SOUOOLUINION 1957 OnTedyEvening, Diec. Frirs, a SEASION to SUNDAY SCHOLTECHERS will be preached by the Rev. WILLIAM L DE fLondon, in South-paradle ( hapel, at hax~fies~t seven. LANDEon ivill be made in aid of the footle of the Union. On Wednesdojs. December Second, the ANNUAL TEA. BUNTING will be held in Belgrave Sichoel-room, at five o'clock p.m. The0 Rev ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELLINGTON HALL, WEST BAR, LEEDS. 15. I COLLECTION of CURIOUS OLD CHINA, EARTHENIWARE, Messs. HI GLIAIS.sand BRONZE, including rare Specimens frm the Mann- the ltate factories oflIndia, China, Italy, France. Bohemia, haxony, end Ba~r- Woodholl lin i. Antique Pier Glasses, Cabinets, Wood Carvings, 6maUl Organ,.fH and a great varTietY of Articles of taste and vertu. . M1esas. HARD WICK have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9publicMioticM_ YVORK CASTLE. In1 pursuance of a 'Precept sine by Two of Her Majesty's justices; of the Peace for. the8 V4.aI Iitoig of the county of York. 1, J OSEPH muxJdy, Clerk to V ?? GolSesioo orttosad ounydohereb;j SUMMON the JSTICS of he PACE fr th ThllE tlDfNGS of the asI Oo~t, t oretin Cortof ?? orthe rome Counity, St he )5,tteof or, e Saurdy, ?? day of 2(evmcsler At tie our tba Ina ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. tX ave hal ?? complaints that the Mer- -!txy and , ~lewc nt. swhen not hearing the im- pressed stamlp. reqhire two stamips to cover the postage, owing to the we'ight exceeding 4 ounces. We have therefore adopted a paper which, whilst of the same quality as before, is slightly reduced in weighat. It Ivill now he found that the Paper 'Ind Supplement, when tho?-oughly dry, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3. Ed ci- if- at 1. , fe id en a- 11 A' id By e, Id as 5- a, Ed If 5- 1f f a 5, 1, 5, er a' I- d .. ,1 5. 0, 5, rif I. if 1, cr p if y y ICTORY CROWN'D TRLE DAY, So Delhi fell, rehellion hurled- To infamy is cast, And hearts rtjuice throughout the world, I That Havelock's safe at blst. Not Britons BWitish pluck did doubt, True hearts their arms did sway, h To quell at once tie rabble rout,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N±~oticts of. ApplicationL to Vardiamenu. ?? O. - ?? flUR11AM and CLEVELANbD UNION D ~~o omayRAT LWAY. da Wnsorpoaatieon HCm nyfor mraking a Railway from thesothe West Hartlepool arbour and Railway, at or near Port Ciarnoe. er DU the river Tree, in th - county of.Durham. to jow water mark atnd bfr railwaY froms low water marko on the south or oppoeite Ride of the river Tees to, or neer to, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Volk~ N~otfcm. R)ELIGIOUS LIBERATION SOCIETY.-On , ii., riday(to-mrrow evenng net, aPUBLIC MEETING will t ?? Echage-all whn EWAR SALL. Esq_, sad.W. W. OULTOV. EsI., of London, will attend ?? Deputation from the Parent Society. ]atr. Miall's address will refer specially to the bearing of this Sn- 6iety's principles on the present state of affairs in itndia. T. E. PLINT, Esq.. will take the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '6~akcs bp auction. T0345LIVERY 'STAISLES, FOUNTAINE-STREET. LEEDS. MRE fSIX HOticiEs, draghe from the B Field Battery of th4 Royal Artillery. M MeM. HARDWICK will Sell by Auction, on Tuesdlay sisal; Sit I irat Decembtr, at thle Stables, Fouutaine-etreet, QIX SURPLUS HORSES of the ROYAL cc] glM1ECIA BILDNGeLED. ii VONSIGNYMNT of CHOICE WORKS of PART in z-i(AJL,`fUREIF t XARBLE. and ALnABASTER, ...