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Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... fBEA 0EE ROYAL, DUBLIN . L3st Night but Three of the engazement of Mr and If ARNY WILLIAMS.-THIS EVENING (IWednes- IJV) ?? 9, the performances will commence with tbe dcir Datna of TEIE IRISH AMBASSADOR-Sir Catick O'plenioo, Mr B Williams; Isabella, Mrs B vil- Lati dy Enily, Miss Mortyn. After which the Draina iTsE KEAd NEY.-Ned Ryan, Mr B Williams; Kato I ct ?? Mrs B Willi3ams. To conclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,lHS.AT-RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ' Lat Night bit One of the Engagement of Mr 8QDERTS, the celebrated Amorican Tragediau..-THIS ENSING.(Taesday), Ellceiaber 22, the performances will coeernec Swith 8akepere's Play of HA.MLET-Hlnmlet, gt Roberts; Claudin-7, Mr Norman; Laertea, Mr Blake; Horati Mr Campbell ; Ophelia, Miss Gomersal; Gertrude, I5,sTsanett; Actrese, Miss Phillips. To conclude with the Far ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MULICATIONSS. 106, THOD&AS-9TREET, (Tbeatre Boyal ?? 1I, ~ m~i-UY2 8BJHlSQlil As a ga B E II[S t A S P JR E S E N T S. CATHIOLIC PRAYER. ROOKS in every variety of Binding, SILK, VELVET, TABINET, MOROCCO, &c. &c., at MJL.LANY'S PRINTING AND BOOK- B~I S ING ESTABLSH M3F, 1, PARLIAMENT-. STREET (opposite Royal Exchange). dw VELVET-BOUND PRAYiER-BOOKS at Oe harf f the price heretofore charged. H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BATE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Elcgagement of Mr ROBERTS, the celebrated Ame. * 'Tragedian, for a limited period.-THIS EVENING Saturday), December 19, the performances will commeuce vilb the Tragedy of RICHARD TIl: THEIRD.-Richard, VIr Roberts; Eerl of Richmond, Mr Blake; Queen Elfza- botb, 'Migortyn; Lsdy AnneMiss Phillips. To conclude itlh the Farce of A PRINCE FOR AN HOUR.-Prince Leecd de Nedicir, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE R OYAL, DUBLIN. IT U [Itiel thc Last ix Nights of the engage. t Mgr end Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS.- TfiS we ING (Mondafy) December 7, the performances I, comP 9e with the Comic Drama of THE IRISH -I ?? O'Grady, Mr 8 Williams;l Mrs Capai- 17 , b giss 5ortyn After which the Legendary Drama of ?? ?? Ryan, Mr B Williams; Kate ?? Mrs B Williams- After which the Extravaganzi eititled MEPHISTOPHELES, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1B 0 Y A L, U B L I N. Engageent of Ur ROBERTS, the celebrated Arms. F . Trogediai, for a limited period.-TEHIS EVENINO PC! Dday), December 16, the performances will commence (dt9pa of UAMALET.-Hamlet, Mr Roberts; 10 13r Blake; Polonins, Mr Granby; First Grave- N Mir Swan; Ophelia, Miss Mortyn. To conclude with th ?? of A PAS DE FASCINATION -Michael iBsrw}, Mr Swan; Kstherine Kiloper, Mra ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. a In the Press, and shortly will be Published, m C ALENDAR- OF IRISH SAINTS. t( T14E M4RTgYR1LOGY OF TALLAGH;j with No- C tice of the PATRON SAINfSOF IRELAD, nnd Select o Poems and Hymns. By the Rev. MATTHEW KELLY, D. D., St. Patrick's College, Ilaynooth. Dublin: J. MULLANY, 1, Parliament-atrect, end 47, Fleet-street. in JUwt Published, price 3ij. 6d., nandeomely bound i1c cloth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. In the Press, and shortly will be Published, ('1ALENDAR OF IRISH SAIN'kS. J THE MABTYEOLOGiY OF TALLAGlI; with No- tices of the PATRON SAIN'S OF IRELAND, end Select Poems and Hymns. By the Rev. MATTHEW KELLY, D. D., St. Patrick'a College, Maynootb. Dablin: J. MULLANY, 1, Parliament-stleet, and 47, Fleet-atreet. CARLETON'S GREATE8T WORK. Now ready, in One Volume, post 8vo., price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU13MCATIONS. Just Published, price 9d, A R Y B Y I B V I N E;; CRUMBS OF (;ONTROVERSY FOR THE YOUNG. BY A CATHOLIC CONVERT. Dublin: JORN MULLANY, 1, Parliament-street, and 47, Fleet trest ; and all Catholic Booksellere. CARLETON'S GisE ST WORK. On Monday, tbe 14th of December, will be ready. Ini One Volume, post 8vo., price only 2a. (by post, 2S- 4d) r HE BLACK BARONET; or the CUSON1roBu OF e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RgYAL, DUBLI N.r n f }gT BENEFIT OF MR. BARNEY WILLIAMS J L iNG (Friday) December 4, the performances s ith the Coeic Drama of PADDY CAREY. vilcalrnce Iu B Williams; Mary Leary, Mrs Williams. yjddjCarey?,, play the Erin-go-Bragh Quadrilles. After wcthe Eravaganz% entitled MEPHISTOP HELES, t3r and Mrs Williams will apnear. To be fol- to in a c rec ollection o QFLANNIGAN AND THE So loved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'H E A TRBE R 0 Y A L, D U B LIN.1 I jSATURDAY, December 26th, the performances wili eommonco with the Drnma of THE MIDNIGHT WATCH. Pierre Delarocho, Mr lHustleby; Patuline, Mliss Gomorsal.- To conclude with a New Grand Christmas Comic Panto- miml. entitled THE BABES IN THE WOOD, or Hlrle- ei, and the Cruel Uncle.-Harleqnin, Mr Powell; C.olum- btne5 ;lies Bullen, Clown, Mr W Seymour; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New and Improved Edition, enlarged to l96 pages, illustrated by lO ANATOMICAL CoLouRED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, just pub. lished. price, free by post, One Shilling, HE SILENT FRIEND; a Medical Work on t be phy-ical 'exhaustion and decay of the frame, and the injurious consequences from thc use of Mercury; with observations onl tile obligations of marriage. ity R. and L. Pi'ERItY aud Co., Surgeons. ...