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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... - R E OY A L, D U B L I K. ?? Engagement of Mr R B11 ERTS, t bu e brated Ams. Fr .~ TragediSaO for a limited period.-T4 EVENING . olsy)I DeCember 14, the performances will commence I (001080. ?? Play of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD _r _iGiles Overreach, Mr r Boberta; Justice Greedy, by; Ldy .AAllworth, Miss hiortyn. To conclude IIt I gr 0;;rrce'of THE M kID WITH THE MILKING c ?? Mrse Burkinshaw. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERA10N.S. A cool CT. PAUl,'S CATHOLIC FREE S(li(JLoLS- Da t Orl SUNDAY N lX ?? Dtcember (ill, the ANNUAL the CHAP.ITY S1b-ION will be Preached in the Parish and C 'rel, AltIAN-QiJAY, at 1Talf-,past Twelve o,'Cloch, und i-neealro'ly aftor Alasa, by tbe 116v. Canon GRIMLEY, in the brrpert. uf Four St:hools in whibh uj;wards of Eight Run- I ('rl ,,a.ldran ft both 8e:4os receivo a Literary and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MPOIlTANT TO ALL.-Just published, and may be h IL had at the Author's Residence, or forwarded to any id- t dress, on re-eipt of six postage stamps, in a eealed envelope, tise a, I 10th Edition of n medical work entitled CoNtRoL OF VlIR PAS- a ssoss. All who value health should read this work, whieh ?? b on the concealed causes that prey on the health and shorten the duration of human life, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - MI P OR T A N T R E D U C r IPRICES I. OOF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF WINTER GooDS We beg to announce tbat owing to the continued depression In the M~ouracturiug Dietricte, we have effeted during the preeent week iXTESIVS PUtJCBASEIS Of Seasonable Goods at u-5AnL LOW PrunEs, and reepeotfully invite attention to the following:- A r500 WARM FANCY FLOUNCES, 7a 9d 150 RICH SILK FLOUNCES, 52s, original ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS' Just published, price 6d., LOWERS OF DECEMBER, the Month of Christ- F mu. By some f tbe Adorers of the Coming of Jesus. With Aspirations and Prayers for each Day in the Month. Translated from the Works of the Soclety of St. Victor. Dublin: JOHN MULLANY, 1, Parlisment-street, and 47, Fleetatreet; and all Catholic Booksellers. d This Dya Pablished, in fancy Boards, with illustrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Lqst Night but Four of the engacement of Mr and BARNEY WILLIAMS.-THIS EVENING(Tueeday), Dctmber 8, the performances will commence with the Percae or RATE KEARNEY.-Ned Ryan, Mr B Wil- * Kstj Nearney, Mrs B Williams. After which the C,,ni, Drama of TEDDY THE TILER.-Teddy IAullowny, r, Ii Williams; Flora, Mrs Burkinshaw. To be followed the Comedietta (writt:n for Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE A TR E BO Y'A-*L DUIJ B L I N.- t FIRST JUVENILE bl GET:.LFor theS convenience fpprras residing at a distance and the Juvenile Brancbes of F^aciijs, the performancee will gomrsence at 8sven, and be so arranged that the Pantomitme will terminate at a J Qlarter pait Ten o'Cloax.-THlS lV}JIN(G (Tuneday), co Iiemrabor 29, wili b3 performed the FarcO of SHOCKING c! 1.vEN2S.T8_r PuggR, Mr Swan; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INCUMBER{ED ESTATES. P3INAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANI3TS. INCUSIDBERED ESTATES COURT. In the Miatter of 1 LL Partiee interested the Estate of A a re hereby required to Bandle Henry 4'Doncnell, take noticethat the Commis- Owner ansi Petitioner. sioners have sold the Lands of _ _ _ ,Ardree, otherwise Ardreigh, and their g ajenominationm, hnown by the modern names of Farm 111.11V Spring Lodge, situate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MEDICAL REVOLUTIONI-TRE WORLD UNA. NIMOUS. llOLLONVAY'S OINTMENT.-THE GREAT COUN. iF TEER IRRITANT.- The virtue of disease often make& its way to the internal organs through the pores of the skin. Thi3 penetrating Ointment, melting under the hand as It is rubbed in, is absorbed through the same channels, and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and invariably subdues it, whether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fgE:A T B E BOYAL, DUBLI-s. I icir nd Mrs BARZEY WILLIAMS for a few Nights EVENING (Wednesdayj, December 2, the ances will commonce with the Drama of IRELAND t) S IT WAS -Ra9gged Pat, Mr Williams; Dan O'Cavolan , A tieb; Slang, Mr Swan; Judy O'Trot, Mrs Barney lismas. To be followed' by the Legendary Spectacle en- tj~lg TEE FAiRAY CIRCLE.-Con O'Carolan, Sr Barney t tW~itliam; hlolesbee, Mrs B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. With the permission of his Grace the Arhbbishop of Dublin. Just Published, price Threepence, Be LECTURE ON THE EVILS RESULTING FROM tb: A THE BEADING OF PERNICIOUS BOOKS, de- ha livered to the Members of the Catholic Young Men's Society of Dablin, bythe Very:Rev. J. Curtis, S.J. W Dublin: Published at the Rooms of the Catholic Young th Men's Society, Angleses Buildings, 38 and 89 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -i TR RO Y AL, D UB L IN. T age met of Mr RO3ERTS, the celebrated Ama. T X Tgrgediltl, for a limited period.-THIS EVENING IL jal ) hecenber 15, tbe performances will commence qhe ?? Shpereba Play of KING LEAR.-King Lear, bir 'ith .C,,dalia, Mliss Mortyn. To conclude waith T SMb118; Of TLIE M&ID WITH THE MILKING Teri ,.he FgjIv, ?? Burkinshaw. Doors open at a Qear- corn fg .vn performances ...