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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T E RO Y A L, DB LIN T EVENING (Saturday) De.. 26, tliw jeirfor- Csswill commence with T1iE kiIDNfGHT WATCH. plerre pelarocbe, Mr Hustleby; Paul ine, Miss Gomereal.- P, conclude with a New Grand Christmas Comic Pauto- w Men entitled THE BABES IN TE 'WOOD, or Earls- S ae and the Cruel Uncle.-3arlequin, Ur Powell; Colum-m Miss Buller,; Clown, Mr W Seymour; Pantaloon, v ,Ur Cole; Sprite, signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALIN T BRIDGET'S ORPHANAGE. Office, 6, Middle Gard~iner street, Dublin. (Founded to receive 500 Cbildlreu.) The Committee of St. Bridget'e'Orphatiage, in.acknow- ledging the following sume, beg to thank 'God and their Friends fer enablinrg them to save already Forty Three Orphans and Destitute Children from peiverolouti His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin ?? £5 0 0 His Grace the Archbishop of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UhAL'TiO SICKNESS! -C}OOSE BETWEEN THEM. 14 OLLOWAY'S PILLS.-Tho blood f(rnishes the malarial It of every bone, muscle, gland, and fibre in the humea frame. When pure, it secnres health to every organ ?? corrapt, it necessarily produces disease. 0olloway's Pills loipe- rate directly upon the elements of thle stream of life, neutraliz- ing the principle of disease, and thus radically ouring the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NEW ANi) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN TIIE SClIENCE OV MEDICINE. Patent Office Seal of Great Britain; Diploino de Bcole delihar. macle Pharmacien de Paris; Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. r* IdIESyAR Nos. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a , h lozenge, devoid of tatte or smell, and can ho carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in thi cases, divided into separate doses, as aminislstered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..IEEATE 'ROYAL, DUBLIN.- A 1 IORSING PERFORMANCE of the Pantomime 3 T DAY, Deeeumber 28, 1857, being the only Morning u on fjrien thi s season, on which occasion (by perniesion ei ?? Colomub) the Boys of the Royal Hibernian School, v l their juvenile Band, wvill attend. Doora open at Half- odst One; to commence at Two o'Clock. d27 b ~g E A T R E BRO Y A L, D U B L I NS a IIa THItS EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIUBLICATIONS. THIIUD 3iEDITION, ENLARGED. so Now Beady, in 8vo., Price Sihpsoce, RI A LETTER to LORD ST. LEONARDS, on the Ft A Management of the PATRIOTIC FUND, and the W APPLICATION of PUBLIC MONEYS to PROSELY- Si TIZING PURPOSES9 cb BY TIE MOST R1rV. Di, CULLEN. no Third Edition, Enlarged. Dublin JAMES DUFFY, 7, WELLINGTON-QUAY, wi Publislier to hiq Grac c tbe Catholic Arcbbishop of DohbiO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - EAT E OYAL,DU BL I N.7' T .,;ty fourth Night of the successful engaiement of . roilr M Bd D AREY WILLIAM8.-TEHIS EVENING Dscember 3, the performances will commence ( ethe Drama of SHANDY MAGUIRE.-Shandy Ma- Dir Barney Williams; Dick Kelly, rir Hustleby; COnrs Miss Mortyn. The Band will play the Erin- BAreVh Qadrilles. After which the Ex'ravaganzs en- to le EpfilsropsnEL s, in which Mr and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN TiHE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. Patent Office Seal of Great Britain; Diplomc de Ecole de liar- macie Pbsarmacien de Paris; Imperial College of Aledicile, Vienna. r9 R!lEIESlAR Nos. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a L lczeuge, devoid of taste or smell, and eats be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, divided into septrate doses, as administered by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMP1'RTANS TO AbL.-Just publisbhed, and may be had at thn Author's Residence, or forwarded to any ad- dress, on iC cipt of six postage Stamops, in a sealed envelope, the I 0th Editioli of a medical wvork cntitled C CoxrsoL OF rnF. PAs. SI8Ns. All who valac hcalth ehould read this wsork, which treats ol th concealed causes that prey on the balth and ahortmi the duration of human lile, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMPORTANT TO ALL.-Jnst published, find may be had at the Author's Residence, or forwarded to any Ad- iress, on re'cipt 01 six Postage ltaulp in ae 6eied ntlope, the 110th Edition of a medical wuorl entitled CONTROtL OF riE PAS' sioeN. All who value health should read this work, which treats on the conlcealed causes that prey on the h tdtth, and shortenl the daration of huiean lila. with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. N ustPablialed, pricea 8t. 6d., handsomely bound in clotb, 8vo. lar HEMISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. The Food of Sit .. Plants; Including the composition, properties, and Cb adulteration of Manned, Br, By CaAaLus A. CAMERON, M.D., e Profe3sor to the Dublin Chemical Society, Lecturm on Che. .7c rnistry and Natural Philosophy in the Original School of 12I Medicine. la Dublin: W. B. KELLY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. , C ER I S T M 8 JS PR E 8 SE N 'I 8. CATHOLIC PRYEE A OKS in every variety of Binding, SILK. VEL'ET, ABINET, MOROCCO, ?? &c., at MULLANtS fitINTING AND BOOK- Bl'V1ING ESTABLIS iE1T, 1, PARLIAMENT- STREET (opposite RoyaI lichange). *a; VELVET-BOUND PRAYER-BOOKS at Oa half tbo price heretofore charged. ri 11 1 I S T Al A S eNI R13S E NT S GlFTS FOR TflE NEW YAE T AMES DUFFY begs ...