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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ipublic Notices. Under the psitronage of Her Majesty, the Royal Famll.x ind thir TgeinciPal Crowned Heads of Europe. kFI t TeOriginal and Celebrated American (~ENERAL TOM T HU MB; G.ATHE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD!I wi eigbas t 31 inches; weight 256 lbs. ; age 201 rears; wnhehoour of holting hlis Farewell Levees at the STOCK IFXCHANG14. LENDS. for a Short Time only, a-etomenring M~ondfay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r T.1:EDS CHURCH .INSTITUTE.-The Rev. Dr. .ZJ WOLFPF will 15ECTUBE Ibis Erensw, rst eight o'clock, in the usif-ball, on DEL~iI. APFGHtA~1iftTAUN, and the PUN- _ Tickets, admitting non-osembess, price 6d. esb, maybe had at Mr. rnsiou'e, 5. Briggate, and at the Roomns of the Institute, 8, Bond- ?? TO-NIGHT, MISS P. HORTON (Mrs. German Reed) and Itltr. T. GERMAN REED will give their DRAWING ROOM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN VALIDS PORTABLE ELECTRICITY, AS EVOLVED F1COM 31`4 r[GsS GALVANIC , ELE0TRO-GENERA>1? JTE ff iFOR PEBSONAL-U31E3 TS fiayisa NERVOUS, RHEiUMATI ~AND FUNCTIONAL Disease 'is truly marvellous !! The first year's Report (gratis, or 4d. bv Post) contalis 42 PAOWs OF LUTTERt; PROM MO10 rILAN t00 lE'soss, WITH FULL $AESS AND ADDRessES, oured solely by this little portable Apparatus, ' hich may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE RHINE AND GERAIANY. MHE shortest and cheapest route is via Rotterdam, J_ and thence by the Dutch-Rhenish Railway. Through Trains in connexion with those of the Cologne. Iindeii Colpasxystartthree timnes a-day. Fifty pounds of Inggage allowed free for each Passenger. Further particulars, and Dutch-Rhenish time-tables, to be obtained of the Conmany's provincial agents. Messrs W. N. DEPLEDc+E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER COMPLETE TO BE SOLD-A BARGAIN. IT is a Condensing Beam Engine, 20-Horse Power; about to be removed to make room for a larger one.-Apply to S. THORNHAM and SON, Saw Mill, Hull, where it may be seen at work. TO CORN MILLERS, SEED CRUSHERS, AND OTHERS. ONE superior New 10 horse Horizontal STEAM. ENGINE; One complete Set of MACHiNERY, for Edge Stoves; and One portable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUTINY IN INDIA. HE LONDON TIMES Newspaper, Stamped, T (Postal Free) on the Evening of the day of pub. ication, at £1 per Qiarbe, Cash ; Second day 12s. ditt°. Addlress- ilt. s GRIF'rt'rils, General News- paper Agent, SG, St John-street, West Smithfield, City. All money orders payable General Post-office, St. Slartin'e le-graud, London. Z ADKEL'S ALMANACK for 1858.-Fortieth Z Thousand. Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .AyUSRAL1'- N~, JOIN T STOCK BANSyn, of redt ad Daft ;~-,granted ueon thete places free of charge, b Messars. Heywoodo. Kitisamtlo anti Co , No. 4, Losnsbardl-street. t~lbs Agete, of thea Itani. 'They also undertgke to NogtLCiate Approved ~fsat the curer nt -s ~By Order if c C'nrt of Directors, AUSiTRALIANJ JOINT STOCKg BANK, Sydney. EDWARD WRZENCH, Marn ager. 19403 U~a~s~1~ TVN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hQOkN. OPRNlNG.--TbL NEW ORGAN at ,PS'ttNCIFIELCI CwPLtSUR j,IjeOPENCD C, Ofeiodaw evresiro, 16ecetshr Fourttensh, when W. T. BE5ST1. rsq.. cir.ciot st St. (eorge's Hall, Liv, rt-out, ?? presidje. 1Performnance tW conmoence at live o'clock. Adlmissoinby ticket; tobebhadof mr. it. N. B3cioke, or M r. Daniel Lee, Mrkee'-place, Dewotbury. ONDO'&,SOCIETY FOR, PROMVOTING I.. T~liTLA7LNITY ANIONG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENTS.] JoHN CASSEI.IIS CjPAND PANORAMIC MAP OF INDIA, aceompiponied by a cornmlete chronological history. Extraordinary and unprecedented demand. John Caxsell, to ,revent disappointment to the hundreds of thousands rwho are anxious to pom,,sa the above- named splendid suap and history within the time allotted, has arranged to keep the mochhiex printing night and day, *nd all orders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PEOPLE'S- OONCERTS.-TO NIGFIT.-Mrs. - LCKYand Air. LOCICEy, Mir. IT. BLAGROVE, Mst. R1. 33LAGRtOYR, and Mr. AYLWARD.COon~ucon-uM5I. SPARK. Front10 scale. s ; sae!loriti, 61., gallery, 3d, Concert to commuence at 7.0. Fr futherpartienlais see progrsln jues,. J.N ICKINSON, lion. Secreta-ry. tNRAND CONCERT.MI1S. WOOD begs to annunc a ECOD GRAND CONCERT, t to bie ?? in the 3tusio-Hali. Atbion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fER M~AJESTY'S SPEECH and AR q'S ADDRr8S. 'If Ministers teok half the pains to prepare The speech that 1ler Majesty makes. As 3ARSRAN on dreis, at his Mart devotes there, t They'd not make so many mistakes. They must promise no promise hereafter to break- . By BARRAN ouch things arce not done; But as he does, whatever they do undertake, Perform like famedl Number One. t The Speech ?? well for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *aIC% b3p tuction. inWELL-MA11AJFALCTURED UOU8EHOLD FURNITURE, ?? Mahogany; hatedsome Chimney Glass; esuperior. Cottage- MOX Pinssof-irte,: ; Octavles, iii elegant Eeeewo, d Case: stploidid. Rt0e5 ~Au Vood Hair.. ouions, by N4. Fourneaux and soes. Paris; Square Pilno- 5ite fltott, in Mahogany Cave, by Collard and Ooltaidl am other useful Fu-1 Prop-~ty andt Effects. I MeTILE AUCTION- FOWL-c ...