Advertisements & Notices

... ipublic Notices. Under the psitronage of Her Majesty, the Royal Famll.x ind thir TgeinciPal Crowned Heads of Europe. kFI t TeOriginal and Celebrated American (~ENERAL TOM T HU MB; G.ATHE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD!I wi eigbas t 31 inches; weight 256 lbs. ; age 201 rears; wnhehoour of holting hlis Farewell Levees at the STOCK IFXCHANG14. LENDS. for a Short Time only, a-etomenring M~ondfay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? 1W111.-I!P_ ] ' to SHIPPERS.- * ''¾ ?? t ic :Ut. ?? liat ra.ote ~tiii tor two, or t . ~ J.0 I;,; Tii''tiSOix anir Co. 6, a 'M . tlltt)~itiMN, Ij4, Lednel- £t.i8 ALAm .?)E mid Co.'sM) REGULARil ?? ?? eteitiflr~ttctoM8111PS 1,. i~~olta L c:,and ott be dwIpatchedipune' i. r-'Nter. Batheitro Port. To Sail. ?? ti;e) 'Ftlhi~t. aid Co.. 54, trait' troot, Xiisliv'trr * , T~tr~cp U. i.). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OPr THE MIAGDALENE CHURCH. 4 SERMON WILL BE PREACHED, ON THIS A oecasion, in the MAGDALENE CHURCH, on SUNDAY next, thle (th Deeemibjer inst. (God willing), by the Rev. T DREW, DV)., an1d a Collection made towards liqui(lating tih flebt ili'iCel in the recent chlargemcit. of, the. h)O ldingi Dec. 1, l857. 3821 L 0 S T, N SUNDAY EVENJING, ABOUT 3 O'CLOCK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -nIATANZAS and SABANILLA RAILROAD jVJ- SEVEN I'ER CENT. I:ONDS.-The HALF-YEARLY INTEREST onl the above BONDS, duo on the 16th instant, rill bo PAID at thu Couting-l uso of Messrs. J. HENIRY SCIRODER and CO., No. 1iB, Leadeilball-street, on that day, and every suc- cording day, betwveen tbe hours of Eleven and Two. T'ie couplois, soith a list in numerical order, must be left two clen dslays ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. I Just published, price 6d., the LOWERS OF DECEIMBER, the Month of Christ- atte F mas. By oome of the Adorers of the Coming of Jesus. Witb Aspirations and Prayers for each Day in the Month, Translated from the Works of the Society of St. Victor. Dublin: JOHN MULLANY, 1, Parliament-street, and IN 47, Ftest-8tteet; and all Catholic Booksellers. On Moaday, the 14th of Dscember, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X ELGIAN and AUSTRIAN C PN lion B duo are PAID on preualnts at the Co .j Momid s Losmbard'stret. A DALM SpIE adi CO. (IECULAR NOTES and Foi.,IGN MONEY. Travellers 3eodinI to theContinent, lweAarM mul have C0tH rATNOTES of tth ReekS0Wh pflncipal towans; also fireign mIniue'sA PEMA n bard-street. 1iJATANZAS and SABANILLA RAILROAD .L;. SEVE;N pER CFN BOD a due oonthe Who HALF-YEARLY IT HNYEE on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A L I A.-S U L T A N A. Al LN of ?? and LUJSTRALIAb II, , %Iu tL PA Cle erm ilg b7 twee8 I di o o h er l( )VI 31'O emne t 4 and upwrdsri ?? . pby11 es or sm ion. il. rl. Ceptain. 'ru I:` Shipl 1 3,16 4,000 DeU. 20. ' lW : Co Mlonc. Kr.i240 ~ , r .O'allor ?? 4:0 t o eillnw ?? crow , ?? p p0 ),r .. oi ehird YVofa1e in thid e ln; ber firsi 1105 cl'y o I' vore h,0P ins71,; and on her las! Nt mt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING. ,A RAND MASONIC CONCERT FOR THE BENE-FIT of MR WILLIAM DONALDSON. MUSIC HALL, TUESDAY. 1sT DECEIIBER. Tickets and programmes at the Music Shops. The l'ublic are particularly requested to bestow their patronage onl this occasion. LECTURE ON ROBERT BURNS. rlIaHE COMMITTEE of the EDINBURGH T TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY beg to intimate that Mr JAMES PEDDIE will Deliver a LECTURE on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WiIND)OW BLINT)S.-TYLOR and PACE, ZV! Window Blind Manuflacturers, 104, Now Bend-street, W, and 3Qoueen.6treot, heapsidoI. C., Lendos, su'mit ltse following prices of window-blinds. which they can recommend as being made in the hbal moaner:Veaelanblinds, per square foot, 9d. ; best Holland blinds, on collers, Sdl.; beat ditto, on spring rollers, 0l., gaure wire blinds, iL mabomay frames, Is.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;IE AT1RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I ff f and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS for a few Nights , TilS EVENING (Tuesday), December L, tbe per- ingel- Will commence with the Legendary Spectacle foriarcTIE FAlRY CIRCLE.-Con O'Carolan, Mr B en t. goleshee, Mrs B Williams; Philip Flake, Mr IvilliAlus' Fllen Blake, Miss Mortyn. The Band will pisy filebyoragh and Fairy Quadrilles. To be followed t be 1iraiuna of THE IRISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOOl)Y AND NEWBOLD. BgiETBY ANNUAL FA'T' STOCK SALE. gSSRS MIOODY and NEWBOLD will SELL by AlAUCTON* at Bretby Farm, on MONDAY, Dec. b liS7, Sue to commence at II o'clPick, coniprising 60 Superior FAT IIEIFERS and COWS. So FAT SHEEP. 30 FAT PORKET and STORE PIGS. 6 FAT CALVES. rhe IlNIFExS and Cows are of excellent quality ; also the SIIEEP and PiGs are very superior. f ,CIdosues ...

Advertisements & Notices

... grams auu co- WEbLEYAN REFORM CHAPEL, 13ECKET STREET, DERBY. 'HE Building Committee of this Chapel gratefully acknowledge the liberal support which they have received from persons of various classes of opinio,. IN ADDITION to the sum of £543 7s. raised by the congre- gation, the following subscriptions have already been PAID IN:- £s. d. £d. M.T.BasssEsq..M.P.35 0 0 Mr. Wheeler, Glon- S. Beale, ...