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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... fBEA 0EE ROYAL, DUBLIN . L3st Night but Three of the engazement of Mr and If ARNY WILLIAMS.-THIS EVENING (IWednes- IJV) ?? 9, the performances will commence with tbe dcir Datna of TEIE IRISH AMBASSADOR-Sir Catick O'plenioo, Mr B Williams; Isabella, Mrs B vil- Lati dy Enily, Miss Mortyn. After which the Draina iTsE KEAd NEY.-Ned Ryan, Mr B Williams; Kato I ct ?? Mrs B Willi3ams. To conclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. a In the Press, and shortly will be Published, m C ALENDAR- OF IRISH SAINTS. t( T14E M4RTgYR1LOGY OF TALLAGH;j with No- C tice of the PATRON SAINfSOF IRELAD, nnd Select o Poems and Hymns. By the Rev. MATTHEW KELLY, D. D., St. Patrick's College, Ilaynooth. Dublin: J. MULLANY, 1, Parliament-atrect, end 47, Fleet-street. in JUwt Published, price 3ij. 6d., nandeomely bound i1c cloth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU13MCATIONS. Just Published, price 9d, A R Y B Y I B V I N E;; CRUMBS OF (;ONTROVERSY FOR THE YOUNG. BY A CATHOLIC CONVERT. Dublin: JORN MULLANY, 1, Parliament-street, and 47, Fleet trest ; and all Catholic Booksellere. CARLETON'S GisE ST WORK. On Monday, tbe 14th of December, will be ready. Ini One Volume, post 8vo., price only 2a. (by post, 2S- 4d) r HE BLACK BARONET; or the CUSON1roBu OF e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MPOL{TANT TO ALL.-Just publfeild, and may be .. lied at the Author's Tsidonce, or forwatded to any ad- iress, on re cipt of six postage stamps, ill a s:-lcd enrvelepe, the I 10th Edition ofa llmedical work entitled COSTROL OP VilE PAS- sions. All who value health should rcad tlis work, wvhici treots ol the conceald cansaes that prey on the Ihalthi snd shorten the duration of huniai life, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE A T R E ROYAL, DUBLIN. FAREWELL BENEFIT and Lest Night but One of Iff and Mrl BARNEY WILLIAMS.-THIS EVENING (Friday), December 11, tbe performances will commence iith th C'meYd of JOHN BULL.-Dennis Bulgruddary, Mr t williems; Lady Ciroline Brisymore, Mre B Williams. To be followed by THE BASHFUL IRISHMAN.-Mr 'fereuCe O'Callagher, Mr B Williams. To conclude with the yackee Girl's Scene from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA TRE ROYAL, DUBULIN. I - 3st Night of Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS. EVtSEa7jNING (Saturday), December 12, the perforrm II commence with the Comedy of JOHN BULL L- 0swil3l 0graddery, Mr B Williams; Lady Caroline Bray. DeD Mrs B Williams. To be followed by THE BASH- ,, a lp.SE gAN.-M r Terence O'Callegher, Mr B Wil. 1a g To conclude with the Yankee Girl's Scene from IN i OUT OF PLACE.-Jemima ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Just published, price 6d., FLOWERS OF DECEMBER, the Month of Christ- elas. By some of the Adorers of the Coming of Jeans. With Aspirations and Prayers for each Day in the Month. I Translated ?? the Works of the Society of St. Victor. Dublin: JOHN DlULLANY, 1,: Parliament-street, nnd ( 47, Fleet-etreet; and all Catholic Bookeellers. c J. AND D. NICHOLL'S NEW WINTER OVER- h e COATS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIUBLICATIONS. THIIUD 3iEDITION, ENLARGED. so Now Beady, in 8vo., Price Sihpsoce, RI A LETTER to LORD ST. LEONARDS, on the Ft A Management of the PATRIOTIC FUND, and the W APPLICATION of PUBLIC MONEYS to PROSELY- Si TIZING PURPOSES9 cb BY TIE MOST R1rV. Di, CULLEN. no Third Edition, Enlarged. Dublin JAMES DUFFY, 7, WELLINGTON-QUAY, wi Publislier to hiq Grac c tbe Catholic Arcbbishop of DohbiO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN TiHE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. Patent Office Seal of Great Britain; Diplomc de Ecole de liar- macie Pbsarmacien de Paris; Imperial College of Aledicile, Vienna. r9 R!lEIESlAR Nos. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a L lczeuge, devoid of taste or smell, and eats be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, divided into septrate doses, as administered by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS' Just published, price 6d., LOWERS OF DECEMBER, the Month of Christ- F mu. By some f tbe Adorers of the Coming of Jesus. With Aspirations and Prayers for each Day in the Month. Translated from the Works of the Soclety of St. Victor. Dublin: JOHN MULLANY, 1, Parlisment-street, and 47, Fleetatreet; and all Catholic Booksellers. d This Dya Pablished, in fancy Boards, with illustrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Lqst Night but Four of the engacement of Mr and BARNEY WILLIAMS.-THIS EVENING(Tueeday), Dctmber 8, the performances will commence with the Percae or RATE KEARNEY.-Ned Ryan, Mr B Wil- * Kstj Nearney, Mrs B Williams. After which the C,,ni, Drama of TEDDY THE TILER.-Teddy IAullowny, r, Ii Williams; Flora, Mrs Burkinshaw. To be followed the Comedietta (writt:n for Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - R E OY A L, D U B L I K. ?? Engagement of Mr R B11 ERTS, t bu e brated Ams. Fr .~ TragediSaO for a limited period.-T4 EVENING . olsy)I DeCember 14, the performances will commence I (001080. ?? Play of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD _r _iGiles Overreach, Mr r Boberta; Justice Greedy, by; Ldy .AAllworth, Miss hiortyn. To conclude IIt I gr 0;;rrce'of THE M kID WITH THE MILKING c ?? Mrse Burkinshaw. ...