... LANCASHIRE SUMMER 11 ASSIZES. - I SORJTHERN DIVISION. IC, - d- II W exsNISI PRIUS COURT. 1- B13FORHE MR. BARON MARTIN. Id or FRIDAY, AuGusT 27. of D- THIE AFFAIRS OF THE BOROUGH BANK it - AGAIN. 10 S-aITn V. DixoN. This was another action X against Mr. Joshua D)ixon, as a managing director of ir the Borough Bank. At the opening of the court 3 there was again a great number df persons present, ...


... I LIVERPOOL COUNTY COUAT. B1TORE J. K. BLAIR, 3tSQ., JUIGE., BUsanMt oP TaH CiOUcr.-The following is tho arran9- ment of business for the fdirt October court, which opened yesterday:-Monday, the 18th, judgment summonses and in- solvencies; Tawday, the 19th, 70 at ten o'clock, and f0 at noon, besides ingolvencie.4; Wednealay, thle 20rth 70'cake3 at ten oclock, and 60 at noon' Thursday, ...


... ' . 1. --2- -, . - I -1 . 1 The 'following iriqueits were held at the, conner's (Sr ~court on Sriturda4, before Mr. Carry 16ib, A' ~iJNtAD' E~hTh 'deceased, John Baa- 17cl~ neitt, aged S3, of 16 Tyrer-street, was much ?? to dripking. The ilst time he w;as vey ruk a oin Monday night. Oh Tuesday i' cosqec ?? wae ye7 DIl' ad, ais his: ife said ea'h horrors,' or was afflicted: with ?? Abou~three ...


... A dreadful tragedy took place yesterday, at Bir. f amnigham. A man named Harrison, and a lady named Chapman, who appears to have passed for his ,; wfe, took apartments at the Cinrendon Hotel, in that town. Yeteda, in what appears to have been ca fit of jealousy, he shot his coaapanion in the head, and comittbed suicide himself. The deadly weapon - had a fatal'effect in his case, but happily ...


... LJyERPOOL POLICE COURT. . WhDNESDAY, MAROH 3. Eta5I? BEFORE MR. MANSFIEJLD. : SERIOUi AissAuar.-A .rough-looking man, named Micbael M'Cann, was brought up 7 harged' 'with. having assaulted Michael Walsh, on the 23rd uit. The prosecutor was unable to appear, a surgeon's certificate being produced to show the dangerous gtate lhe wasi is from the wounds inflicted upon him. It appeasred that' the ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE COUgr. MONDAY,.DECEMBER 27. BEFORE IlRt. 3.- S. MANSFIELD. Vcoua-VT A.SSAu~T.-Jasnes Ntsggett a sailor, w, as charged with a violent assault on amses Burns.'a boy aged 12 years, the eon of a porter. During a, row in Preseoit-row, Titbebarna. 1street. to which the prisoner and Another .were engaged, the former took tsp a, piece of iron enid fluni it s ith great violence at ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. THURSDAY, December 16. LOBD ADvoaATS v. LORD SALTOUN. The Right Ron. Marjory, Lady Saltoun, only child of the deceased Simon Fraser of Ness Castle, and of King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street, in the City of London, Esq., and Dowager of the late Right Hon. Alexander, Baron Saltoun, executed a deed of tailzie of the lands of Ness Castle, and others, to which the ...


... rOLICE COUIRT-WjYnSDAYr. (Before Bailie Stevenson.) s8o0PLIFTING DETECTED. A female named Mary Paterson or Pyne was in- dicted on a charge founded on the follo'wing occur- ?? Monday, the Ist inst., she went into a grocery store, in LeggaL's Lend, Stockhrldge, to make a stnall purchase; aihd finding no one in attendance, I she lifted a pair of shoe-brushcs from the counter, and hid themn ...


... JUSTICIARY APri?ALs. [Before Lorda Ivory5 Cowvan, Deas, 'Lrdmillao, and ' Neaves,7, rETIrI0N-MS St. L. WEBSTi'i AHD OTHRilS. Mr G.srOsRD, for the petitioner, stated the facts of this case. The petition was one for recal olf out-. lawry. In January 1856, Alexcander Webster bad been apprehended on a charge of reset of theft. H~e formd bail, and was liberated. He was cited to ap- pear at the ...


... POLICE COURJT-MONDAY. (Before Bailie Russel.) CASES Or THErT. Eliza Gilroy was charged with having stolen, on or since the 19th of August, from the Crown Hotel, 'shere she was a servant, a linen table-napkin and a white straw-bonnet. She had been twice previously convicted of theft. Mary Murphy or Gilroy, lher mother, was also brought up on a charge of resetting the stolen property. Both ...


... THE UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND. 3IR ROBERTSON'S EVIDENCE. We continue to give the evidence tendered to the Commissioners appointed to inquire in the working of the Bank Acts:- James Robertso n, Esq., manager in Glasgow of the Union Bank, was called in, and examined. Chairman-You are the manager of the Union Bank of Glasgow? -I am. Before you became so you bad considerable expel rience in the ...


... WIRNSWORTH PETTY SESSIONS, TUESDAY, March 23. [l3tfore F. G. GooiwaiN, E. WILMIOT, and A. Ansvi-nssos, )in Esqrs.] tes FRAUDULENTLY DiseosiNG or WATcIrs.-Thomas Till, as watch cleaner, of Wirksworth, was charged with having ad, converted to his own use, or illegally disposed of, a watch hir which had been entrusted to him to regulate by Joseph on Elliott, of Wligwell.-Elliott proved having ...