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... THE TRUTH AND PLAIN DEALLNG.-If ever you find yourself environed with difficulties and perplexing circum- stances, out of which you are at a loss to extricate your- self, do what is right, end be assured that that will extri- ente you the best out of the worst situations. Though you cnnnot see when you take one step what wil be the nest, yet follow truth, justice, and plain dealing, and never ...

Pickings from Punch

... pft (fnomi m vurwb. Ors'sxssgn NtsnEs.-.It mnay be all vr well toch out aia~a confiscation In Oude for. those who Imagine that any proper Oude haa been unjustly confiscated. But Justic as wells Cha . rty, should bgin at home. Does not confiscation exist in tills great (pgOa of a) country, in the shape of a partial and nneqou -income-tax ?? e A Cno bON CanonqoLu..-Mr. Reiseaberg. continues to ...


... I ldAUlvrED HOU8SES Ur Lo2(GIVELLOW. Wberein men have Idved and died Ai bal ted ho Thses. rough the Open door re hare5s bphantomf on their errado glide, t t that make no sound upon the floorS them at the door-wSy, on the stair, s methe ,athe they come and gE, Ajoe til ps~geS in the air, a ImrtegsIo trmoving to and fro. ssse rf u~me tbig table than the hosts han ID f e- aviD q iet noffenslvo ...


... Vidtfno from I THE REAL MMLRE WAY--The projected telegraph line from Alderney to Cowes. YOUNG l'RkCTITIONER: Hl'W, very Odd-I mnust have made some mistake; there's nothing the matter with this tooth. Never mind, try again I CLERICAL BOREDoM.-Thea Abbd Domenleh, in his record of priestly experiences in Texas, describes how he drove his errant congregation from his garden Into his ...


... ORInG OF ST. BARITOLOMEW'S, ST. THOMAS'S, AND CRBMf3S Ho8FiTAsi. - In. the beginning of 1633, Dr. Ridley, Bishop of London, preached before King Edward, whose health was. then declining, at Wlstn4nster. The subject he selected for this discourse-in which he urged. the king, in eloquent language, to take care that a more effectual provision should be made for the poor-was charity.. This ...


... ?? I1 TO THE COMET. Tb5 tlon ing lines written for the Pra o7 Ch-icA by the Mr Jam,, Scott Walker, of this town, on the occasion f to I c~ree of Hanley's comet in 1835S wmi be read with the ap pba resent time. Welcome I bright stranger of the sky, That after many a Ulngering year, AWein appear rt to mortal eye, As thou in thy subalme career, Swifter than ?? thought can trace, 3ol1rst on ...


... Uftftno from jipuncD, HOW TO LEARN ALL YOUn DEFECTS.-CQuarrel with your best friends. To ASCERTAIN THE NUMBER OF YOUR ENEmmcs.-Publish a book. CLEvER HEDGING.-Lord Derby has ordered his stud to be sold. He considers that he shall have enough to do next session in starting bills, training subordinates, handicapping colleagues, and backing (out of) rash pledges. But Lord Derby is not going to ...

Pickings from Punch

... vitftuiin fromn TEE REAL AN3WER TEAT WAS GavEN.-Lord S_y: Come like a good one, and join us, Gladdy. Mr. G-e: I d work with gou, but I shy your daddy. THE TRAvELLER s PARADOX.-A passport is as great a nuisance as a bottle-stopper. Os Coctass.-Surely tbe great discoverer of vaccination has an equal right with others In Trafalgar-suare to become more Jeflfer-allykon Oas~oue.--Lord ...


... The LA:NoASELRE ADHERENTS OF. MARY 'QuieN op ScorS.- Tbe lAncashire, Shropshire, and Derbyshire gentlemen were for the most part in *ars interest5 and ready to rise in her cause, provided foreign troops could be insured to support them. The Iaucashile gentlemen on whom she principally, relied were,, Sir Thomas Stanley, and Sir Edward Stanley, the youuger sons of the Earl of Derby; Sir Thoma ...


... PRESTON AND NORai lI , E POULTRY g I . .and Thursda-y lesti,' in te ?? ~ 'h 'f J change, Lune-streot. The penA in thAr~ nearly as on tho two prvious occasions but;, VUt I _1hegreaternumberof brds exhibitedthe ga116I- ing the at-ea were also lined ithpes r some varieties of fowls ; end about a udi l o -in the north cordor for birds brouight t ~ .tion on Thursday. These recaptal. im , gather 1 ...

Pickings from Punch

... tOfckiig% from I'iult.b' t T PAfvENTAGEr 05 OIr JoIUN,-tIe a wiw Joko Indeed thatknow, it's own father. EXTRAORDINARY OVzE30GuT.-.We are sorry to say that our Saotoh contemporaries have not paid Prince Frederick Willlam the complimenr whiab we expected for him at their hands. Not one of them, that we know, has published the assertion that the prince numbers a Scotehman amongst his ancestors. ...


... THE ENGLISH OF MARY QUEEN OF' SCOTS.-A reduc- tion of her attendants being proposed, she addressed a spirited appeal to Cecil on re subject, and carried her point, for on the 9th she informs him that she perceives, by the order taken by the Earl of Shrewsbury for, her servants to remain with her, that her request ahas taken effect. She adds an autograph postscriptum in her almost ...