... had been a pleasant one aci indeed. He did not knowwhetler to call it a traitor chair, because in its embrace it had clutched Whig and Tory, Catholic and Protestant, and men of every b1r shade and creed. That old chair had to undergo a hit great numberof ...


... of; the; day 'after its publcatio qite seneogh for ,any -good -news, -it had' to t1 hi _egides,- there.were the country aes Whig'and' Toy leas ha.but'sid'did rlot think, mutech of them, fbr we knilw teci t6'sj,iuid distrusted theWhii' arul Uns heoamese ...


... ir wisdom and toleration, and he would not be one to lend himself to a i. paltry party movement to oust them in order that a Whig family Is clique might again take possession of the Treasury benches. He Or difl'red from Lord Derby's Government upon many ...


... also disagrees with Earl Grey h about the use of ministerial patronage in securing nO a parliamentary majority. In short, the Whig al theory, according to the stricter traditions of the vi Party, is consistently asserted. PO.EM IN AIRENISH POL YGLOT. T (From ...


... il Douglas with Lord Bruntefield was a real one-is brought k up by Burke and 1lare-is adopted by an atrocious knave of E a Whig lawyer ia Edinburglh-becomes an astonishing artist, and is passionately beloved by the daughter of a duke, who, with a simplicity ...


... a compound of villanous smells that beats the twenty thousand stenohes of Cologne. Here it is that Radicals and Torys and Whigs assemble, and under the soothing influence of their cigar forget their heredi- tary animosities and amicably discuss the p ...


... of the austerity of his early w training, and talks in the grand style much affected m by our parliamentary constitutional W~higs. Un-T doubtedly his political philosophy is admirable, and tb is expressed with that clearness which appears T. to be the ...


... and vice, and helped them to became industrious, intelligent, virtuous, and good. TInE ARtimSTS IN I13L1AST TlTe Northirn Wh}ig, in reference to the trrests which have taken place in that ton n, ?? surprise and dis- satisfaction is ina'iifested there ...


... perfect identity of the majority will not esoape notice. NEw AnumsoTuATioxeg.-The following is a list of the administrations, whig and tory, which have hold office in England gince the year 1830, with the dates of their installation -and dissolution, viz ...


... LITERA TUBE. The Quarterly Review. July, 1858. Murray. Whatever may be said as to time having effaced the distinctions between Whig and Tory parties, there is no doubt that it has wonderfully sub- dued the political animus of the two reviews tra- ditionally ...


... development of this poor creature's innocence, and no- thing more ?? tnan its establishment. A weekly jownal called the Independent Whig took the matter very ' sternly up, and deanuL ced all the proceeaings so iadig- nantly from time to time, that the members ...


... had in the evolution of crcunratsanswgra- dually come to rapsesent-one of these distinctive tendencies and doctrines. The whigs maintained that the polity of England was full of abuses which ought to be swept away, andgthat the popular element in our ...