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Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... bad heretofore eartied the Whigs along, and leaving behind him a came which is to this day held in grateful remembrunet) by every true disciple of free trade. So may it be in the present ease, that while the ltussell Whigs and the Palmerstonians are talking ...


... THE TOWN COUNCIL AND VIE REFORM BILL. Our independent friend over the way asserts that the Airdrie Whigs, endowed with a thousandfold greater amount of self-conceit than usually falls to the lot of ordinary mortals, seem in their imaginings to ...


... iu any useless speculations about it. Let it eillbee, that while Tories, Liberal Cuorervativ“,Pa'intretoidana, Peel- Item, Whigs, sod Advanced Liberals, are all ready to shout that they will be no parties to a fectious opposition, or give partizan vote ...

... curt. Jack, it appeared from the evidence, wain into the shops of several pesiesably.dispoied parties, soltcn hag alms, and Whig refu.sif, gave utterance to the most aburive lauguagc, and otherwise con. ducted himself in a duarderly rummer, which in no ...


... for their gel about thirty state. the G•tverionteut burghs, which would mete ditterenee • aoj %Wahl other. the Palmerston Whigs ••iul•I 1.. Jitthlaeril by more estnest Liher.llA. Thie Itteei.e etteogthto the bli,is• try, hcemise there net would be tees ...


... beyond what many of the Whigs am prepared to go, and we (eel confident that in the present temper of the country the people will rally round that party which best promotes their Interests, caring littlo whether it be milled Whig or Tory. Money has liticome ...


... ma• ;wily The lndependeut Liberals have been led to think Out they will obtain more liberal measures from Tory than from a Whig Oovernment. Now though we have little liking for the half-and-half measures of the hitter party, we hove still lens for the ...


... wishing to doted the or particular individuals. people began to he tick of the Whig 101 l of fare—Patjest's perdrir. Since the Reform 11.11, there have leen hall-ador. Whig Cabinets, but there LAS twee, be. a Litagal Admiutstration The system reached its ...

aingston ; 4th, John Dick, Shine! ; sth, Mn. Dick, Rickarjohnstai ; 6th, Anth. Watson, Broomhouse; 7th, William ..

... pithy manner, gave The Clergy of Scotland, which was responded to by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, who said, he felt vary happy at Whig present here this evening, and he considered he was not out of plane in being present and enjoying the socialtty of such an ...

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... ii s y tre oi them,1111;r1 for t i n eTro bs- in• de to a greet extent. Tim, ooly remedy which may be expected to prevent Whig cheated out of our money, and from rum 1 • risk of being poisoned, is to buy all such stuff whale, as knot from some person ...


... the Derby Day; but Lord lairhy himself to-day gives precedence to his horn, and we cannot do less. TIM LIBERAL PARTY AND THE WHIG CLIQUE. (inns 1.16. It bowl the misfortune of the Literal party to el divided Into thaw who will take other an I who will eat ...


... some sort, es far back, for ought we know, as the burning of the covenants. Indeed it is considered worse then presumption. Whig aid Tory both wive on this point, and accordingly Co their utmost preserve the conclave. Even the teetotallers nod ?craned ...