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... EXAMINATION AT BOW STREET. Yesterday we gave a summary by telegraph of the exanuii nation at Bow Street of the charges against a French refugee of having been implicated in the conspiracy against the Emperor Napoleon. We now append the details. Chevalier Francois Estieu deposed: I produce the dagger found on Pieri, of which I spoke in my last examination. It appears to be new. I also produce a ...

Law Intelligence

... ?lily ?htdltlqma. ov HOUSE 0F LORDbS.-ApnlL 20. THr GREAT SHRaEWSBURlY PEERiXGE CASE. Their Lordships suet to-day as a Committee fos.Privi- ?? ledesdalc presiding-on the claim of the Rigilt Hon. Earl Talbot to the Earldoen of Shrewsbury. The claim is opposed by Lord Edward Howard, the second sond of the Duke of Norfolk, by the Princess Dosia Pacophili, and the Duchess of Sora, claiming as ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... girlllillg?mll boallimirttg (Durt. SATURDAY. BEFORE Rt. E. WILSON, ESQ., REOISTRAR. ?? re John Knight, Eeoley, coal ?? wvas a meeting for thle last examination of the bankrupt, which was adjourned to the 30th of April. Solicitors. Messrs. Jarlies and Knight. Inre ThomeeasEdwards, Birminghtam, ?? examina- tion, whici the bankrupt passed without opposition. Ceitificate meeting fixed for the 30th ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Nirmiuq4am v4ta coutt. YESTERDAY. Before Sir J. 1Bateliff; Mayor, and Mr. T. C. S. Kyencrsley. TiE SUSPECTED PLATE ROBBERY.-The two men, Jureis and Bclteridge, who were remanded on Monday on suspicion of stealing a valuable gold ring, found in their possession, and also with being concerned in a robbery of plate from the mansion of Lord Duncan, were again remanded till Friday, for the ...


... EXTRAORDINARY DISCLOSUPRES. At Hammersmith Police Court oet Monday, upon Mr. Ingham taking his seat, precisely; at two ddlock; Mr Henry Augustus Clavering, aged thirty-fo~r a- gentleman residing at No. 01, Inverness Terrace, BAyswater, was placed in the dock, charged upon his own cotfession with causing the death of John Gates, of No. 12, Great James Street, Lisson Grove, by stabbing him with ...


... IM12O1UTANT QUESTION TO CREDITORS. An important question was raised at the Liverpool Bank- ruptcy Court, yesterday, affecting the creditors of Deane, Youle, and Co. It was a sitting for the declaring of a for- ther dividend upon the estate of George Deana and Frede- rick Youle. Mr. Hall appeared on behalf of several credi- tors, and applied to put their claims on the file, stating that it ...


... CitowN couRT. - WEDNESDAY. BEFORE MR. BARON CUaNeNELL. The Coutt opened this morning at nine o'clOck. POST OFFioe ROBBERY AT NEWoASTLE.-ceorge Mayersr, shoe maker,and formerly aletterstamperin the Poltoffice,wasarraigned on the charge of stealing, so far hack as the 8th Janreary, 1854, at Newcastle-isnder-Lyme, a letter, containing a £20. Bank of Eng- land nete, a half-sovereign, and 3s. Srd. ...


... THE PROCESSION AND PRESENTATION IN THE COURT OF EXCHEQUER. On Tesday morning Alderman David Williams Wire, the Lord Mayor of London for 385809, was conducted with high ceremonial to the Court of Elchequer, for the pur- pose of being presented to the learned Barons sitting in that court, and to take the oaths which are customarily admin- istered to the chief magistrate of the city of London on ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girill'alfl,3111 Ilutice do f. YESTERTDAY. Before thle Slipiervtrl~y, and lresert.Mi Aitevorwe, Shrarp, antd SERIOUS CAitt S7 OF SaAIziieNO.-Il'Lliffil IC1i0ylr, a man about twenity-seven years of ago, described ans a labourer, living in Blews Street, wis brought up onl the above charge. As the case stands remiranlded, we now only note th:et the injnries whicls tie complain- ant, William ...

Birmingham Police Court

... ?irmtng4aff ?? 6zal. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. ?? C. S. Ki nizcrsleV and T. Phillip3. PENALTY Volt DOAONGINO UNWHOLESOME MLEA.1T INTO TRIE Boltoucin.-Mr. JFilliant Smith, butcher, of Daveridge, near Uttoxeter, was fined U5., with Lt. Os. Gd. costs, for sending two hind quarters e f beef, in a diseased state, into the borough for sale. Sanitary-inspector Cooper foundtilte tmeat, on Saturday ...

Birmingham Police Court

... sirmiliflaill Vditt (Durt. YESTERDAY. Before Mcsssrs. T. C. S. Kfyanscrslcy, ?? Mlliddlcinore, and IV. Jamses. STREETr FIOUT AND ASSAULT O.; TIlE POLICE,.-MsicaCl Flanayan, a genuine specimen of an Enieralder, was charged with creating a disturbance and assaulting the police in Slaney Street and Steelhouso Lane, on Sunday evening, about half-past seven o'clock. Police-constable Kiteley (146 ...


... CROWN COURT, YESTERODA. BErroRE itre. BARON CHANNELL. GAROTTE P1OBIEErY Al BALse'oc.-Jonauthan Armi-strong and Patrick Devany, colliers, were indicted for feloniously assaulting Edwvard Grimley, on the night of the 22nd of December, at Bjiston, Mr. Corbett prosecuted, and the prisoners were undefended. The prosecutor deposed that lie lived at Hall Fields, and about half- past nine o'clock on ...