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Liverpool Mercury


... . . Ilrvl % I- Qrvro .sT ST ie TUESADAY, SEPTEMXBER 14. .is BEFORE 1MR. J. S. MANSFIELD. ASSAUL1E1G A WIFE.-Jalnes Dowling, a middle-aged man, a joiner, living at lS, Bedford-street, reaschargedvith asasalt- ing his wife waith: a jack-plane. The prowecutrix said her hulsuid .hed been drinling, and bad repeatedly ?? er durieg the last three months. On the previous day he struck hes with ts ...


... THE CASE OF MRS. TURNER, TO THEL EDI L. ' OV J T LL T N4SAA. Ic Fr,-M-[y attention has just been called to your i arbteio ii the T1iihes of Wednesday upon the recent inquiry into the statO of sicnd of Mrs, Tareter, and, le in jusbico to her husband I must ask you to correct ceie or two mistakes into wvhich yon have fallen. In the-first place, it; is not true that F?rom the Sdreoision there ...


... I u LWERPO CUNT.o . IR.. [at LIEPOL COTTNTY COURT',; lit YESTERDAY. he BEFORE T. K. BLAIR, ESQ., JJUDGE. nd INSOLVENCY Cies.-Robert Adamson, lately carrying on' business as a saddler, in Dale-street, came up hy adjournment, .on bi firit heariig. Mr. Grocott appered ofo the insolvc'nt.'' In delivering judgmeent his Honour said: In this mattcf' nithere wasproved'againt tile insolvent a very ...


... F1'1)AY, JULY i. BSEFORE MiR. J. S. iANSAIELD. CO'IUPOSI'J.'Olq Fo11 Wss-E1sc ls I sKN .-His Wor-hil~ gave lis decisiol in the case of the Corportvtion v. Mr. Rtook, lhcard last Friday. He thotight there was clearly a composition without referene~o to any pecified sain; and that Mr. Itouik was to pay water rent Upon0 75) per cent. of the correct renWts. Whether Mr. Itook was entitled to any ...


... [son.FRIDAY, JULY 0. ,ster B3EFORE MESSRS. F. A. HAMILTON AND RAYMOND at W. HOUGHTrON.I sday BrEEISELLERS.-The following beerhouse keepers Thel were fined in the various amounts for Sunday trad- fter- ing :-'Williatn Davis, Bedford-street, Toxtetis-park, a id at fitted Os. and costs; Alexander Rolestonec, Wright- c [eIaf- street, Toxteth-park, fined 29s. 6d. and 2s. Gd. costs ; at Richard ...


... TI TRSD 1Y, JUNE 3. BEFORE MR. J. S. MANSFIELD. b INIIMAN CONDUCI! BY A BRoOTSIER TO llF Sfirir.-A u yomti moa named 1'atrick Hughes, a sawyer, living with his m1 sister in Banastre-strect, was charged with having violently ti nssauited andill-used her. 'The sistor, a young vomon named tl Elizabeth Hughes, who could scircely egve her evidence for P sobbiog aist crying, mool sbh kept a lodging ...


... M[ONDAY, NOVEMBER S. BEFORE MR. J. S. ?IMANSFIELD. EAInEOZLEMENT.--JaIOOS Noble, a collector iu the employ of Messrs Urquhlart and Adamson, cabinetmakers, of Bold- street, was scent for trial for embezzling moneys amounting to betwecen £20 and £10, belonging to liB employers. He ad- mitted the charge. ;tABBING.-Edward Wynn, a seaman, was charged with having stabbed Thomnas maddick, another ...


... LANCASHIRE SUMIER ASSIZES. SOUTHERN DIVISION. N1S8 -PRIUS COURT. BEFORE MR. BARON MARTIN ANDASPEOTAL JURY. MONDAY, AUGUST 23. The court, contrary to the usual custom on Mon- day mornings, opened at nine o'clock. ASRWOE?TH V. ECCLES AND OTHERMS.-In this case it was agreed to take a verdict for the plaintiff for £100. DAMAGE BY THE OVERF LOW OF A CANAL. CLAI.M AGAINST THE PROPRIETORS. WILSON V. ...


... UWERPOOL POLICE COURT. rs MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29. ,- :BEFOX(RE BR. JOB1P DUCK LLOYD. ASSAULT 0N Tie PoLIsag-sobert S.RhomlPon onaa Wild4ml Patmnan were charged, thelatterwithasaaltolngoffoerArthiur. Of 752, and the former with having attempted a rescue, At foui 0 'clock on raunday. the officer, while On dutiy in South John- S aetreet, headtheprisoers shouting and singing, and as they not only ...


... I pulln IsO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. sd. Co'MtrrAAL OF A roa'scgc,-IgrE .Bma Jones, a of wail-dressed young woma, said to be the wife of a captain of b ,vessel ieas charged with havlnglelita brothel at 3, Iorbury. street, Iime-street. Mr. Bluci, Whio appeared for the prisoner, aLM said that if he w as now di-erh-bged she would undertake to ber leave the town. 'I'he officer (f764i saul that the ...


... LIVRPOOL POLICE COURT. I 'TTT-'f A v 31 Jul Y Xi1VX-r`kJ'iL ?? tjUU 1Tl'. it TUESDAY, MAY 4. e BEFlORE 311t. ALDERSIAN S. IIOLME. 1Y SnAmN TOFIS TO EXCITE SYITPATH5-Y.-A ti]j, nble-b'odied Y man, who gave the name of Wiliiaun 3ialony, was charged with having obtained money by the foliowing means:- ?? Poole, vwho resides in Temple-terrace, Gremt George- r- street, eaid that about half-past ...


... :BANWKUPTCY COURT. ?? BEFoRE MR. COMMIISSIONER STEVENSON. N RE STEPHEN LEGG.-This bankrupt, a ship- wright and boatbuilder at Liverpool, camne up Rseatrday on his adjourned lest examination. Mr. vans appeared on behalf of the bankrupt, and 1Mr. Yates for the assignees. One of the chief grounds of opposition was the state of the accounts. His Honour considering the accounts were the best wbich ...