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... VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, JULY 5. (Before Sir J. Stuart,) IlAY4Eh TV. IAI O-RD.This was a bill for the purpose of obtaining a declaration by the court that the plaintiff was entitled to an equitable lien on any palm-oil constituting the cargoes or part of the cargoes of any of the four ships mentioned in a certain delivery order dated the 20th of August, 1857, which should have arrived at ...


... (Before Mr. Comnmissioner West). MONDAY. RE 110RotT LANE, Cirencester, Agricultural Implement Maker. -Proofs for £327 were put in by Mr. Chas. Bevan, by whom the choice of assignees was carried. RE JOaN] BARRY, Bath, ?? bilanoe-sheet it, this case extends from Sept. 29, 1849, to April 21, 1858, and the following is an abstract of its contents :-Creditors unsecured, £1386 I3. ; ditto, wholly ...


... - ?? pfiUOAY, .iry 30. Magistrates present: Messrs. K1. Ctstle and H. Prichaord. ~,Five ragged boys were charged With being found sleeping under thelbridge at Bathurst Basin. Four of thirm, whises first offenice it was, were discharged with a caution, tele fifth, who had been previously convicted of a similar offence, was sent to ae Bridewell for ten, days. se James Page, whose face was ...


... 1' isl At the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, thle mae Recorder passed sentence on three persons who had pleaded huir guilty to dealing in obscene publications. Two men were A sentenced to six months' imprisonment; but Mary Elliott, awal having repeated her offence, was sentenced to twelve mouths' corn imprison meet. Rail Mr. George Thwaites, a cotton-spinner of Euxton, dres near Chorley, ...


... DEVON INTERMEDIATE SESSiONS. These Sessions, for the trial of prisonere only, commenced fa rat the Castle of Exeter, yesterdia (Tuesday), before J. bI - Sillifant,Esq.,chairman. There were also presenton the isI i Bench, W. Miles, Esq., J. -Milford, Esq., P. Hoare, Esq., and of r; G. Smith, Esq. w The following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury: oi Messrs. James William Bunce, Stoke ...


... AC~m EIMS, OFFENCES &c. Ri~hird_ T~iy_14r letter earnrir at Hrahfax, forevan of I df'th'e corporation&~ brigadie, and a teetotal ad~vocate, has of I been setit to Yorkl~Goal on a charge of staln letr. A e good -deal ?? was found at his houese .H awils WoV detected by stratagem. rigi PoAcmrNGu AyLrAy.-Tn a poaecling~ affry ?? wet Bpverley, one nh%~ili been killed and anotbhr,it isfeareis qUV ...


... CASTLE OF EXETER-WEDNESDAY. m- .. - 1 I ?? ,A. I- VXmQ I .Ufl 'jL Xflf-f-l - l * ?? Before C. Gordon, Esq. JOHN TROUT was charged with rioting atBroadelist. It appeared thatthe defendant joined othersagainst the county police stationed in that locality. Stones were thrown, some of which struck the officers ; then they secured the defendant, and the others made off. The officers, in answer to ...


... On Saturday last an Inquest was held at the Swan Inn, Bridge-street, before the coroner, J. B. Grindon, Esq., and a ?? respectable jury, on the body of Mr. Vinoent Debury Owen it Scott, a gentleman residing at Keynabam, but carrying on an 0 extensive bosiness as en auctioneer, In Broadmead, in this oity,, by who met with his death through an accident, of whioh we saveS h tome Account laest ...


... LAWFORD'S GATE' PETTY SESSION. I TEIURSDAY. Magistrates present: M1r. Hughes (chairman), and Messrs. Sydenhaam Teast and J. S. uarlord. Sarah Ann Johnson, a woman with a child in her arms, was charged with assaulting a girl named Marian Dando, at the parishl of Winterbourne. From complainant's statement it appeared that on Saturday last she went to a well near defend- ant's house to draw a ...


... COUNCIL-HO USE, FRIDAY, SOpt enierl' 10 eacl 1'reeent: Messrs. Lane and lBurges. Pro Michael Hulsey was charged with being drunk and disorderly real and lighting in Silver-street. P.C. 188 proved the offence, but F it appearing that the prisoner had been greatly provoked by OL the ill-usage of anlother man, the magistrates discharged him pia with at caution. DEI An urchin, about 12 years old, ...


... SM1ITIU r. THE BRISTOL WATER.WORKS COMPANY. 1 At the Temple Cloud Petty Section, held on Tuesday, a caese ti 5,s heard of great importlenoe as affeoting the interests of the 1 ,,itoi Water-Works Company, as also those of the millowner. athe river Chew. The sitting magistrates were Captain a wobell, R.N.(chairman), Captain Hogg, andMsr.W tan Adlatel and we subjoin a summary of tbs proceedings. ...


... --W ?? GATE PETTY SS~lSI{ONHURBSDAY. Maugistrates p resent :Capt. Castle, end M1essrs. EHarford, Gibson, and Whittuck. Joseph J arrett, beer.retsller, of Blitton, for allowing drunken. ness and disorderly conduct in his house, was fiued 1°e, and costs, or fourteen days' imprisonment. John Hopkins was3 summoned for assaulting Samuel Curtis, at Henhury, on the l7th inst. The complainant, a lad ...