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... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Before C. HUNT, Esq,, RAt., and the MAYOR (S. G. Gctty, Esq.)] There were a large number of prisoners in eustody this morning on ?? charges-those for drunken- ness and disorderly conduct were disposed of, fining the prisoners the usual penalties in such cases. UARRYING ARMS. Three or four parties were brougilt up in custody, charged with having been found ...


... iva. I END OF STREVENS K CAMPION CASE. I At tle Court of Exchequer on Thursday, the Lord Chief-Baron having occupied nearly two days in readinig his clahorate notes, the jury retired shortly after six o'clock. At a quarter to nine o'clock the jury returned into Court, an tile Foreman ?? jury wishi to know wbat is tihe smallest amount of damages that will carry costs? The Cmlie-Buzo\r-I do not ...


... .IX'L'rA()It)[INARi CASE, OF PRIVATE: VENGEAYC;\.N', I 'ap ls. Tti l')iAY rema I:Xl.S-A I iiarkable instaiocC j1 ?? ?? to whichI tile doet ti 1e Of private vyo- gcoliee, SiilltiOlled n(s it tl:(5 SO Ot'tOI 110011 by Frellell jhivs, is likely to lbe callriel out ia IirOcti('e, has juist ?? ait Oey, in lie t ldepartmloilt of theo Moselle, ThIo itets el nilld ulle frcilliv ol the Jelln'osse case. ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-Yjs'rlelmmY. [Beforoe wvm. S. TRACY ES,., R.ML'J SYLVESTER MNi'(:TLANI) A:.llIS. Margaret Kemnnedy was cliharged ?? having stolen a gown about five tonitols ago, the property of S l- vestel Pa.trtland. The complainant stated that the prisoner Iad taken tile makinig of' a gown out of' his bionse five mlonths agro and oln Thursday, as ?? was passing through. Ifld'sonl's Elnt ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-8STURDAY. [BIefor W'M. S. TRACY, Esq., R.m.] [r. MILIHAN applied to tile Court to issue a decree for wages to tho ainomiit of £0 Is., granted by his Worship on Tuesday lat, at the suit of a young man named O'Neill, against Jamies Cslianan, a grocer anl spilit denler, residing in this towsn. The defendant ?? served notice of appeal when tile deeree wias given, and tilc nest ...


... Duni1i1, MONDAY. (FRONE OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.) Tui Lord Chief Justice of tie Queen's Bench, the Chlief Justice of the Common Plcas, thc Older Baron, Barons Pennefather, Ricliards, and Greene, Justices Perrin, Crampton, Ball, and Xeogh1 sat this raorning at eleven o'clock as the Court of Error. Tnomson in error V. Spencer. When their lordships had taken their seats, The LoiiD CHEFin> JUSTICE ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. rime. i-i ?? -l.. Lielbre U. 11UT, Esq., llM.] A DESiiit'filtt, Thomas MA'Longlrlin was charged witil being a de- sertcr from the 19th Regimient of Foot. Constahle Spence deposed that a soldier named Tasney had given himir hitbrniation that the prisoner was a deserter; and, in consequence of that, he ar- rested hin, in Green Street, on onilay night. James Tasney ...


... TESmE Sessions were held Yesterday before CHARLIES HARE HEMPHIILL, Esq,, (locite tences cor John Gibson, Esq., Assistant-BIarrister, absent from ill healtlt) Stewart DBnn,' Thos. INI. Birnic, and Marriott Robert Dalway, Esqrs., justices, when the following cases were disposed of:- Alexander MI'Cready and John Carson, stealing a ?? of timber, the property of C. A. WV. Stewart, Esq. Acquitted. ...


... .? City IF EXCHEQUER CHAA1BER-TUESDA, Y.JAN. 5. (Before the Cluur-JUSTIeE of the QuENu's BENC1, the CHIEF BaRox, Baron PENNEF.ATHER, Judge CRAMPTON, Judge PERnIN, Baron Ricillins, and Baron GRECYN.) DOUGLAS V. EIVING. Tile further hearing of the arguments in this case, which lad been partly opened yesterday, was resumed at the sitting of tilo court tills morning. Mr. Harrison was beard on ...


... - . - ?? ?? ?? Tim Quarter Sessions for the County Altrililm wiev commenced yesterday morning at ten o'clock, vhen Cl1AULES iARE IiEM}IItnLL, Esq., Barristce-at-Law, took his seat on the Benchi as loeilar fleners, in thle ab- senee, fromil conltinued indisposition, of, ?? Gibson, Esq., 'Assistant-Barriste1r. The insolvency business was first called on. There were only live cases in all. We ...


... BELFAST POLICE[, COUtRT.-YitsrEUD.xY. £Before W\. S. Tit.lCY, Ijsq., ?? TlilESV l'S. Anne M'Garry was charged by Anne Walker with having stolen a coat. The prosecutrix prove1 the loss of the coat; and a pawnblokCr, Onl b0,eng swrn, deposed to the fact of - thepriuoner having pawnled it with him. The ?? u orierdetl Itne Itri'iolr to pay a flne of 20s. and costs, or, in dolbult, to he ...


... 11'r II ?Jtv- EXCHEQUER CIIAMIBER.-WnDNuSDAY, JAN. 6. The court, constittited as yesterday, sat this morn- ing shortly after cleven o'clock, and resumed the hearing of tho case of' Delacherois v. Delecherois. Mr. H. LAw' as heard oni behalf of the pliaintif' in error, and occupied the coltl to its rising with avery learned and elaboratc alguenlent. The court ivill sit again to-mnorrow morning ...