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... CnlAMRB7aS' INFOBMATION POn THE PZOI'Ln. New ( and Improved Edition. Part XXL Ediuburgh: E iV. & RI. Chambers. E ?? the peculiar province of the Messrs Chambers G to provide Instructive reading for the masses. The N S work, of which the twenty-first part is be ore us, is R well-known as containing an invaluable fund of S &nowledge, and as eminently suited to the compre- D thension of the ...


... Xj t er a t i ?? you -duxr A~riPODlS; or, Residence and. Rambles in thle a da Australian Colonies. By Lieut.-ColU GODFREEY yont -csr.aas UuiitDy. Fourth Edition. London: Of gi Richard. Bentley. Bitni 'tgrnr seldom does it fall to the lot of the reviewer to the I ¬ice a- book of travels so fascinating as that to which cock we now direct attention. The work, says the writer, sunn is intended ...


... SHIOW OF POUTLTRYt PIGEONS, AN-D C AN .UIIES. A coempetition show05 of poultry-, pigeonls, and canai ries, was opened yesterday in the h-ll at *he Zoo- logical Gardenls. Tlhe Colkection of birds br.ought forwvard on the aceasion ,Was Oqoally exieusive aend varied. The poultry departmrenlt cmn racctd nanmerc s and, in most cases, exceller~t rpecinaens ol Spanish, Dorkin, Cochin-China, ...


... c I fMTTrrt. r -rmr Snr -wam eln THE QUEEN CITY OF THE WEST. (By Charles Mackay, in the Illustrated London News.) Cincinnati, Jan. 27, 1858. Cincinnati is as yet the greatest city of the Great West. How long it will ,remain so depends on the progress of po. pulation in Missouri, and the city of St. Louis on the Missis- sippi. But a few years ago it was the U'ltima-Thule of civil- isation, ...


... ?? Aat HISTORY OF FREDERICK THE. I ' ' ,--GREAT.* (Fiore thebiterary.Gazettc - - The actual publication of 'these voluLnes, the first half of Mr. Garlyle's long-promised and long-expected Life of t Frederick the Great, sets at rest the question, mooted more than once during the last few years,-wv.hether the work ...


... THE JOLLY -MARINER. A BALLAD. IT was a jolly mariner As ever hove a log; He wore his trousers wide and free, And always ate his prog, And blessed his eyes in sailor-wise, And never shirked his grog. Up spoke this jolly mariner, Whilst walking up and down:- The briny sea has pickled me, And done me very brown; But here I goes, in these here clo'.es, A-cruising in the town ! The first of all ...


... LI T E R.A T U R E. JViced ap; Body : A Discourse on the Physiology of the Diirenical Action of the Cerebrum. By ROBERT JAMIE- I SON, M.D., President of the Medico-Chirurgical Society r of Abeedeen, Medical Superintendent of the R oyal Luna- o tic Asylun, &o. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co. v THIs is a short essay, read before the Aberdeen Philosophi- 11 cal Society, and published at their request. ...


... -0 I C, 2'ise Afoney Bag. No. 2. London: D. F. Oakey. hL 'THE Money Bag, as its name may perhaps serve to indi- ti cate, devotes a chief share of attention to matters Of .A finance, the object being both to argue monetary theories, Cft and also (and more particularly) to enoourage fair trading, fi Rild to discountenance and expose its opposite. Literature 0 and polatics are also, however, ...


... and a ON Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, a Grand Horticul- C was tural Exchibition was held, in a tastefully-decorated mar- S Atber qseo adjoining the Cattle Show-yard, near the foot of Con- ]u have stitution Street. The IExhibition was visited by about two E pro- thousand persons. wihgie h iea rz fee yi ,a- In the collection wihgie h iea rz fee yi J. Brebrier, Esq., there were excellent ...


... MfR. J. HANNAY vN SCO'TTISIHILITEWATURE. I . .. , I ?? ..e. On Tuesday evcuing ^I-rJames Ha.Day, the autbor of Single- ton Pontenoy, and other popular.novels, ?? first of two lectures to the znamlices of the Philosophical Ihistitute, in Queen Street Hlall, Edinubuogh. The subject of this lecture was Scotlattd's platce in Literidure on the elucidation of which Mr. Hannay entered in a ...


... LIT ERA T URE. 0 READING LsEsoNs. Advanced Series. Fourth Book. Edi- 8 ted by Edward Hughes, ?? Head Master of the f Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital. Lon- don: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts. i THIS is one of a series of school books for advanced readers, and is principally devoted to lessons or essays upon subjects of Natural Philosophy, Manufactures, Fine Arts, &c., ...


... . THIRD FESTIVAL PERFORlMANCE AT1jyHl- . MAJESTY'S THEATRE. C A- 1 I . 4 - . _ Lm. 1 . - _ _. n ?? At rt or se oh Ii :h 're ot Ag ive to to ud I K- in 1S R- , le at 0, in e- n 'd , Or 1, d d Saturday night-the third of the festivity-1h., distillrctl features of its own, apart from the novelties on the ., Prince Frederick William of Prussia was present for tlefirrsi time, seated by the side of ...