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... ER COF AM MttS. WV. TI. OWEN, I'IlYLLON, Tiir syni, mior syll, Y trim ?? bili tla'. ?? Yii ?? I ?? foaivell ilildicl; iior ul lx - ior %clivw yAV et, r-ricldil * ie,2-i-lR hll~t p,] da:tt'':l sydd, Nbl-i .iivfeald yelyi 1hn. O lherivvii drar ewri y inveidi giveddlillion, suripleu lid d ariei,'ai ! i kihavle all) d ei (I -n Ei! ovdd1 orzgal:~ )tlawn el0^: swyfllilo, Alisl oilil0 Ipic loi diei ...


... Oh, spare the Market Cross, Our fathers placed it there Ye cannot count its loss- The ancient emblem spare. Hurt not its rustic pedestal, - Do its rude shaft no harin Break not inl ruthless sacrilege Its ever outstretceiu arin. Its steps ase angels' ladders- Its shaft tow'rd heaven doth shev, Its aries ext ended tell of love To all the crowds belowe To all the crnwds belowr- To rich as well as ...


... How the Preten'ier was 2made Prisrner at P, Pricc having dinzed nt ollme wcith abtout thirty a table, mostly of his own people, was netc seen inQ 11 ald easy, and proposed after dinner to wal L), Tuilerics, where several of his coulalan folloy ea particularly two of his Soots clliefs, one of t Inchl to hbin il thc morning coueruingrt e reports tlila, n a-going that hliewas certainlyto be taken ...


... ANLVWCG1 LITERARY AND SCIENTiFIC INSTITUT L'ION. On Tl'esday evenirng last, the Rev. ,, Ttitllhes, M.lA.. l'erpetuial CUitrate of Penrliosliigwy' :i-livired a lectiure at the above Institution, on th- * Hi- 'rV ol tho Ce iry, as corineet-id Vwith Antglesey. C-!itidering t!he incle-menti stite of' the weather, the iui-enice was verv nutneron--, Vhough it. lacked that Spl-i klin-r of the fair ...


... A Dance in A.sia 11innoe.-Nolne but the fililc t presiune to stand up and dance in it at first- is- old, when none bitt the deemure and ?? moved in its adorative mtazes. Arnon tite th d, with the smallest at one extremity. take tlicir i1 i the centre, wherc the ground ?? their InlIC to traverse is inconsilerahy icss Circuitnous t]il 'I moved over by the cider girls ontside the iti z The dance ...


... MUSIC AND THE DRAMA - l .. . I . , After the surfeit we have had of Italian , during the past season, we hail with pleasn. Pera advent of English Opera, which is a ieuoulleI to commence under the auspices of Miss P Ocu iln I Harrison, at Drury-lane, on Monday next. We, shall be glad again to renew our acquaintance with those sparkling gems of Balfe's yet new oiter The Rose of Castille, and ...


... FACETIAE. The Pope and a Free Yanlhee.-It is not iinprobas! in the natare of things, (says Knickerbocker) t:,a, the following from the letter of an American, tnw travelling in Italy, is entirely authentic:- At slzCo~ we reached Gaeta. This place abounds in historical interest, and it is here that the Pope found refuge whc he fled from the republic of 1849. among the lvends of the place is ...


... THE PROPOSED EXHIBITION IN' 1861. After much deliberation by the Council of the Society of Arts-the discission of the question having been more than once adjourned-it has been decided that an Indus. trial Exhibition shall be held in London in 1861. It is proposed that the exhibition shall be, iS in the case of that of 1851, industrial is its character, but that its main features will be to ...


... I An A, ib, I'Ji1xv tly. 11 ' Y DYDD DBWG.-CAN PR IEUENCTYD. TiTIAN AIL. i Ton. - Nebo. FnL hyn, a nmi 'n myfyrio, gan -radio o ghnm i gina- Y Cael bywyd yn gwenieithio nes lhollal dwyllo dyn- Y Dycli'mygwnf angseu 'n dyfod, yni araf draw mewn mnwg, Ar warthaf dyn heb ddarbod ar gyfer y dydd drwg. Saeth lem mab hynaf pechod a'i gwarodd dan ei fron, Ac yntaa-Och ! o'r diwrnod-yll gwsaeddi 'r ...


... ~~_ _ _ _ n y Y RHAGRITHIWVR U iMAE gwisgoedd sant am danat- Ir Wyt debyg iddo ef, Yn-siarad ar ei ddeulin, Yn anerch gorsedd nef: Siaredi iaith credadyn-- Fy Ngheidwad anwyl yw Yr Iesu, a'm ileirioiwr :-e (}nd ni watworir Duw! Mae 'th ffug-brofiadau luaws ' |Fl~el pe bait dan dy bwyn ; h i;\nMae 'r cgwvs fel yn sibrwd, r I Gwir Gristion ydyw hwn:' u | Vyt yn dlynwared Crislion Yn gwaeda ...


... LTA S LITERARY -MISCELLANY, e PileS Of ?? and( roa1sted meat lay e temporary tables folrmed fr-om the smoi 1k b e untivc Karossz, generously lent by young meln fo1 I d casion. Group iafter group gathered r111(1ind tlcq tive tables. walliting patiently the signal to e,, Helen rathe t ?? 1.her dreaded, imnaginting, a generai r Ill hewul e the result. 1ii this S h . Was Cci:1,1, 1 Ltpointed: 'ill ...


... nI g4tU . Y DYDD DrWG.-CAN I'R IETUZCTYD. RHAN Y BUMMED. Ton.-BachgCen 3afin. Y MAE 'r teula bychan hwnw Rodient ddoe mor wych eu gwedd, Lethrau 'r fron a'r bryn gias aew, Hfeddyw 'n garcharorion bedd; Daeth rhyw glefyd trwm i'r ardal, Ond ni thybiodd neb y pryd, Mai y teulu lion, a diofal, Elwid gyntaf i'r ail fyd! Tra 'r aeth helynt y gym'dogaeth A'r bedd rhagddo fel o'r biaen, Cipiodd ...