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... Came off on Tuesday evening last, at the Assembly Room, New Towu-hall, though not under the favourable circum- stances the arrangements so well merited. The night was a thorough wintry one; it was not only cold, but exceedingly wet, and undoubtedly many were deterred from attending one of the most successful productions of talent ever witnessed in Cardiff. We cannot, however, imagine how the ...

[No title]

... SUICIDE OF A Nottingham papera record a melancholy circurnstance which occurred in the county 011 lhe 2nd insl. Mr. Thomas Marriott, of Lamb- cote-house, Radcliffe-on-Trent, a magistrate of Not- tingham, who hall ueen suffelÎlIg for some time past from indigestion and low spirils, and was on a visit to his son- in-law, the Rev. J. M. W. Piercy, rector of Slawson, committed suicide by throwing ...


... THE NEW GOVERNMENT. *'• Derby's first appeal to the country has not been made llot All the Ministerial candidates have been re-elected, with at a single defeat, but even without opposition. a thing is almost, if not altogether, unprecedented in our Witl lan??ntary history, and affords a certain proof of the favour winch the new ministry are regarded by the people at H co the slightest chance ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYE GUARDIAN SIR,—Seeing in one of last week's publications your valuable paper assailed by one E. Hussej', for the unfair and one-sided manner in which you represented the case heard before the magistrates of this town relative to Harding v. Hussey, I think it my duty to say, as an eye-witness, and one that assisted in rescuing the lad from the grasp of ...


... A SAD TRUTH.—What is harder than earning money? —Collecting it. COCKSHY ADVICE.—Don't carry your handkerchief in your breast pocket. If you do, you take a wiper to your bosom. A POSTHUMOUS WOKD.—Some one says, the lobster is a posthumous work of creation, for it is only read after its death. VBBY HABD LiNBa.—The two unhappy failures that have followed the attempt to lay down the Atlantic ...


... Loungers of the London streets, with memories a quarter of a century old, will probably recollect large print shop in St. Paul's Churchyard, belonging to Messrs. Bowl. and Carver. The persons who crossed the threshold were few, but there was aWaya a considerable multitude gazing at the windows, for the highlv-coloured prints that adorned the panes belonged to v school of art that had long ...


... NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. CAUTION TO INNKEEPERS.—Received; the subject being of no interest whatever, except to the party concerned, should appear as an advertisement. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA.—In the first column of our first page we advertise Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co's Eagle Line of Packets for Australia. Since that page was printed, we have received the name of an additional ship— ...

[No title]

... DE.HNEss.-We hear upon most credible authority, that Mr. J. Rackham, Operative Chemist, Norwich-the inventor of the celebrated lint for the cure of piles-has discovered an unfailing remedy for all cases of Deafness, except from actual malformation. This is truly a most important event. So confident is the proprietor of itsefficacy, that he guarantees to send fresh supplies, if required, free ...


... GENERAL NEWS. Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, was attacked with paralysis at the Manchester Athenaum last week- Sir James is recovering. We are requested to state that there is no truth in the report that the Government intend to create three new Indian Bishoprics.— Times. It is stated in the Dublin Evening Post thst Lord Naas, the Chief Secretary, is to succeed Lord Elphinstone in the ...


... A stranger would hardly imagine that we were on the eve of a social revolution. There are no monster meet- ings; no processions of squalid and resolute men; no conspiracies in cocklofts to murder Cabinets at dinner; no men with pistols prowling about Parliament-street no seditious pamphlets nothing in England, or Ireland, or anywhere, that five policemen could not manage. Yet we are about to ...