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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... i t A L I A.-S E N A T 0 R~. A cvufl STARl LINE of BRITIRH and A.)STEIALIAN L ILPACKETS sailling fromt Lierp o Met .'Iit, 0thanl 7thofevrymonth. Passage Money Captain Register. Buiule To Sail. -. ijloffii 1,030 3.CCO tail. 20. S.Sat 934 2,505 Jan. 27. ?? I it. lsrown.. 1,432 4.,[00 I To flolow. *1.0C.0C. Herr. 9 ,300 5,00o O' illrn. 2,409 yockel ?? 5.'*OO 15v~iritell01( well known ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLONIOBIAN ?? - ECUADOR CON ] ) V EIISION.-Tb:iO is to give notice, that by order ot tile I ExecutiVe Ga tl.crniunt of the Republic of Ecuador, the CON- vEIIsION of~ 0~0 COLOMBIAN into EQUATORIAN BON.DS 'wil CLOSE 015 rhe 16th of April, 1858.I J. F. MILLAN, ?? Agent of Ecuador. London, October 15, 1657. a kII , IICIX GAS LIG h t to ele co .1..c Co~t t~tl'A g Y. ?? he given ?? ot h ADJOURNED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAS1; OF ENGLAND, SxrT. P. hISO Mi1, Cor oE Directors of the Governor aind HE Colurtz of the Deaillt of Enigla nd give nloti~o, Ihat a a NE~iFi'AL COURT v ill he heldl at the B30ik on Thalrs. day nlest, the 16th jtretziltl, ut TwvalvO o-clock precisely, to eon- Fider Of D bum iQ 1(. Th s nblI also bc rolec of the Qua~rterly General Courts appointed by thle Chater.rBSiE, e eay EAST ISDIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN O PE R A R COVENT-GARDKN.-NEW THEATRE. FIRST NIGHT OF NORMA. 'Iha Opera will eommence at Half-past Eight o'clook. 'TO-MORI OW Will be perfo~nied (for tie first tinsths se~n BMllIi's opt atifNORMA. Normta,Mine. Gisi;Adalgiws, Mlie. jdar'a ; Cluttide, Mainse Tagliafico * tOroveso, Signor Tagliatlet'O; Fl iso Slgn(r SOldl; as-d rollio, Signor Tamberlik. Conductor, To conclude with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3IW fow AUSTRALIA.-THS MORNING LICHROXICLIC of TO-MORIROW will contain a 5UMMLART of NES peaolexnorCav- for AUtSTRALIA. Late Edition in *tme for Ovvrcan'd il, Pic4d.-Publishedat332,Strand. ER BV I AN FOUR-AND-A-HALF PER A. CENT. EXTE~iLAL DEBT. proceeding from the SIX per CENT. INTEBNAi..-Notice ie hereby given, that the TWO COUPONS on the Four asslalf per Cent. External Debt, pro- eneding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TRA A- BEE CHL WORT HI.- AII STAR LINE of RRITIRH1 ano AUS,cLIAN IMAIL PACKETS sailing from Liverpool to Mel. vionsyr £14 and upwards. - o ?? __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shl. I Captalfa. Register. 'hturden. To Sa Frain ?? 1,256I 4,200 Dee.. 20. k'~srh rows ?? 1,427 14,600 Jani. 20. cc O'te c lHallorant. 2,460 5,0tl00 - * j't . C. C. Kerr;. 2.300 0,00's - [th rdih5j the finest clippers afloat, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? STAR LINE of lRUIRHlS ?? AUS'MtALIAN i .,ilOA , MAIL PACKKt'S sitilitot froin Liverpool to Met- Meetia. ?? t-l H rjl* l loni upwards. * Otip. Captain. IRegister. ;Burdein.- Tlo ouut. al 17Iraiti ?? 4,200 Dec. 20. Thh111te .f ?? ?? . ,500 Jan. 20. VldnI tat- *1 OHil aloranj' ?? 2,41fio 6.100 - ivilito It'r.. -T. C. C. Kerr. o is rfile Ile~eawsrth is oneo of thu- thirst Clippiero itoat, anti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... opR the CAPE of GOOD HOPE, with imme- teeP.'f, havjing greater part of her cargo engaged, ihbitclipper Iharq'os ite ?? GHT A 1, 330 toss old, 838 tons new register, coppered sand copper-fastened. WILLIAM,1 MACDONALD, Commander; eqdittg in thle London Docks. This Well-known vessel has ct ,,jolsoodstion for chief cabin pastiengers.-Ellig, Son, Wenlrjt. 13 Leadenhall-street (E. C.). ?? CAPE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rETFOPOLITAN RAILWAY COMPANi -Notice it hervbl y Oven, thot tlihe AI)JOUItNED HAc Fi- YEARLY GENEU AL mEE.TING otil be h the (at fiio'6eof tile ?? 21, brayt George.5trLO, Weetmitr c o Tho Cbai; wtl be takent at Folver oclock pweleely. d u.. te 2I~~ BY order of the Board, cret JOHN HENCHMAN, Scretar. -RENTEFRI) GAS LIGRiT cOMPANY.- _Notice is hereby gilten, thset a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1lADSTONE, antd CO.'S LIN'E. I ~ w Th 'g s~j Ii. Iod filt-e'mt'la slips are r 1.0,,Ili ock. a d w ll Itoct weitli quick ToIToali 5 -.1 tBrthen. Captaini. Deatination. I ~3, 7 lloiii' 1oisttit'a. .D190 tunilop . .. Ditto. I lia r rt.''laiasitc * .: t, nt ?? 24, lll'r.c ?? .vd~SIXTY DAYS to AURTRAL1A. COMPNY' .tt'lt~it'. SItl.AM ititit tilt' Ftkl 71 t,'tt' tiP'.cihsta, arte ?? itall ~Ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTIO~N-- ADYOWSDON.-GOLDEN VALLEY, Herefor~ilin1 private Contract, Cite dispoSse, with right of next and all future PresentatiOrts. toth VICARAGE OF PErERiuicit ituaeamidtst beautiful scenery, ?? a h wolrunto tire river Dore, clbae og, 9 usiles frons HAYredforfd I !n~comer is about £339 a Year. Preeticmete Fo~Yr further particuilars application to ho ae to rIt*,. 8, Jebit street, ...